Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
Anyone else here, playing on PC (Steam), has tried putting on the 30 fps mode and it looks more like 20 fps?

Strangely, GPU output says 30 FPS, constant. Benchmark runs clean too.
Forza website gallery is still busted for me
Same. Already more than 10 hours I have not been able to download my photos. Whenever I access the site, I just see a screen with a circle that keeps going around indicating that it is loading.
Well, the fact that their photo server is poor is something that hasn't changed in over a decade.:guilty:
I’ve got this weird bug in Horizon Solo where I have in free roam not a single car on the road. No drivatars and no traffic. Not the best for immersion but I’m loving it for skill chains so those kamikaze nut heads don‘t break my chains. Works great as well for speed traps and approaching speed zones. Ooh and even my street scene races have no traffic in them either.
I had this, hard quit and restart your game if you want traffic to come back.
@AlienDeathRay and everyone else trying to figure where all the drift zones are:
Set up the Horizon Rush outpost. It’s the home for PR stunts. That will unlock drift zones, speed zones, speed cameras and danger signs.
i hope some1 can make a list of all the cars with All Wheel Drive system. so far i know three cars.
Nissan 240sx
1993 Nissan Skyline
and the Porsche Taycan

One of these things is not like the others...

Also, someone was asking about this a couple days ago: you can in fact "un-drift" the Formula Drift cars if you want, they have the parts available to convert them into normal road race cars. I don't know if I'd really recommend it though, since the massive amount of torque they have makes them pretty damn difficult to control, even with AWD conversion and extensive tuning. Experimenting with some of the alternate racing transmissions may help though, I'll have to see if adding an extra gear or two helps to rein them in better.
Did anyone else randomly get a skill point back?
As I already posted in this thread, I received a refund of 50 points. And there is a thread on the official forum by a user who had a similar experience.
Apparently, the points refunded are different for each player. And the fact that it doesn't affect cr and cars is also common.
I think online is a bit broken right now. I keep getting disconnected after a while. I thought it was because of high traffic of players, but others have reported this problem as well.

Also getting the hang of the new AI, so now I'm back up to Highly Skilled and even finished the Seasonal Championship in the M5 '18.
So while I've got the game closed and before I open it again, I wanted to share some of my thoughts about it so far.

+Playground Games has done such a good job with this one. Bottom line, I'd say it's better than Horizon 4 in just about every aspect besides the car list. Knowing them, I'm sure this will be rectified fairly quickly. Mostly everything else has been only "good" at worst, while being pretty brilliant most of the time.

+The engine sounds are improved across the board, except for one consistent flaw that I will discuss in the negatives. I find this game to be much more rewarding to play than Horizon 4 based on that aspect alone. Some of my favorites to drive now are the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-door, Shelby GT350R, and the new Alpine A110. Basically anything with a V8 or 4-cylinder sounds immensely better and more accurate than they did in Horizon 4. Not all are perfect, including the ones listed above, but man are they so much better.

+Cars feel better to drive than Horizon 4 overall. I've noticed changes in the braking and handling models that are subtle, but make enough difference that it gives the cars more character among each other.

+The story and campaign have felt significant and rewarding so far. Your character having dialogue has added more depth than I thought it would, and each Horizon Story I've played at least a bit of so far (especially the Street Racing one) have been lots of fun. The characters may be a little over the top some times, but I think that's how Horizon is supposed to be. Speaking of which, the parade float bit and some of the dialogue has gotten quite a chuckle out of me this time around, and the characters actually have some personality.

+The map is stellar. I have virtually no complaints about it other than it could do with more tight roads. The diversity in the biomes is both beautiful and fun to drive around, and I haven't even driven on half the roads yet! One of my favorite spots at the moment is definitely the coast near Playa Azul and the Apex Festival, the surrounding environment is just absolutely gorgeous. I also like the canyon area and of course Guanajuato. There hasn't been a dead spot on the map from what I've explored so far.

