Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
I remember you saying you go to this area quite a bit. I hope you get your wheel sorted, the Xbox Controller and Rumble triggers make this an easy game to play with a controller and relaxed laid back game play as an option as well.

Wow if it is your first Horizon you will have so much to explore and do! I think you will be on it a while :P This is my Favourite game (Franchise) out of all the 100's of Driving/Racing games over the years as it has everything you could want - Offroad trails, Road races, track cars, Drift, Drag, Hoonigan, cockpit views, weather,100's of awesome detailed cars!, Photo mode all in one package :bowdown::gtpflag:

My favourite so far is the big long stretch of Beach in the Summer. It must be 3-5km long, if you follow it right to the end (Heading North) in the Summer Months the river bed has dried up and gives a really long nice bumpy off road track after 👍
Thx @torque99 .
Yep already enjoying it with the Fanatec wheel, SQ1.5 shifter and TM TH8A as separate analog hand brake. All buttons mapped to my personal preference. Don't ask me how I exactly got it working but it works. I should have documented all the steps taken. Then we added a second MS profile for my son to have his own career path and absolutely not messing up my progress ;) We could not replicate the work around I used so he cannot play with a wheel (yet)? Nt a problem/issue for the moment as he is spending most of his time on PS4 with Fortnite.
Is there a way to reset the car while in race? To get new tyres and reset the car damage?
Yesterdays test race failed so badly LOL :)
I was doing a 50 lap run, after 30laps the tyres where gone, no chance to stay competetive, so i lost all places and finished last.
1h 40min driving time :D
Also the fuel gauge was going down to zero, after 25 laps fueltank was empty, thankfully only optical. I was able to continue the race.
Love the UK map. Often we've spent our vacation in England/Scotland and now being able to drive around places you visited in real life adds so much fun. This is my first FH game so cannot compare with the previous versions and other areas

The map indeed is absolutely great. While the theme is not as exotic as Australia was, I absolutely like the change of looks going from exotic / metropolitan city towards European / historical. I will eventually miss Surfer's Paradise I think but FH5 will probably feature a big modern city again. But in the FH4 map Edinborough reminds me a bit about Nice in FH2 (which is a good thing), the forests and overall vegetation looks so familiar to home here in Belgium. The Scottisch highlands not of course and they are probably my favorite place in the map. The beach area with the castle and dunes looks great too. And the festival itself is probably the best they have done so far.

But more importantly, the tracks themselves are absolutely great! I haven't raced them all yet but in the Summer event championships there are many great races for S1 class, absolutely great road racing tracks in this game. For the buggie racing section of the Summer events there is a gorgeous dirt track going up and down the big mountain in the north. And the forests in the area near the festival and quarry have some great offroad roads as well.

Absolutely loving the map and the 4 different seasons is extra icing on the cake. :)

Just had this happen in a truck race. My Titan made the jump but all the drivatars missed, the two below are from a different lap but all of them did miss the jump on the 1st lap
View attachment 769796

Reminds me about the FH3 Hot Wheels expansion and trying to take tracks with as low PI as possible, that was absolutely hilarious how drivatars could all pile up on steep slopes. :D
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It should come as no surprise to anyone that people still don't grasp the concept of teams. :banghead:

I like the seasonal events, but I think I'll be giving the co-op ones a pass from now on.

That one has been a disaster as well the one time I tried it (with randoms). I jumped in with the stock Aventador (I should have tuned a lambo to S1 but whatever) and these drivatars are only highly skilled rank so they should be easy to beat, especially as a team. 2 of them I couldn't beat but 4 of them I did beat (which is good enough to end up being the better team). But before the championship was over 2 of our 6 players just quit...

I will give it a few more tries with randoms today after tuning a lambo to S1 900, if that fails to be a succes again I'm probably not going to bother with it anymore.
Been playing for most of the weekend and, despite a few online issues, this is quite possibly the best racing game I’ve ever played. The car physics are fun in pretty much anything, the AI (on Expert) are challenging without being cheaty and the online events are extremely fun. Every aspect of this game is just loads of fun.

My only complaints are the long loading times and some annoying connection issues after finishing a co-op Race, although I’ll give these a free pass for now since the game is still in early access.
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I just joined the party. What’s the consensus so far for 4K television owners, 4K or 60fps?
65 inch 4K HDR TV here. I started with 30 FPS mode / 4K (and some nice processing power from my TV enabled to smoothen the image and reduce the flicker effect) and it was nice to start, absolutely enjoyed the scenery. I switched to 60 FPS mode now though to focus on completing some challenges to get faster input. Still got the TV in quality mode but I might switch it to gamer mode for lower latency in the future.

In short:
for easy singleplayer focus: go 4K (if the 30 Hz flickering doesn't bother you or your TV can compensate)
for competitive singleplayer challenges or multiplayer: go 60 FPS

We also have a thread about it:

Check out my screenshot of a Digital Foundry video somewhere in the replies. Since it's not just 1080p vs 4K that makes the image quality better in 4K mode, there are some higher settings on shadows, reflections etc as well.
This game is quite addicting, somehow more than the previous games, if you ask me. Lots to do and see. Having a ton of fun with it, the location and graphics are just amazing. I dunno if it's because of the VIP bonus or the pre-order stuff, but the game spoils you. I have something like 50 cars, 4 houses, and 3 million cr already. Either that or I've been playing way longer than I thought. :sly:

I took a stroll through Holyrood Park and was pretty amazed how accurate it felt, having just recently walked through it for realsies. I couldn't get my car on Authur's Seat though. :lol:
My favourite thing about the map / game world is how much the weather, skies and seasons resemble the climate I live in. Everything outside on this October day looks exactly like autumn in FH4 aside from the architecture being different.

