Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
fox tv GIF by Lethal Weapon

Same mood!!!!
but truck racing is the best for this season. go through the traffic recklessly
Tommy3688, good points made, I think you see my points. I'm not saying FH5 is a bad game. Just that it could be so much better if the developers dig a little deeper.
it sure can go a little deeper and I wish they will but they will likely compromise something else by doing that. Considering the scale of the game, the best they can do is just minor improvement on everything instead of strongly focus on 1 area and end up skewing the whole game theme and design.
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Those sorts of complaints are normal I think for a game like Horizon that appeals to broad user bases. It gives just enough of everything to lure those different kinds of fans into the game, but not enough of any of them to really satisfy people who lean further towards one "side" of the spectrum. That means there will always be some tug of war going on between the different subsections of the fanbase over which aspect of the game needs more focus.

For example, if you just want a car game then it's probably great for you, but for people who came in because of the Formula D cars and the drifting possibilities, they probably feel like the game is lacking in drift-related features and hasn't had enough DLC/etc focused on it. Likewise for people who saw it was based in Mexico and hoped for more off road and authentic Baja 1000 stuff, or Carrera Panamericana stuff, etc.

The same kinda unfocused "jack of all trades" thing happened/is happening with the Forza Motorsport series as the career/single player guys demand more career mode stuff, drifters want window stickers and drift tracks, online guys want licenses/rating systems, and so on and so on, but no one can agree on which part is important and instead just argue with each other as the game falls behind in every area.

The goal is different for the Horizon series though and it has more broad appeal nearly by default by being an open world arcade-leaned title, so I don't expect things to turn out the same for Horizon series as they did with the Motorsport series. That being said, I personally hope we have some kind of shake up for FH6...
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That a game takes place in a specific location, does not equate to car culture.
Completely missed the point of the post you responded to.
And it's clear, the crowd responding doesn't understand car culture vs game culture.
Then you have no problem defining both "game culture" and "car culture," then?
Car modifications are unchanged from FH2. And referring to engine mods. What is the meaning of the screw driver being representative of the highest level of upgrade in the Ignition upgrade?
Sorry, but you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here if you're trying to use a picture of a screwdriver as proof that PG knows nothing about cars. Of all the criticisms that could be levied against the upgrade system, you picked one of the most inconsequential.
But it's things like the screw driver, and putting racing suspension on a car lowers the PI.
This does happen, but it's very much the exception, not the norm, and it can make sense depending on the vehicle. All Racing Suspension really does is give you the ability to tune your components, and the game has a default pre-set for each car when installing it. Considering that there's 600+ cars in the game that all have different quirks and behaviors, it makes sense for the default settings to occasionally be worse than the stock suspension, and knock down the PI by a point or 2 every now-and-again. I personally don't exactly expect the devs to give perfect settings for 600+ cars out of the gate with one upgrade, largely because that would be an insane amount of work, and it would make tuning by the player pointless.
As for a real car people developer, if we can get Jack Roush or Hennessey or someone like that to make a good car game, then I can answer your question 😉
What exactly makes you think that a couple guys who have spent their entire careers tuning and racing cars and have had zero involvement in the video game industry, other than having their cars show up in other games every now-and-again, knows the first thing about developing video games, let alone making the game actually good?
Just dropping in to say how much I adore the Lynk & Co. If they were sold in the US (they aren't, right?) I'd seriously consider it as my next.
It's a great little car, and the sounds it makes in cockpit view when upgraded are amazing. That being said, I'm actually a tad upset we got the high-performance variant of the 03. I thought that we were getting the normal variant, which made me eager to build the Cyan Concept proper. Finger crossed that PG gives it a FWD conversion option down the line.
To come back on the Trial for this week, which I managed to complete last night...

Honestly, I'm shocked that my stupid GMC Vandura tune with 390-something hp, the original 3-speed transmission, and sport tires managed to do well.

Outright winning the second race was... unexpected, to say the least!


Mr. Crocker would be proud.
I'm not sure I can answer that. But an analogy might be something like this:

NFS Heat: not as deep a game as FH5. Comparing the two heat does very little. But comparatively what it does, it does very well. For what it is, the game is a decent game that plays well with minimal bugs. Has good replay value. Car culture in the modabilities of the cars are sufficient as is the painting aspect. Racing and driving physics are sufficient for the style of game. It does what it is supposed to do well.