+Returning features and gamemodes feel well-implemented. The Eliminator is as fun as ever if it's to your tastes, and the new online modes (for what little I've played of them) are pretty decent. Features that have gotten a facelift, such as the new customization UI and such, have added so much to the game through such a small handful of changes. I know the new car selection UI is polarizing, but I'm actually in the camp that likes it.

+I am actually blown away by how much I actually like the soundtrack so far. Horizon Pulse is my favorite right now even though I'm one of those crotchety Horizon 1 fans that keeps begging PG to bring back Indie Rock to Pulse. Levitating, El Punto Final, The Valley of the Pagans, and the instrumental Full Heart Fancy are my favorites. XS is pretty good too. There are only two songs that I've found so far that I don't care for, being Pulse's "Sunshine" (which is annoying but tolerable so far) and XS's "Karma the Knife" (which is in "makes my ears bleed" territory, sorry). Hospital is pretty decent so far too, maybe not on the level of Horizon 3 and especially not 2, but it's pretty good.

+They've added several QOL features that I think deserve a lot of recognition, especially regarding the UI. The tag letting you know what kind of tires are on a car or tune is very helpful. Also, the fact that you can paint both tones of a two-tone paint in the same menu now is a small but mighty feature. Wheelspins are much better now too with less clothing/emotes. As well, the emotes are not in your face anymore either I feel like, which is great. The fresh loading screens, the pre-race menu, and the little black bars that appear right before you finish a race are all great. All these small features make the game more enjoyable to play as a whole.

+/-The new upgrades are great, but there are still certain cars and instances that leave me wanting more. However, I'm very happy they have managed to cram as many new upgrade parts into the game as they did.

NEGATIVES, which are gonna be nitpicky because there's not a lot significantly wrong with this game:

-The car list, while solid, is quite stale at this point. The new cars that were added were great picks, but there were only 2 returnees that were absent from Horizon 4 (being the SC300 and the FJ40). We're down almost 200 cars from Horizon 4 as well, which is quite a blow. Most of those cuts are the quirky (and featury!) and classic cars, which are some of my favorites. I hope that we will see many of them back soon.

-The absence of the Italian Stellantis manufacturers hurts, especially after how much Mike talked up the Stratos's engine sound. Yes, this is the third time I've mentioned the Stratos and Mike. Yes, I'm still butthurt over it.

-The game is quite buggy here at launch (I play on PC), although not as much as I was expecting it to be. This hopefully won't still be a negative as we get further into the game's life and they patch bugs.

-Some QOL gripes I've had with the series remain among the ones that were fixed or adjusted. I still can't view a custom livery close up before I apply it, which is honestly not a good thing with how closely they monitor liveries for profanities/etc. Switching a car in freeroam via Car Delivery also is still a bit random in which direction it places you on the road. I also don't like how Drivatars always change cars to match your car division in freeroam (even when you're not doing a championship). However, it's better than them all defaulting to the 3 starting cars in Horizon 4. That leads me to my next gripe.

-Drivatars are STILL terrible after all these years. They seem to be a bit better in races maybe, but in freeroam they are seriously the worst. I have been divebombed by so many that decide they want to pass the traffic car in front of them at my expense, and their behavior is still awful across the board.

-There is a bit of an issue with engine noise balance, which may be a bug or by design. Hopefully they fix it so engines can be heard properly.

-While the UI may be improved for the most part, it's still a bit finicky in some areas. I think the accolades screen in particular is tough to navigate (especially if you are trying to collect rewards).

-In its effort to give you options on what to do next, the game tends to spam you with dialogue and popups and automatic route setting, which can be a little much sometimes. As much as I like the focus on the story and campaign, it feels like I have to catch my breath after every event is over just because of how much I have to go through AFTER the event. Maybe that's a petty complaint, but it's worth noting as it's something I thought about.

VERDICT: Overall, this game is what a satisfying Horizon experience should be, and it's what Horizon 4 wishes it could have been. Hopefully it will have quite the longevity.
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I think online is a bit broken right now. I keep getting disconnected after a while. I thought it was because of high traffic of players, but others have reported this problem as well.

