Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Forza Horizon 5 Screenshot 2022.11.11 -

welcome home fwd co3+ tcr. good news is the front and rear windscreen banner are paintable and u can also put decals or sponsors on em. tbh i like this donut media story, can't wait for part2 of donut media.
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The majority of the people in that thread are new users and not Forum regulars who have been around since the beginning. Their definition of "real players" is skewed and 98% of them will never find anything positive at all. The forums are just as toxic as the other platforms now and it's the reason why a lot of us left.
I know. But where are we supposed to voice our concerns and our criticisms? I mean it's not like they can listen to us most of the time since, well, you know.

It's gonna be rough, but I hope the Donut Media story is as good as it would sound.
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Try to get their hands on the known bugs and fix them one after another might be a good start. Like, Ferrari Enzo rim color issue. It's been there since launch and patching it won't be too complicated I suppose...
I know. But where are we supposed to voice our concerns and our criticisms? I mean it's not like they can listen to us most of the time since, well, you know.

It's gonna be rough, but I hope the Donut Media story is as good as it would sound.
There is a difference between concerns and criticisms and whining because you didn't get exactly what you want, which what 98% of those complaints are.
It's so easy to do that in 10 minutes you'll finish everything
Oh it's easy alright! 😀 Heck, I recommend completing it just to get the accolades and special items. I thought the story was "okay". Not good, but not bad either. Luckly it's not too long as well. It was enjoyable if I'm honest.

Also also, I totally dominated the Horizon Drift Open event in my Formula One Toyota Supra (the one that came with the car pass). 😃
Oh it's easy alright! 😀 Heck, I recommend completing it just to get the accolades and special items. I thought the story was "okay". Not good, but not bad either. Luckly it's not too long as well. It was enjoyable if I'm honest.

Also also, I totally dominated the Horizon Drift Open event in my Formula One Toyota Supra (the one that came with the car pass). 😃
The story was kind of whatever, but it does make me think that specific tuner challenges in that same vein would be a fun addition to future games. Maybe even have some for each car, where you get an accolade or a prize for making a rally-build or drift-spec version of a specific model and then hitting some sort of lap time / speed trap / skill score goal. Maybe they could even make it out to be some sort of club, possibly with a big round number attached to it. It doesn't even have to be a high number, either. Like maybe the lowest possible four-digit number or something.
The story was kind of whatever, but it does make me think that specific tuner challenges in that same vein would be a fun addition to future games. Maybe even have some for each car, where you get an accolade or a prize for making a rally-build or drift-spec version of a specific model and then hitting some sort of lap time / speed trap / skill score goal. Maybe they could even make it out to be some sort of club, possibly with a big round number attached to it. It doesn't even have to be a high number, either. Like maybe the lowest possible four-digit number or something.
That actually sounds pretty darn cool, and would love something like that for a future Horizon game. :D This one was a refreshing change from the other Horizon Stories in FH5, and hope PG continues with it.
I'm sorry, but to me the Donut story is the "we have run out of ideas before the next expansion" stage at this point. I won't even bother to three-star it.
It takes like 5 minutes, but doesn’t really give you anything either. It’s just more filler content.

I don’t even get who this is for. A story update added a year after release focusing on teaching basics of upgrading cars with Donut Media personalities.
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Can the devs try a little harder to hide the treasure chests? I just fast-traveled to the area where the treasure was hidden, and I could see the thing right in front of my car by a signpost. I understand they don't want to make the treasure too hard to find, but they could make the hunt a bit more challenging. Last week, the chest was just in the middle of the road near the end of the runway. I'm sure there were people who accidentally found it without even trying to look for it. I wish they would make this more enjoyable and challenging. I'll take the free rewards, but I want to have a little something to do to earn them.
Why those negative posts ? This game gets monthly free stuff so what to complain about ? Back in the days a game got released you bought it and thats it. Beside 2-3 Patches no support and free stuff for month at all.
Back in the day, a game got released in a completed state, you bought it, and that's it. Or if it was unfinished, it was just a **** game.

Now it's release unfinished game -> they start putting cut content back in -> wait a month (or more) for a fix to that content because it was broken on release -> add a few more features that were actually finished after release

Not like FH5's GaaS is particularly exciting either. It's a few cars (mostly returning cut content), a few short races, and some other challenges for the week. Repeat forever, as if it wasn't getting old back in FH4. And don't you dare miss out, that new (old) exclusive car might not come back for months, if ever. I don't think we'll see all of those Extreme E cars return, for example. There's just too many of them.

