- 559
- Vilnius
- Justuxable
- Justuxable
What better way to do in a Forza tie-in than doing a Thrustmaster ad while playing Gran Turismo. These guys are ****ing idiots and I already hate whatever they're going to bring to the game.
Same. Hated them in Dirt 5, gonna hate them in FH5 too. Plus the resources and time wasted on scanning and modeling a few of their modified cars that are just slightly modified versions of the ones we already have is the biggest reason why I already hate this update.
But I guess PGG got a nice fat paycheck from them which was the main drive for this collaboration, let's be real. Anyway, unless this update also includes some heavyweights like the new Countach and the Sian together with the DM cars, then they can keep it and I will skip it.
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