Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
Well, I came pretty close to beating you today MistaX on Sunset Infield, but my cell phone call interrupted my concentration (Jackie wanted to say "Hi," and talk about birthday plans for her). Otherwise, the only other races we had, you spun out early and I had a helluva time catching Taco (whatever his name was) in the G35 (with my Barricade Mustang), and then when you dropped out of the endurance race afterwards.

...I have Wednesday and Thursday off of work, so I should be able to spend some time playing around, that is, if my brother doesn't get there first...
I got my own headset today.

Can you view the messages that you sent?

I received one from some guy wanting to trade a European car for a Cobra. So I told him I could put the Cobra up for auction at 95,000. I guess he didn't like the deal.
A couple days ago while racing with McLaren in the group, I managed to hit him and spin him out on, a lot, if not every race. I'm surprised he didn't come in here and say something about it.

I had some nice races today with DWA and YSSMAN though.
lol 2 guy's in a U999 CLK-GTR and U999 Mines R34 try'd to take on my A817 Initial D trueno. They would fly ahead, wait for me to pass then try and take me out, as i was snaking up the straight's. Funny as hell:D I won. Hehe.

AnyWay there is one of my personal Trueno's(the same i used in those races lol) on the auction house with a buyout of 100k.
did you buy the TDU gamerpic's? Is there any way to get custom gamerpic's of a memeroy stick, cd etc like you can with background's?

also the free bungie gamer pic pack has a few nice pic's.

that's mine, got it for free with either the bungie pack or GTA:IV pack(there both free and thier's also free a free theme for both...)
A couple days ago while racing with McLaren in the group, I managed to hit him and spin him out on, a lot, if not every race. I'm surprised he didn't come in here and say something about it.

I had some nice races today with DWA and YSSMAN though.

Nah. Figured it was my fault. I'm not entirely used to racing online as I'm still learning the limits of my cars on different tracks.

I did LMAO though, at that big wreck on the Nord. though.
I've been doing a lot of racing with Perfect Balance, and that has been fun. My "Dream Crusher" Mercedes has been good for the longer-distance races, however it can't quite keep up with some of his vehicles on the shorter tracks.
I've been doing a lot of racing with Perfect Balance, and that has been fun. My "Dream Crusher" Mercedes has been good for the longer-distance races, however it can't quite keep up with some of his vehicles on the shorter tracks.
You need moar japanese cars!

EDIT: Does anyone have any ideas for a car to use as a theme for a paintjob? Something Japanese and not too crazy, since this will be my first.
Well...tonight was interesting.

Suzuka though, was a bit of a waste, esp. with the little kid trying to wreck everyone though I think everyone missed him.
dOOd where's your mic... ?

My mic is broken...again. I bought a new one, and it crapped out on me. Plus, I can't hear anyone unless I turn it up. Then when I do, everyone hears it.

So, I play without it unless my cousin brings his.
Which is enough for me to not want one... besides I want one where the sounds from the game go though my headphones too. Being able to use my own headphones would be nice too.

:cough: PT Cruiser and a Mini :cough: vs...

I got second because I had to come from all the way in last because of the nOObs hitting me from behind...
1) I refuse to drive Japanese cars unless a gun is placed against my temple. Otherwise, its all German and all American, all the time.

2) The Mini and the PT are both (surprisingly) fast, and doubters on here really can't say much if they haven't seen them race.
I should buy a PT, just so's I can give it some fake woodgrain. :dopey: That would be awesome with Centerline autodrags and all kinds of fake chrome.

Retro mobile!
You need moar japanese cars!

Mmmm, no...

I'll keep things American and European, thanks.

I just built a Jaguar XK this evening, and I'm very eager to try it out with a bit more "experienced" competition. Its lacking in the power department, but the handling abilities are stellar.

Although I do have an NSX that works well in the A-class, I just prefer my TVR.

Plus, I like being "different," given the amount of people running Evolutions and STis, getting beaten by me...
I have a big mix, I must admit I have more Japanese cars that I've tuned into touring car style racers. Most of the American and European cars I have, I've opted more for the GT racer look.