FH5: It does a multitude of things. It's a massive game. The modabilities of the cars are lacking. Painting is minimally comparable to NFS Heat. For the size and scope of the game I would expect more.
Car modifications are unchanged from FH2. And referring to engine mods. What is the meaning of the screw driver being representative of the highest level of upgrade in the Ignition upgrade?
But for FH5 it does many things, but doesn't do any of them very well. Actually I should say, it doesn't do them as good as it could.
But it's things like the screw driver, and putting racing suspension on a car lowers the PI. Things such as these and a multitude of other things are the things that tell me the developers of Forza are not real car people.
As for a real car people developer, if we can get Jack Roush or Hennessey or someone like that to make a good car game, then I can answer your question 😉
Full disclosure, I've not played Heat. I did play Payback and 2015 that are fairly similar in terms of customization and would not agree with your sentiment. NFS has more options, sure. Are they better? Not really. Only a handful of cars out of the very small car list have very deep customization with plenty of choice of parts. The others get generic stuff or in some case no options whatsoever. Seems familiar?

NFS 2015 in particular was a very good demonstration of a dev not knowing it's target public and just throwing wads of money at whoever was popular on social medias in order to gain attention. It was cringy and the references were easily 5 years out of relevance in some cases (Risky Devil stopped being a thing a few years before the game even came out) To someone involved in the car scene for decades and having seen how the trends shift fast, it felt fake and low-effort. Plus, the racing sucked.
I didn't really get on with NFS heat (beside the bogus handling, I didn't really enjoy the game very much) but they nailed the atmosphere - particularly at night - of the location. It really felt like you were there. It felt visceral. I think Payback also felt pretty good in terms of it's world immersion. I don't think either game is good, but they do the open world thing much better than the FH series, IMO. FH has a more satisfying handling model, but the worlds are simply not engaging to explore, everything feels unreal. If anything FH1 had the most convincing game world because it actually felt like it had an artistic direction.
That the developers put these cars in a dedicated racing game in the first place was ludicrous. And putting them in Horizon is at best pointless. But more to my point. Including some off the wall cars and leaving out actual cars which fit well within the car culture of racing and a racing car festival atmosphere shows the developers total lack of knowledge of car culture. And their lack of knowledge of car racing experience both on and off road. In fact of all venues of car racing and building of racing and street cars and street rods.
This game has the potential to be so much greater than it actually is but it will never achieve more than what you see is what you get.
My expectations for FH6 are so low that FH5 is absolutely my last foray into the forza lineup of any kind even the next Motorsport. Which is likely to be just an update of FM7.
Planning on moving on from xbox anyway to the PS5 as soon as funds and units are available.
Go away you bully and leave my favourite game alone. I'll cry if you continue to put it down 😥😥😥
Full disclosure, I've not played Heat. I did play Payback and 2015 that are fairly similar in terms of customization and would not agree with your sentiment. NFS has more options, sure. Are they better? Not really...
Have not played NFS 2015 so I can't answer you on that one. On Payback I can say this. For me, overall comparison with FH5, in the terms I'm relating to. It's a game with more potential than the game had. So I'm basically putting it in the same class as FH5. They could have made it a great game but it missed the mark on many levels as you already stated.

An where Heat missed the mark was in the life line of the game. When Ghost Studios dropped out of the game support. The game needed to grow. More map, more challenges, more stories to continue the game play. And definitely better online support.

But I only say these things because I don't want to settle for gaming mediocrity. If there is anything I can do or say that might help develop a better game and gaming experience I will continue to speak. Hopefully some studio and game designers/developers will notice and respond.
Have not played NFS 2015 so I can't answer you on that one. On Payback I can say this. For me, overall comparison with FH5, in the terms I'm relating to. It's a game with more potential than the game had. So I'm basically putting it in the same class as FH5. They could have made it a great game but it missed the mark on many levels as you already stated.

An where Heat missed the mark was in the life line of the game. When Ghost Studios dropped out of the game support. The game needed to grow. More map, more challenges, more stories to continue the game play. And definitely better online support.

But I only say these things because I don't want to settle for gaming mediocrity. If there is anything I can do or say that might help develop a better game and gaming experience I will continue to speak. Hopefully some studio and game designers/developers will notice and respond.
I love a good dose of modesty. Your last paragraph has made me feel all warm and toasty inside.
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Here is my thoughts after playing NFS 2015, Payback, Heat

2015 : Inconsistent handling and the abyss bug/road dissappearing (atleast on HDD)
Payback : They tried to go FH style by introducing offroad and more open map but the loot/gacha system thing ruined the game (the game story theme seems to be self aware regarding the loot thingy)
Heat : Most potential in terms of further content development but they just stopped, Club is a good feature especially the time trial, short story (ends too abruptly)
I am genuinely loving the Lynk & Co 03+. It looks like a little badass, and has the power and handling to back it up. The body kit is gorgeous, but it still looks sexy without it (I like the wing-delete on the standard body.)