Also getting the hang of the new AI, so now I'm back up to Highly Skilled and even finished the Seasonal Championship in the M5 '18.
Ok, I thought it was just me because I keep getting disconnected and I know for a fact it is not a connection issue in my end.
I'll write down my impressions too:

Car list : ★★★
All the new cars look good. The rest of the brand lineup is probably better.
However, the absence of Fiat and others and the cutting of Peel, Terradyne and others removes some unique fun from the car list.

Also, this is a personal opinion, but I was a little concerned about the bias of models selected for exclusive cars.
All variants of the RX-7 FC and Jaguer F-Type are exclusive models.
On the other hand, models like the Lamborghini Huracan and Honda S2000 are available in all variants at the auto show.
This style is painful and unfair to the fans of the former. If you want to choose an exclusive car from these cars, it would have been better to refer to the style up to FM4, and for models that keep multiple variants, make one of them auto-show and one of them exclusive.

Map :★★★★★
Great map, reminds me of the fun I had with FH3 and FH2.
Tarmac racing, off-roading, drifting, cruising, photo sessions. A variety of players will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and great roads of Mexico.

It seems better than FH3 and FH4.
It doesn't overly restrict the player's actions, but it does give them some goals.
The newly added exploration style events are fun, and so far I'm enjoying playing the single player.

Drivatars : ★
Unfortunately, they are the worst in Horizon so far.
The rubber banding AI was familiar to me in Horizon. But this time, their cheating power and grip is over the top.
The boost is crazy, especially on straight sections, and if there is even the slightest straight section, they will either immediately beat me or catch up to my car.
Now they admit that a known issue is the AI difficulty setting error in drag racing.
Hopefully, this fix will be applied to other races as well.

Customization : ★★★
The newly added engine, gearbox, and rims are great.
However, I feel that these features were somewhat overhyped.
For example, the body kit. There are few new additions, and it is rare to find a model like the RX-7 with a wide body kit that can replace the Rocket Bunny.
And we still don't have the widebody kit for the FE that was added in the FM7.
It was only added to the Cadillac ATS-V, none of the other cars have a widebody kit.
There is also a problem with the suspension; many cars in FH5 got tires for tarmac builds. However, cars in the off-road category still do not have suspension for tarmac builds.
Therefore, these cars are still unable to have a perfect tarmac build.

All the newly added parts are great, but please consider this 3-star rating to include disappointment over the hype.

Overall Rating : ★★★★

It's not perfect. But it is an undeniable fact that as of 2021, this game is the best open-world racing game ever made.
And many of the elements that I found frustrating are things that can be improved in future updates.
Also, PG has a track record of nearly three years of continuous support in FH4.
As long as they don't go wrong with their live service, I'm almost certain that FH5 will be a better game than FH4.
So while I've got the game closed and before I open it again, I wanted to share some of my thoughts about it so far.

+Playground Games has done such a good job with this one. Bottom line, I'd say it's better than Horizon 4 in just about every aspect besides the car list. Knowing them, I'm sure this will be rectified fairly quickly. Mostly everything else has been only "good" at worst, while being pretty brilliant most of the time.

+The engine sounds are improved across the board, except for one consistent flaw that I will discuss in the negatives. I find this game to be much more rewarding to play than Horizon 4 based on that aspect alone. Some of my favorites to drive now are the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-door, Shelby GT350R, and the new Alpine A110. Basically anything with a V8 or 4-cylinder sounds immensely better and more accurate than they did in Horizon 4. Not all are perfect, including the ones listed above, but man are they so much better.

+Cars feel better to drive than Horizon 4 overall. I've noticed changes in the braking and handling models that are subtle, but make enough difference that it gives the cars more character among each other.

+The story and campaign have felt significant and rewarding so far. Your character having dialogue has added more depth than I thought it would, and each Horizon Story I've played at least a bit of so far (especially the Street Racing one) have been lots of fun. The characters may be a little over the top some times, but I think that's how Horizon is supposed to be. Speaking of which, the parade float bit and some of the dialogue has gotten quite a chuckle out of me this time around, and the characters actually have some personality.

