Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj

Flawless Lap - Awarded to the Driver(s) who finish a lap with no time penalty against an opponant
Level 1 - Reach Level 1 in Career mode
All Time Trials Set - Beat the target time in every Time Trail race
All Bronze Arcade - Achieve a Bronze medal in every Arcade Race
All Silver Arcade - Achieve a Silver medal in every Arcade Race
All Gold Arcade - Achieve a Gold medal in every Arcade Race
Flawless Race - Awarded to the driver(s) who finish a race with no time penalty against an opponant
Natural - Awarded to the single driver who wins with all assists turned off
Hardcore - Awarded to the single driver who wins with full difficulty including no assists
Underdog - Awarded to the driver who wins a race with a car in the lowest PI of the field
Blowout - Awarded to the criver who wins the rae, beating the rest of the field by a full race section
Crushing Victory - Awarded to any driver who finishes the race with a lapped opponent
Hard Charger - Awarded to the driver who starts in 8th place and comes in 1st place
All Gold (Proving Grounds) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Proving Grounds Race Type
Level 10 - Reach Level 10 in Career mode
All Gold (Manufacturer Club) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Manufacturer Race Type
Level 20 - Reach Level 20 in Career mode
All Gold (Amateur Cup) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Amateur Race Type
All Gold (Rivalry Face-offs) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Rivalry Race Type
Level 30 - Reach Level 30 in Career mode
All Gold (Semi-Pro Events) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Semi-Pro Race Type
All Gold (Factory-Spec) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Spec Race Type
Level 40 - Reach Level 40 in Career mode
All Gold (Regional Championship) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Regional Championship
All Gold (Professional Series) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Series Race Type
All Gold (Endurance) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Endurance Race Type
Level 50 - Reach Level 50 in Career mode
All Gold All Race Types - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career Race Type
Car Level 5 - Achieve a car level of 5 in Career mode
All Cars from France - Collect all of the cars from France in your Career garage
All Cars from Germany - Collect all of the cars from Germany in your Career garage
All Cars from Italy - Collect all of the cars from Italy in your Career garage
All Cars from Japan - Collect all of the cars from Japan in your Career garage
All Cars from Korea - Collect all of the cars from Korea in your Career garage
All Cars from Spain - Collect all of the cars from Spain in your Career garage
All Cars from Sweden - Collect all of the cars from Sweden in your Career garage
All Cars from the United Kingdom - Collect all of the cars from the United Kingdom in your Career garage
All Cars from the United States - Collect all of the cars from the United States in your Career garage
1,000,000 Online Credits - Earn 1,000,000 "Online Credits" from Tournaments and Career races
Car Broker - Buy or sell 10 cars online in the Auction House



here is another link showing the actual achievment pics and points.
Wow, a racing game with some achievements that may actually be somewhat difficult (for some people) to obtain...
at least there are no stupid achievements like "reach #1 in the leaderboards" or something like that. I hate those.

Although i don't really like 1 and 5 pts achievements either. Kind of Silly.
ye you don't really aim for those ones, and when you get them it's just "oh...that's nice":(

i was ment to say my 360 is supposed to be back in a week lol.

ive got the demo on my mind.

hopefully my 360 arrives on thursday at 12-3pm(my tv arrives on thursday betweeb 8-12am):)
the demo is supposed to be out tomorow(friday)man this week is gonna be torture:(

it was leaked on the french xbox site

EDIT: it might have been a typo, but it would make sense, same day as wpr...
the demo is supposed to be out tomorow(friday)man this week is gonna be torture:(

it was leaked on the french xbox site

EDIT: it might have been a typo, but it would make sense, same day as wpr...

What is 'wpr'?

I hope it is out 2moro - im fed up waiting! will make for a good weekend!
I..... want.... to.... play..... Forza..... 2!!!!!

+1, the wait is pretty bad but I have World of Warcrack to tide me over for as long as it may be....speaking of which I need to get some WoW time it, excuse me while I go snort a PC game.
B,C,D class car pics :

the demo is supposed to be out tomorow(friday)man this week is gonna be torture:(

it was leaked on the french xbox site

EDIT: it might have been a typo, but it would make sense, same day as wpr...

Che Chou:

Sorry, there's no demo this Friday. The demo is still going through the certification process so things are still up in the air.
Apologies all around for leaving you guys hanging. I know anticipation around this game and its demo is at an all-time high, but our (Turn 10's) hands are tied here.
Seriously, as soon as I know something, I'll make an announcement here.
Wow they have the Elan, must have overlooked that on the list! Won't go through all the pics as I want to have a few surprises heheheh.
What is 'wpr'?

I hope it is out 2moro - im fed up waiting! will make for a good weekend!

Weekly Pitpass report;)

man, i have never been so excited, other then when i was younger and waiting for santa to come:crazy:

i'm starting to enter the sleeples stage already even though theres still 30days to go:(

oh well when my tv and 360 get back that'll stop, especially if the demo get's released before the game release:sigh:

how come is still down?
been like a week and the next wpr is coming tonight/tomorrow...
ye i thought it might have been but couldn't be stuffed checking lol.

anyway .net is down for me to. Says it can't sign into something, hold on ...

EDIT:it says this

Windows Live ID is unavailable from this site for one of the following reasons:

This site may be experiencing a problem.
The site may not be a member of Windows Live ID.

You can:

You can sign in or sign up at other Windows Live ID sites and services, or try again later at this site.
I was reading back on the Pitpass reports and came accross this, which i found quite cool in the Multiplayer Options.

Spectators' Voices (on or off)
"This allows spectators to chat with those who are currently racing in-game. By default this option is off. It helps when people are watching and they can pull up the telemetry HUD and tell the players how their cars are performing, and what they need to do to drive better."

Although its a bit vague, and the fact that i can only imagine that this means every observers can talk while the race is on... making it chaotic at best; it sort of gave me a cool idea using the XboxLive! private Chat feature.

Making a race, you ask one of your friend to join that game as an observer, and you link with him in a private chat. That friend can observe you and watch all the telemetry and keep you updated on your car's performance, allowing you to concentrate on the driving.

I found this to be a very interesting feature if it makes it to the final game!