I'm still working my way through the rather massive prologue, so I still cannot comment on the core experience.
This game is quite addicting, somehow more than the previous games, if you ask me. Lots to do and see. Having a ton of fun with it, the location and graphics are just amazing. I dunno if it's because of the VIP bonus or the pre-order stuff, but the game spoils you. I have something like 50 cars, 4 houses, and 3 million cr already. Either that or I've been playing way longer than I thought.
Even without VIP the game pretty quickly gets to the point where it's flinging CR faster than you can spend it, especially with the Horizon Life thing offering so many incremental bonuses that are easy to obtain just by playing normally.

Not that this is a bad thing, of course...
For drift zones, I don't think I'll even bother using formula drift. Any tailhappy car honestly can do the trick, I just did one with the Ford Fiesta GRC. :D
My fellows I ask thee where is the best stretch of road or terrain to get ultimate speed skills? I have tried the expressway to the west of the map, but there is too much traffic interference.
This might be my favorite Horizon game yet. I'm having a blast around the map. I haven't even done that many races lol. I end up just drifting my 240sx rocket bunny around the map and letting that (assuming) 6.2 LS eat in 4th gear.
Does anyone know how to get the photos you upload directly to to download at 4k? Mine only go up at 1080x1920.
So has PG said anything about adding in private lobbies post release? Because as good as the always online is done with this game, it's basically screwed over streamers looking to play private games with their followers, and clubs.
So what are your thoughts so far on the UK Map to drive around in? Roads and lots of Countryside, hills etc? Do you prefer it to the previous Australia, Southern Europe, Colorado?

Loving the map, especially those country lanes on the east of the map. Reminds me a lot of the first map in that it feels like a real place, a real return to form. Colorado had great roads and atmosphere and was really fun to drive, the small car list is what made me bored, certainly not the map. Horizon 2's map felt like the place it was imitating but the roads were too wide and the dirt too bland, that coastal road could have been amazing with H1's road widths. The ultra wide roads kept me from enjoying that map to the fullest and that spread to Horizon 3. I loved the idea of Australia, however the boring road network along with the ultra wide roads and that in my opinion that that there wasn't a single enjoyable road (some good but very short sections dotted around the map), makes me feel Australia was a wasted location. That brings me to Horizon 4 and while I didn't think it looked much from the map, when you are on it though it is fun to drive and that's for a great number of roads. The middle 2 games maps didn't feel that enjoyable unless you used a supercar or rally raid vehicle, but now not only does the landscape look great, its now enjoyable for the whole car list.
So has PG said anything about adding in private lobbies post release? Because as good as the always online is done with this game, it's basically screwed over streamers looking to play private games with their followers, and clubs.
Haven't seen anything.

Horizon Life will have to do for now; you can have up to 12 in your Convoy, just like in Horizon 3.

Solo Adventures are gone entirely it seems, only Team Adventures exist.
Just yesterday when I was racing through roads in some of my rally-spec cars, I was truely in shock at how much elevation, curvy roads, jumps/bumps, straights, and tight corners there were. Even the dirt areas were fun!

And the mountain passes...oh lord the mountain passes. Don't even get me started on that. Let's just say it's perfect for point to point rallying for anybody! :D

Wait until all of you see my route creations once the feature is released. I'll even try to make hillclimb track as well!

Now you see why I was excited for the UK. The roads, the environments. Never ending of beauty.
So, it seems there's at least 2 Forza Edition cars hidden within the cars mastery section: The TVR Sagaris has a vehicle mastery block that gives the user a Sagaris FE at the cost of 99 skill points (not counting the other blocks that would need to be bought first), though I've no idea what bonuses it gives. The '67 Miura also has a block that grants a Reventon FE for a more reasonable 30 Skill points, which grants a credit boost from races.

One thing to keep in mind in particular with the Miura (and probably the Sagaris) is that you're safer buying the car new from the autoshow rather than the auction house, as there's currently a lot of people selling Miuras that they don't want/need since they got the Reventon. Buying a Miura that already has the car mastery purchased will not grant you the Reventon.

Edit: The Nissan R390 also has a block for the NISMO GTR LM R33 FE for 25 skill points.
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I just ran The Ridge Cross Country Circuit. I think it's the first race I've been in that incorporated a danger sign jump.
Some of these barn finds depress me that they are old enough to be considered classics....

So true. Seeing that beat up...

...made me realize that I'm getting old. I mention this car because my parents gave me the 1/18 scale model for Christmas when it was new. Back then I was only a child who wondered how this spaceship could possibly be a real car (still have it without a scratch :D).
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Are the Barn Finds a little harder this time or am I getting older!

I have now found all the Barn Finds so far that have been marked on the map. Some I found by luck in 5 mins others I have taken me up to 30-40mins of frustration. I think it was easier in Australia as it was flat and open, here I get lost in the Woodland areas up the hills. Some sneaky places they have hidden these garages in this time. Kept me amused for a few hours :) p.s The Drone comes in very handy after the first few! 👍:P
I'm looking forward to this game a lot (though have a backlog of games to clear first including FH3), but I wonder if a hardcore physics mode might be a cool and perhaps relatively easy to implement addition at some point? Being able to scatter dry stone walls like confetti and propelling road signs hither and thither has been a thing in arcade racers and open-world driving games since the likes of Midtown Madness, but I kinda like the idea of a telegraph pole or lamp post at least damaging my car, if not stopping it dead in its tracks.