Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
Whats the deal with movies guys?

Why cant you watch them again on the console once you have made one?

I gave up on uploading my 20sec movie after 10mins, i didnt wanna wait any longer :(

So if you create a movie and dont upload it - isnt it just pointless?

Im confused !!
T-minus 1.5 hours until I have my copy in my hands...I'm getting pretty giddy.

I'm really pumped that I only have one class all day to get in my way of Forza, it's gonna be a good day :)
No Auction house or store front with Silver. :(

It even lets you look in the auction house with a 'look but don't touch' policy :mad:

EDIT: I don't believe it. You need xbox gold to share photos. I am astounded.

WTF :mad::mad:

I just cannot believe it. Microsoft are absolute tools. A brilliant game so far, but I'm infuriated as to the extent microsoft 'pushes it' in regard to getting a gold membership, so much so, that I have even emailed them asking for a trial. How would I know if it was worth the purchase, otherwise?
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I only got some crappy gamestop M5, wouldn't mind the R8 :)

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Guess it and I'll PM you the additional code once I go pick up the Standard copy, which won't be too long from now.

I have also got an R8 code. Does this just unlock the R8 that you get with the LCE, or does it give you a different/painted car?

If it's just the same as the LCE car then I'll give my code away as well.

It unlocks a painted R8 5.2, you get the code with either the Standard or the LCE, so yeah it's the same thing.

If you don't mind giving it to me I'd be a happy boy. However, if you don't that's ok. If someone else has a spare, kindly give me a shout, guys.

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Guess it and I'll PM you the additional code once I go pick up the Standard copy, which won't be too long from now.
*sigh* I have to wait till after work to get the game, I think I might sneak out early when the boss isn't looking.
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Guess it and I'll PM you the additional code once I go pick up the Standard copy, which won't be too long from now.

It unlocks a painted R8 5.2, you get the code with either the Standard or the LCE, so yeah it's the same thing.

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 20. Guess it and I'll PM you the additional code once I go pick up the Standard copy, which won't be too long from now.

16 :sly:
Well install went almost OK. I have the LCE version & Gold account. Installed disc 1 to hard drive from dashboard went OK,
then started Forza, installed disc 2 when prompted went OK. went to redeem codes from marketplace, entered numeric code, not OK
keep getting "Invalid code" message. XBOX keeps adding a dash into the numeric code.

I am wondering if other people are getting this error too. This isn't rocket science. :banghead:
Well install went almost OK. I have the LCE version & Gold account. Installed disc 1 to hard drive from dashboard went OK,
then started Forza, installed disc 2 when prompted went OK. went to redeem codes from marketplace, entered numeric code, not OK
keep getting "Invalid code" message. XBOX keeps adding a dash into the numeric code.

I am wondering if other people are getting this error too. This isn't rocket science. :banghead:

Every five characters are separated by a dash, and they must be entered exactly as it appears on the voucher.
I'm going to hook my 360 up to the TV and hope that I can get the thing to work...last time I used it (like two years ago) it kept giving me some type of message after I fired it up, saying that it needed something or another. If I can get it to work then I'm off to go pick up FM3! Too bad I won't have a wheel to use though :( Looks like a helluva of a game! 👍
in 15 minutes I am on my way to Gamestop to pick up my LCE I preordered. While I am there I am going to pick up an Elite with an extra controller. I am selling my regular Xbox to a coworker so that is good. the only thing is that i still have to wait until I get off work tonight to play it.:ill: I can't wait!
Patch is now out. It allows you to load your tuning options in the lobby.
There's one problem solved. 👍

Downloading the DLC as we speak, and after that, game time. Everything else has installed smoothly. Think for my first race (besides the Audi one), I'll run a Superleggera through Fujimi. :dopey:
My bad, having a senior moment, first time I've redeemed XBOX codes. back on track, currently finishing installing DLC. :dunce:

Picked it up a little while ago, but I have to wait till I get off work to play, a whole nother 8 1/2 hours.:grumpy:

If anyone wants to race/drift/ or just cruise, add me on Live. GTPLoon.
I picked up the LCE of this and Tekken 6 about an hour ago. Unfortunately, about 8 hours until I get to play. Have to stay at school for another 6 hours and then I will be playing Left 4 Dead 2 demo for a bit.
I accidently cancelled the DLC download and I can't get it back. I tried redeeming the code again to no avail :dunce:
I accidently cancelled the DLC download and I can't get it back. I tried redeeming the code again to no avail :dunce:

Try your download history, it usually lets you re-download any data from there. 👍
I accidently cancelled the DLC download and I can't get it back. I tried redeeming the code again to no avail :dunce:

You don't have to redeem the code again, it's like paying for a movie or something (that you can actually keep) once it's been redeemed or paid for all you have to do is download it again.

Delete the original download from your hard drive and you'll be good to go.

Forza 3 has a High Speed Ring?

Indeed it does. Fun as ass, too. :lol:
Well, I played for about three hours and decided to take a break and go out and get some lunch. Lo and behold my 360 RRODs me when I try to start it up again right after. I don't know what's worse, not getting the game at all, or getting such a good taste of it and having my piece of **** xbox break.

Damn that gets me so mad, I haven't even turned this damn thing on for weeks, and it's rarely if ever used, it figures it would crap out right after I get the only game I've been waiting for all year. Guess I get to wait however the hell long it takes for MS to replace this piece of garbage.
Well install went almost OK. I have the LCE version & Gold account. Installed disc 1 to hard drive from dashboard went OK,
then started Forza, installed disc 2 when prompted went OK. went to redeem codes from marketplace, entered numeric code, not OK
keep getting "Invalid code" message. XBOX keeps adding a dash into the numeric code.

I am wondering if other people are getting this error too. This isn't rocket science. :banghead:

It adds a dash after each block of letters, that's normal. You should just enter the code in one long string (no spaces) and it will add dashes where appropriate.

Have you double double checked the code? no "o"'s as "0"'s or anything silly?

Edit: Nevermind, I see this was answered.
Ok, maybe I'm just bypassing, but configuration is it exactly that lets you drive all around Benchmark? Every one I've done so far has you kept on the set course. :confused:
Ok, maybe I'm just bypassing, but configuration is it exactly that lets you drive all around Benchmark? Every one I've done so far has you kept on the set course. :confused:

Best configuration I've found is A; I thought it was the entire map as well, but I don't think it is....just different layouts with free roam.
Why does the drag strip lights go out before I can blink after loading the track?