But I need to give up hope of Horizon ever releasing with a good race list ever again. It's just blueprints now. Make the fun yourself and watch as the race you finished is forever forgotten, a race against AI with names that will also be forgotten. It all feels like it's for nothing. A pure sandbox, where once you're done playing, the wind comes and blows the sand back into nothing, just a pile of sand again. This is especially true once you've finished the small amount of curated content and you enter the Hall of Fame in your first couple hours of playing.
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Can the devs try a little harder to hide the treasure chests? I just fast-traveled to the area where the treasure was hidden, and I could see the thing right in front of my car by a signpost. I understand they don't want to make the treasure too hard to find, but they could make the hunt a bit more challenging. Last week, the chest was just in the middle of the road near the end of the runway. I'm sure there were people who accidentally found it without even trying to look for it. I wish they would make this more enjoyable and challenging. I'll take the free rewards, but I want to have a little something to do to earn them.
I wasn't exactly annoyed by this, but I did have a hilarious moment last week because of it. I did the challenge with the Jeep and completed the speed zone, saw the "TREASURE IS IN THIS GENERAL AREA" pop-up and fast traveled to what I thought was a completely random spot in the middle of the airstrip runway. It turned out I'd teleported to the exact point where the chest wound up directly in front of my car, as in "I pressed the gas slightly and hit it going less than 5 MPH".
Can the devs try a little harder to hide the treasure chests? I just fast-traveled to the area where the treasure was hidden, and I could see the thing right in front of my car by a signpost. I understand they don't want to make the treasure too hard to find, but they could make the hunt a bit more challenging. Last week, the chest was just in the middle of the road near the end of the runway. I'm sure there were people who accidentally found it without even trying to look for it. I wish they would make this more enjoyable and challenging. I'll take the free rewards, but I want to have a little something to do to earn them.
I've seen soo many people complain that the chests are too hidden, there even are at least 10 Posts and Videos per week that guide people excactly to the spot...
I wasn't exactly annoyed by this, but I did have a hilarious moment last week because of it. I did the challenge with the Jeep and completed the speed zone, saw the "TREASURE IS IN THIS GENERAL AREA" pop-up and fast traveled to what I thought was a completely random spot in the middle of the airstrip runway. It turned out I'd teleported to the exact point where the chest wound up directly in front of my car, as in "I pressed the gas slightly and hit it going less than 5 MPH".
Snap. This is where I fast-travelled to when writing last week's Season Change article:

Can the devs try a little harder to hide the treasure chests? I just fast-traveled to the area where the treasure was hidden, and I could see the thing right in front of my car by a signpost. I understand they don't want to make the treasure too hard to find, but they could make the hunt a bit more challenging. Last week, the chest was just in the middle of the road near the end of the runway. I'm sure there were people who accidentally found it without even trying to look for it. I wish they would make this more enjoyable and challenging. I'll take the free rewards, but I want to have a little something to do to earn them.
It's a balancing act type of thing. The treasure chest is well hidden during earlier series, even camouflaged with the surrounding.
That actually sounds pretty darn cool, and would love something like that for a future Horizon game. :D This one was a refreshing change from the other Horizon Stories in FH5, and hope PG continues with it.
That actually is a great idea. It is definitely time for PG to start taking a new approach to Stories, like the World's Fastest Rentals in FH4. The more Stories, the better.
That actually is a great idea. It is definitely time for PG to start taking a new approach to Stories, like the World's Fastest Rentals in FH4. The more Stories, the better.
Yep yep and yep! It also gives the stories more character as well, which is something I'm sure PG can do really well if they can put their heart into it further. :)

Btw, a new trailer for the 2020 Lynk & Co was added to the Forza.

The song in the trailer is Dreem - Decaying.
I don't really understand the constant need to respond to/argue with people who are unhappy with something. If you don't agree move on or discuss the specific issue mentioned from another side, but just these posts calling people whiners, complainers, entitled, children, etc, or that imply they are stupid/wrong by accusing them of being stubborn or "haters" or too nostalgic or whatever creates far more toxicity than a couple of posters who aren't happy with a glitch or new car or whatever and express it in a not-so-tactful way.

It just turns grumbling about a massive company that doesn't care about any of us or what we say about them, into grumbling at each other and tension in the community.
Not like FH5's GaaS is particularly exciting either. It's a few cars (mostly returning cut content), a few short races, and some other challenges for the week. Repeat forever, as if it wasn't getting old back in FH4. And don't you dare miss out, that new (old) exclusive car might not come back for months, if ever. I don't think we'll see all of those Extreme E cars return, for example. There's just too many of them.

But I need to give up hope of Horizon ever releasing with a good race list ever again. It's just blueprints now. Make the fun yourself and watch as the race you finished is forever forgotten, a race against AI with names that will also be forgotten. It all feels like it's for nothing. A pure sandbox, where once you're done playing, the wind comes and blows the sand back into nothing, just a pile of sand again. This is especially true once you've finished the small amount of curated content and you enter the Hall of Fame in your first couple hours of playing.
Very much agree the playlist stuff is beyond old.

I think the freedom of the "Blueprints" system was a good thing as it certainly helped my enjoyment of the series. I remember in FH2 when I saved up for an F40 I was excited to go race it for my next championship or whatever they called them then, and my first race was... driving through the vineyards cross country. Not at all what I was looking for. The ability to customize the races so I can use my road cars just for road races and off road trucks just for off road races really helped me tolerate the tedious single player "career" or whatever you want to call it. It also helped dealing with the terrible AI, as I could make lap races a bit longer so I could catch the lead AI more organically, rather than the "no-brake your way into the lead at turn 2 or restart" kind of thing these games can have with shorter races.