Something interesting things found after searching. This time it came from sound files of the game so no pictures.

I will put it under spoiler.

Remember during last season (Racing history) where Ramiro introducing that week theme while you’re checking festival playlist? The audio i’ve found (I think) will be similar to that. Consider this a hint for upcoming series.

The series most likely will be named “Eliminati” or something similar

New features based on the audio files

  • A new eliminator duels game mode for 2 players (similar to duo game mode on battle royale I guess??)
  • You can fix your teammate car after they got eliminated (there is a time limit)
  • You can pin car drop so your teammate can see it
  • You can spectate your teammate (if you’re eliminated and your teammate haven’t)
  • Updated eliminator cars
  • New levelling system on eliminator with these rewards
    • Different starting cars
    • Outfits
  • Eliminati rewards where you can customize livery on your eliminator car
  • Something related to Eliminati rewards to smash during eliminator for levelling up
  • Triangle/Eliminati themed collectible
  • Limited edition eliminator car?? (perhaps a car only for eliminator mode, still vague)
I’ll attach the zipped audio files so you can check it too (2 zip due to upload limit)


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Something interesting things found after searching. This time it came from sound files of the game so no pictures.

I will put it under spoiler.

Remember during last season (Racing history) where Ramiro introducing that week theme while you’re checking festival playlist? The audio i’ve found (I think) will be similar to that. Consider this a hint for upcoming series.

The series most likely will be named “Eliminati” or something similar

New features based on the audio files

  • A new eliminator duels game mode for 2 players (similar to duo game mode on battle royale I guess??)
  • You can fix your teammate car after they got eliminated (there is a time limit)
  • You can pin car drop so your teammate can see it
  • You can spectate your teammate (if you’re eliminated and your teammate haven’t)
  • Updated eliminator cars
  • New levelling system on eliminator with these rewards
    • Different starting cars
    • Outfits
  • Eliminati rewards where you can customize livery on your eliminator car
  • Something related to Eliminati rewards to smash during eliminator for levelling up
  • Triangle/Eliminati themed collectible
  • Limited edition eliminator car?? (perhaps a car only for eliminator mode, still vague)
I’ll attach the zipped audio files so you can check it too (2 zip due to upload limit)
Wow. Very nice find!

I imagine this will be apart of the December update - makes perfect sense for a huge eliminator update to drop right before the holiday season

This is how I imagine Horizon updates playing out for the rest of the year

Series 13 - Horizon 10 Year Anniversary
Series 14 - Donut Media
Series 15 - Eliminati update

I imagine the Eliminati update will have Series 16 content in it - since I doubt they'll be deploying an update to the game over the holiday season much like last year.
Something interesting things found after searching. This time it came from sound files of the game so no pictures.

I will put it under spoiler.

Remember during last season (Racing history) where Ramiro introducing that week theme while you’re checking festival playlist? The audio i’ve found (I think) will be similar to that. Consider this a hint for upcoming series.

The series most likely will be named “Eliminati” or something similar

New features based on the audio files

  • A new eliminator duels game mode for 2 players (similar to duo game mode on battle royale I guess??)
  • You can fix your teammate car after they got eliminated (there is a time limit)
  • You can pin car drop so your teammate can see it
  • You can spectate your teammate (if you’re eliminated and your teammate haven’t)
  • Updated eliminator cars
  • New levelling system on eliminator with these rewards
    • Different starting cars
    • Outfits
  • Eliminati rewards where you can customize livery on your eliminator car
  • Something related to Eliminati rewards to smash during eliminator for levelling up
  • Triangle/Eliminati themed collectible
  • Limited edition eliminator car?? (perhaps a car only for eliminator mode, still vague)
I’ll attach the zipped audio files so you can check it too (2 zip due to upload limit)
Limited edition Eliminati car? Don't tell me that it'll be something close to a Forza Edition car.
Limited edition Eliminati car? Don't tell me that it'll be something close to a Forza Edition car.
You can check the audio files i included by yourself, but the wording in the audio is a bit vague. IMO it could either be a car that is unlockable after certain level or just a car exclusive to eliminator mode only (probably with minor cosmetic change)
I hope that the new exclusive car is not locked behind this new eliminator because I have not liked this mode since the FH4.
If instead of unlocking exclusive cars, unique and unownable cars like the Festival Float and Flatbed would be made available in Eliminati, it would be a more entertaining surprise for players who love this game mode.