+The map is stellar. I have virtually no complaints about it other than it could do with more tight roads. The diversity in the biomes is both beautiful and fun to drive around, and I haven't even driven on half the roads yet! One of my favorite spots at the moment is definitely the coast near Playa Azul and the Apex Festival, the surrounding environment is just absolutely gorgeous. I also like the canyon area and of course Guanajuato. There hasn't been a dead spot on the map from what I've explored so far.

+Returning features and gamemodes feel well-implemented. The Eliminator is as fun as ever if it's to your tastes, and the new online modes (for what little I've played of them) are pretty decent. Features that have gotten a facelift, such as the new customization UI and such, have added so much to the game through such a small handful of changes. I know the new car selection UI is polarizing, but I'm actually in the camp that likes it.

+I am actually blown away by how much I actually like the soundtrack so far. Horizon Pulse is my favorite right now even though I'm one of those crotchety Horizon 1 fans that keeps begging PG to bring back Indie Rock to Pulse. Levitating, El Punto Final, The Valley of the Pagans, and the instrumental Full Heart Fancy are my favorites. XS is pretty good too. There are only two songs that I've found so far that I don't care for, being Pulse's "Sunshine" (which is annoying but tolerable so far) and XS's "Karma the Knife" (which is in "makes my ears bleed" territory, sorry). Hospital is pretty decent so far too, maybe not on the level of Horizon 3 and especially not 2, but it's pretty good.

+They've added several QOL features that I think deserve a lot of recognition, especially regarding the UI. The tag letting you know what kind of tires are on a car or tune is very helpful. Also, the fact that you can paint both tones of a two-tone paint in the same menu now is a small but mighty feature. Wheelspins are much better now too with less clothing/emotes. As well, the emotes are not in your face anymore either I feel like, which is great. The fresh loading screens, the pre-race menu, and the little black bars that appear right before you finish a race are all great. All these small features make the game more enjoyable to play as a whole.

+/-The new upgrades are great, but there are still certain cars and instances that leave me wanting more. However, I'm very happy they have managed to cram as many new upgrade parts into the game as they did.

NEGATIVES, which are gonna be nitpicky because there's not a lot significantly wrong with this game:

-The car list, while solid, is quite stale at this point. The new cars that were added were great picks, but there were only 2 returnees that were absent from Horizon 4 (being the SC300 and the FJ40). We're down almost 200 cars from Horizon 4 as well, which is quite a blow. Most of those cuts are the quirky (and featury!) and classic cars, which are some of my favorites. I hope that we will see many of them back soon.

-The absence of the Italian Stellantis manufacturers hurts, especially after how much Mike talked up the Stratos's engine sound. Yes, this is the third time I've mentioned the Stratos and Mike. Yes, I'm still butthurt over it.

-The game is quite buggy here at launch (I play on PC), although not as much as I was expecting it to be. This hopefully won't still be a negative as we get further into the game's life and they patch bugs.

-Some QOL gripes I've had with the series remain among the ones that were fixed or adjusted. I still can't view a custom livery close up before I apply it, which is honestly not a good thing with how closely they monitor liveries for profanities/etc. Switching a car in freeroam via Car Delivery also is still a bit random in which direction it places you on the road. I also don't like how Drivatars always change cars to match your car division in freeroam (even when you're not doing a championship). However, it's better than them all defaulting to the 3 starting cars in Horizon 4. That leads me to my next gripe.

-Drivatars are STILL terrible after all these years. They seem to be a bit better in races maybe, but in freeroam they are seriously the worst. I have been divebombed by so many that decide they want to pass the traffic car in front of them at my expense, and their behavior is still awful across the board.

-There is a bit of an issue with engine noise balance, which may be a bug or by design. Hopefully they fix it so engines can be heard properly.

-While the UI may be improved for the most part, it's still a bit finicky in some areas. I think the accolades screen in particular is tough to navigate (especially if you are trying to collect rewards).

