im starting to hate MS, because im pretty sure this whole thing is their fault, pressing for quick release date, im sure its their fault too. Both Jube and Brian were very communicative and now they are way more silent, my guess is MS draw a line in the ground and told them they cant talk lots of things.
About Goty editions, i love them, i prefer having all these things in a disc because years later im sure the will plug the xbox 360 too and i wont be able to redownload the DLC, plus i can just install it in as many consoles i want without transfering issues.
I already now that some games are going to get goty editions and im paying to play the DLC avaible before others, so i dont mind that those who waited get sweet deals, im not an envy person. Plus it happens with the hardware, the cars, etc . Those who way normally pay less.
What i dont like and i dont agree with is this and super street fighter 4 type of goty, the ones that left you without the contents unless you rebuy the game, im expecting that Turn10 and/or MS comes to their senses and release this as other DLCs.
By the way, im not excusing Turn10 but even Polyphony has give you a few of this from time to time, with the whole GT4 movile for PSP that was showed like a very stage advances product and end up been vaporware until Sony needed to sell another model of PSP, then was quick ported and stripped.
GT4 online which was cutted and then promissed as an addon and we only end up with a lame beta for asia, finally the whole standard cars.
Now we are all waiting for GT5 as it seems a great game, i hope Turn10 release a great game too and left behind the whole lack of lobbies, PI problems and the jalopnik thing behind too.