Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
I'm thinking of making a scott RX7 replica at the moment(without the wheelcover's lol).

And sometime i am going to make the Drag Top Secret R34.
1) I refuse to drive Japanese cars unless a gun is placed against my temple. Otherwise, its all German and all American, all the time.

Mmmm, no...

I'll keep things American and European, thanks.
Did you reply 2 times to the same post for moar emphasis?:confused:

Or did you forget about the first one?

Plus, I like being "different," given the amount of people running Evolutions and STis, getting beaten by me...

O RLY? *vaguely remembers a time at Silverstone when personal mistakes granted YSSMAN a win.*
You know, I thought I posted the same idea twice, but I didn't really think about it until I was in the car on the way to work. But the second post had a bit more content, didn't it?

The Silverstone race? Wasn't that the one when I was turning lap times more than three seconds faster than everyone else (I may be getting it confused with another one)? Usually we're all pretty close together, well, yourself, DWA, and I. That is of course, if I don't get stuck in traffic at the start...

Still, not including you or DWA, the amount of Evolution and STi racers out there who think they are "Hot 'S'" always seem to be a bit upset when they lose to me. I was in a race with Mista Kellah the other night on Tsubuka, and I managed to tear a whole group of STi and Evolutions a new one in an underpowered Jaguar XK. Needless to say, they were a bit upset...

Still, its nice seeing the GTPers on every once in a while. I just wish ya'all were on more often. Then again, I could probably do better to be on more often as well.
I agree with you on using decent powered light cars online. I've been doing really well with that 007 "DBR9" Mini of mine in A class and also doing decently with my '02 Camaro SS in B class.
Still, its nice seeing the GTPers on every once in a while. I just wish ya'all were on more often. Then again, I could probably do better to be on more often as well.

I'm friggin on all the time, it should be ME saying that to you guys. :P

:cough: ahem, Matt... :cough: :grumpy:
E3 coverage was on G4TV. A chat box on the right side of the screen asked about what the best racing game of all time is. Here are two of the responses that stuck to me while "Burnout: Paradise City" was demonstrated:

"BURNOUT > Forza"
"any game where I run away from cops"
"FlatOut for the crashes!"

I hated Forza in the past. It wasn't until I played around for a bit with the retail version when I got to fully appreciate the series. It's Gran Turismo's best rival in years. Here's my thing. How can you put a BURNOUT game over Forza? I... I just don't understand people at times. This is what happens when you go around hardcore types. I did rent "Burnout: Dominator" a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty fun. Still, I'd never put Burnout over Gran Turismo or even Forza. Not putting Burnout out over ANY game which forces me to listen to Avril Lavigne's music (even in different languages) in "Burnout: Dominator." You could thankfully make your own EA Trax list in the game, but I'm so not a rock guy. Give me Paul Oakenfold. Give me Deepest Blue. Give me Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, DJ Tiesto, but not any hard-ass rock. I'm also a fan of Project Gotham. PGR and Forza won my respect. To save sanity, one person typed this in the chat box shown on the air:

"who cares about crashes?"

It's my thing. People like to wish every game beared some resemblance to your average shooter. Hardcore carnage. You know... racing's dead. Long live crashes. Forza and PGR have crashes, but I'm not out committing vehicular carnage in a game. I don't intentionally wreck cars just to stick it to Polyphony Digital or somebody. I don't think this way. Others do, and I'm not at will to rip anyone I so choose. Racing games have changed since the old black and white blocky stuff to Pole Position to Daytona USA to now. Maybe I'm a classic guy who doesn't think hardcore all the time. And I'm sorry if my interests are boring to someone in Southern California or Truth or Consequences, NM.

I normally think people would like the Forza series because it shows that PD isn't the only great crew making racing games. In addition, it's provided so much to gamers as well as catering to some of the feelings of casual and pro gamers who have an XBOX or XBOX360. I heard about how the endurances were about a half-hour long in Forza 1. And so I see it like this- you're willing to put up an all-nighter playing online in... whatever popular tactical shooters are the best today, so why not show some dedication for a true-to-life racing game like the Forza series (yeah. This coming from a GT fan.)? Some people did say that Forza's the best racing series. Either Forza or GT. But I'd NEVER put Burnout above Forza or GT. It's a black eye for a great series I initially didn't have respect for.

I don't have an XBOX360 or Forza 2, but I'm the complete opposite- I'm fine racing just about any car. Nationality of car means nothing to me.
You know, I thought I posted the same idea twice, but I didn't really think about it until I was in the car on the way to work. But the second post had a bit more content, didn't it?
Yes, along with the first post. It's just those parts didn't have much to do with my reply, and it helped focus better onto what I was replying to.

The Silverstone race? Wasn't that the one when I was turning lap times more than three seconds faster than everyone else (I may be getting it confused with another one)? Usually we're all pretty close together, well, yourself, DWA, and I. That is of course, if I don't get stuck in traffic at the start...
*Runs away and cries, turns emo and kills himself:indiff:*

Still, not including you or DWA, the amount of Evolution and STi racers out there who think they are "Hot 'S'" always seem to be a bit upset when they lose to me. I was in a race with Mista Kellah the other night on Tsubuka, and I managed to tear a whole group of STi and Evolutions a new one in an underpowered Jaguar XK. Needless to say, they were a bit upset...
Upset at you, or at their lack of skill?

I only get upset when some n00b crashes me and my truerank goes down a point because I get last place. I'm trying to bring it up to champion, and theres been a few times where I've gone down to 20 from 21.

Still, its nice seeing the GTPers on every once in a while. I just wish ya'all were on more often. Then again, I could probably do better to be on more often as well.
I agree, I only see you, DWA, and Mclaren online usually. Duck comes on sometimes, but goes off quickly most of the time.
I finally hit 1000GS. Woooooooooooo... I guess.

God what happened to the days when you finish a game and you'd get some awesome ending with an awesome song and some credits.

I got sent back to the main menu. :|
is that it!!! god....I thought it would be like GT3 with the cool as lenny kravitz vid lol. Or even if it showed the customization trailer like it does at the start when you leave it for to long or something...
For real. I'm already a bit bored with FM2. Most of my entertainment comes from the conversations on ZombieMaster. (Don't ask; we're not liable for anything we say.)
I've still got plenty of life in the game. I'm far from beating Carer mode, and I still have a lot of finish off in Arcade mode too. My latest thing has been trying to beat my friends on the different tracks, but I'm not always able to do it. I usually have a better time with the races in general.

Although it looks a little on the fake side, now that I'm really looking at it.

Not sure.
Well after a search it looks like the DLC will be here "any day now". :rolleyes:

It will have patches for the obvious problems (I hope) but it didn't go into detail about what else will be in it.