-In its effort to give you options on what to do next, the game tends to spam you with dialogue and popups and automatic route setting, which can be a little much sometimes. As much as I like the focus on the story and campaign, it feels like I have to catch my breath after every event is over just because of how much I have to go through AFTER the event. Maybe that's a petty complaint, but it's worth noting as it's something I thought about.

VERDICT: Overall, this game is what a satisfying Horizon experience should be, and it's what Horizon 4 wishes it could have been. Hopefully it will have quite the longevity.
You made some very good points and I agree with quite a few of them, for starters cars like the F50 GT are actually bearable now due to the sounds being much improved, I never drove it in Horizon 4 due to it sounding like a annoying fly + the engine noise balance is probably my biggest issue with the game atm, they should have done similar to how Project Gotham Racing 4 and the older Forza Motorsports games like 4 did and have loudness of cars based on how loud they are IRL or at the very least have racecars and high performance cars be much louder than regular cars.

Speaking of car sounds the McLaren F1/F1 GT and the CLK-GTR sound pretty good though the CLK-GTR has a noticeable lack of intake sound, I like how the racing exhaust for it has a raspiness similar to the SuperSport IRL.

The Forza Edition CLK-GTR sounds very close to the racing version, i'm extremely impressed with the sound of this car in particular.

I'm also having some issues on the PC version aswell, particularly with a missing barn-find which for some reason is not showing up/triggering on my map which I have concluded to be the
Jaguar XJR-15 which isn't even available in the auction house for purchase
, the game constantly disconnecting me from online yet my internet is very good and I never had the same issue with Horizon 4 + the game randomly crashing on first-time start-up but otherwise running flawlessly at 60FPS+

Overall the game is much better executed than Horizon 4 which was already a decent game in it's own right, besides the technical issues I would rate it a 10/10 as i'm having a ton of fun so far driving many new cars which I have previously ignored or missed out on due to horrible sounds. *Yes car sound is that big of a deal to me

The JDM and muscle cars sound pretty sick with the new intake + exhaust sound combos.
In the Forzathon Daily Challenges is “Social Club: Complete a Horizon Open Event”, and in Horizon Open is “Clean Sweep: Earn 5 Clean Racing Skills in Horizon Open Racing.” Sounds like I can combine them. I just have one question:
What the 🤬 is Horizon Open and how do I access it?
Never mind. I found it. It was right there in the menu the whole time.
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I finally had a full crash of the game after about eight straight hours of playing. And just as Alejandra was about to help me open up another barn find.
I wish the game still told you which song was currently playing when you go into the pause menu. Right now I have to cycle through all the stations until the name of the tune comes up which is difficult whilst racing.

I suspect this'll cease to be an issue a couple of months in when every song is burnt into my head, especially the bad ones.
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I finally had a full crash of the game after about eight straight hours of playing. And just as Alejandra was about to help me open up another barn find.
By any chance barn find was fir the escort? Others were having issues getting it too. But just had to redo it to claim it.
Car divisions system didn't make sense, again.

Hot Hatch: Audi S1, Mini GP, Scirocco(B663), Golf R32(2003)
Super Hot Hatch: Velocitier N(B645)
Retro Hot Hatch: 2004 Honda Civic Type R

Off-road: Mini Buggy
Unlimited Off-road: 2004 Nissan Pickup Rally Raid(C577), 2017 Ford Ultra4 Bronco RTR
UTV: sierra cars rx3
Unlimited buggy: ATOM Nomad, Exocet

Retro Super Car - 2003 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale(A773), 2005 Ford GT(A786), 2004 Porsche 911 GT3(A778), 2002 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
Retro Sport Car - 2005 Honda NSX-R GT(A725), 2005 TVR Sagaris(A779)
Track Toys - 2002 BMW M3-GTR(A747)
Modern Supercars: 2007 Ferrari 430 Scuderia , 2015 BMW i8(A764)
Modern Sport Cars: 2018 TVR Griffith(S825)
Hypercars: 2002 Koenigsegg CC8S(S846)

Is it so difficult to make simple classes by body style and date?