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- GBalao888
- GBalao888
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Everyone. Every… single... darn… video 🙄
Do you guys know YongYea? You should check out one of his video’s, it’s simply hilarious. He has some news to make a video on that would take 1 or 2 minutes max if he sticks to the point. But he always drags on his videos beyond the 10 minute mark. I have no idea how YouTube payouts works but it’s obvious the payout is better as soon as a video is longer than 10 minutes. Also, his BF2042 videos are lately the more successful ones so he releases several of them each week.
The complete opposite of that is Sean W, a Halo YouTuber. He does stick to the point and makes really short videos, often just 2-3 minutes long.
What annoys me the most is YouTubers adding extra commercials in their videos. I mean… wtf? Their videos already get interrupted by YouTube to shove commercials down our throats, they don’t need to put extra commercials in there again! And many of the channels I like do this, like for example Skill Up.