I think they have leaned a bit too hard into it though. Of course it's easier for them to just dump the toybox out on the floor and go "I dunno do whatever, have fun I guess" and walk off so I guess that's why they have done it that way, but it sorta feels like they think by allowing us the opportunity to be creative they are off the hook for being creative themselves... Which means we don't really get anything more than a few cars and a new checklist of arbitrary tasks each month, along with some championships that feel like they were picked with RNG. I guess we do get the occasional "story" here and there and those surely take longer to make since it can't be easy to come up with such terribly cringey dialogue for the unskippable cutscenes.

One of the things I felt got really stale in FH4 was that there were no new routes added, so doing the weekly championships/Trial every week ended up feeling really samey after basically a month as it didn't take long before you were running the same routes over and over again. I really hoped with FH5 they would actually put out some new routes here and there and I guess they kinda do with the EventLabs thing, but most of them are whacky and don't feel anywhere near as polished as the main game content does, and they are all one-time things where you often drive by yourself. It would be cool to see them add some new routes, or even just add reverse versions of routes so that every week wasn't just "oh yeah this one again" in a different division and PI range drawn out of a hat.

There are some ideas they could steal from other games or forums like this around the internet. For example, GTA did a thing a month ago or whatever, where you chose a side between two in-game cola companies and the winning one gave themed prizes for the community. They could do something like that with manufacturers or rival models. I guess they have done some things like WRX vs Evo in the past so they have kinda tried, but they were just weekly championships at tracks we had run a thousand times before... And besides, as someone who has been playing racing games for 20 something years that particularly rivalry stopped feeling unique or fresh in like... Gran Turismo 3.

I'd also like to see some more carefully selected car lists for events that provide some interesting manufacturer rivalry things that are more restrictive or stock car showdowns where you have to choose a car based on its strengths and weaknesses instead of just AWD and V8 swap everything or whatever. I think it would be cool to see carefully selected stock cars and routes that balance out, where you have say 2 dirt races and 2 road races, and you have to choose between a truck or a car. Obviously the truck will be better off road and the car better on road, so you can't win everything and have to maximize your position in your chosen vehicle's weakest environment. Or choose 3 stock cars, one leaned towards speed, one towards handling, and one balanced, and have the championship take place across 3 races with one speed route, one handling route and one balanced so you can't win everything... But I suppose those would get away from their "you have to win everything" push, and it would be tricky with how cheaty their AI is as well and how it sometimes ignores physics and so on.

I dunno at this point I'm just rambling into another wall of text, sorry everyone.
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I see your point and I do agree. That's hardly the problem in Horizon. I'm patiently waiting for the FM reboot as well, but with little competition (and the fact that EA, the most greedy company, has killed off Project CARS and SMS), it doesn't bide my confidence that FM will be just as good as FH ever was. That's just my opinion.
No relation to anything but I managed a bit of a personal breakthrough on this week's Rivals with the Lynk & Co.
I managed to beat one of my best friends' times.



Now on its own, this wouldn't be notable, except for two details:
  • This was my first time actually seriously trying to do a good time on the wheel and pedals instead of the gamepad.
  • This best friend not only plays gamepad, he refuses to use the analog sticks or the rear triggers, instead sticking to the way he learned racing games: GT1 style, all with face buttons.

Now, consider his time: a 01:10.485, world top 2,862 according to the leaderboards before my laps at the time of posting. He's regularly this fast (and usually faster than me). So to finally be able to beat him - with a wheel, something I always considered myself slower than gamepad with - and land myself a 01:10.402?

Genuinely never felt this good. Feels like winning a Grand Prix. Sorry for the brief derailing, I just wanted to share the achievement!

EDIT: What a 100th post to make... I just realized now.
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So I start up FH5 today and I am FORCED to immediately watch some bollocks dialog and do a point to point drive before I can even do anything else? This was ok for the 10 year anniversary update I guess, this is certainly not ok for this crap.

Besides, if Donut Media the YouTube channel isn‘t awful enough already, their nonsense cringe in the FH5 story is even worse. Holy smokes I already hate this update 👎🤢🤮🤬
Yeah, I'm forced to agree with breyzipp here. Rivals totally overshadowed Donut Media for me last night. These guys aren't funny, the story was ridiculously easy, and they messed up a concept that could have been cool. Instead of actually teaching you how to upgrade and tune a car for rallying, you are essentially forced to add the parts they want you to add to continue. Not a single second is spent in the tune menu, it's just part swapping.

And just when I thought the race against the Civic Coupe would be interesting... zzzzzzzz. They pretend it's a rally race complete with co-pilot calls but you can just cut through the jungle just fine.

Are we seriously gonna have a whole month of this? After the highs of Horizon Anniversary? Mannnn... Even FH4 Top Gear was better.

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