Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
According to what I've read from Turn10, they've said they will not be available later for DLC, at least that's my understanding.

From their page...

Q: Will VIP memberships ever be sold separately from the Limited Collector’s Edition(LCE) of Forza 3?

A: Maybe. We’re looking into it, however at this point the only way to become a VIP is to purchase the Limited Collector’s Edition (LCE) of Forza Motorsport 3.

To me, that mean's they'll probably do it. Although, probably quite a while down the road. I'd peg it much later in the holiday season, perhaps early next year. I let them know how I feel about it, hopefully more people have been putting up a fuss with e-mail and the forums. I can see a lot of kids getting the game for Christmas and their parents buying the wrong version and having a lot of people upset. My life won't end if I don't get them, but I do want my ZR1. Seriously.
From a marketing perspective (I know, we're not going there), it probably makes more sense to hold off just a little bit to release them. That way LCE had more purpose than the USB drive and keychain (I don't care about those), and the five specially painted cars (don't care about them either). Basically I bought LCE for VIP membership, I guess..Lol
... I'm sorry, but no review, no comment, no one gave me the confience they fixed the super-grippy, super-assisted driving experience from the demo. I strongly advise you to hotlap the Ring in the Cayman S... in NFS Shift. Don't get me wrong, Shift is so bugged and so flawed it's kinda funny - they obviously had to release their unfinished game before Forza 3 and GT5 - but in term of pure driving experience, I'm seriously wondering if all these people praising Forza 3 gameplay actually know what they are talking about
it's ironic, because I'm absolutely not a GT fan, I came on this forum because of Forza 3, I never thought a NFS could be any good, but I'm so disappointed I'll save the money and "Shift" my expectations to GT5 :)
From their page...

To me, that mean's they'll probably do it. Although, probably quite a while down the road. I'd peg it much later in the holiday season, perhaps early next year. I let them know how I feel about it, hopefully more people have been putting up a fuss with e-mail and the forums. I can see a lot of kids getting the game for Christmas and their parents buying the wrong version and having a lot of people upset. My life won't end if I don't get them, but I do want my ZR1. Seriously.

Just put a ZR1 motor into the C6 Z06. Or Pontiac G8... it'll be almost as fast
Add some shiny wheels and paint a LS9 onto the front of it, do a brake upgrade and you'll have something that looks the same, goes the same, stops the same...

Won't turn the same though. The ZR1's suspension is much better than the ZO6's surprisingly. Much more forgiving, all the reports and reviews seem to say. I don't know about in the game, though. ^^;

BUT, can you see the engine through the hood? ;)

You can make a decal for it. Almost as good. XD
I do not think its fair to those paying $60 to not be able to get the most for the money. This is the reason i sold my xbox 2 years ago. Xbox Live.... I have to pay more to use the auction house and store front?? Sorry for the rant but I thought I would share. Without these touted features the game is no better than Forza2 but with a better single player progression. I stay by my 7.9/10 opinion. I have pay to use the rest of the game I already paid $60 for :(.
omg game owns but im still pretty Q_Q about having no GT-R, however the veyron is hillarious with no assists so much understeer at tskuba. gonna have to take it to the ring for a laugh.

Car list seems a bit sparse still only dullasheckverstone is the only english track, although that touge track seems pretty awesome and it doesnt seem to have any of those gay as h*ck snake named tracks that were in fm2

omg game owns but im still pretty Q_Q about having no GT-R, however the veyron is hillarious with no assists so much understeer at tskuba. gonna have to take it to the ring for a laugh.

Car list seems a bit sparse still only dullasheckverstone is the only english track, although that touge track seems pretty awesome and it doesnt seem to have any of those gay as h*ck snake named tracks that were in fm2


All the snake tracks come with the LCE if you want them XD

Just played fujimi kaido (the togue track) an I can't stand it. Sure it looks nice, but unless you are a drifter, which I'm not (haven't got a clue how to drift) it's horrendous to drive.

That and sedona raceway in any of it's variants are my least favourite tracks by far. Can't stand Sedona because virtually every corner requires you to brake for an imaginary point mid corner. If that's a real track whoever designed it should be shot.
I do not think its fair to those paying $60 to not be able to get the most for the money. This is the reason i sold my xbox 2 years ago. Xbox Live.... I have to pay more to use the auction house and store front?? Sorry for the rant but I thought I would share. Without these touted features the game is no better than Forza2 but with a better single player progression. I stay by my 7.9/10 opinion. I have pay to use the rest of the game I already paid $60 for :(.
Um, what are you talking about? LCE or not, anybody can use these. LCE buyers though being VIP, just have more privileges, such as being recognized more throughout the store front & such.
Um, what are you talking about? LCE or not, anybody can use these. LCE buyers though being VIP, just have more privileges, such as being recognized more throughout the store front & such.

I get a message that says "you can not use this feature". "you have to have a Gold membership to use this feature" Gold isn't free... Um thats what I'm talking about.
That and sedona raceway in any of it's variants are my least favourite tracks by far. Can't stand Sedona because virtually every corner requires you to brake for an imaginary point mid corner. If that's a real track whoever designed it should be shot.

Sedona is artificial, but I pray to god it's made into a real track.
I didnt want to start a new thread so i'm jus gonna post this here, hope someone will respond. Quick question to fellow fm3 players.

How come it seems like the new forza promotes selling tunes and paints rather than helping each other. I remember when back in the days of GT2 and GT3 when i can go into a forum and look at user posts and people would help one another in setting up the correct tune for a certain track. and later on in forza2 there will be tutorials on how to do "carbon fiber" paint. Now when i go to the forza 3 forums its always "COME TO MY STORE FRONT for carbon fiber" It kinda irks me a little bit that gamers are out to seek in-game credit rather than helping.
Sedona is a weird track, not very good for racing imho. It's not very consistent, and at times I think its trying to rival the ring's elevation changes - and to surpass them. I don't find that track to be much fun, it's ok, but the setting seems to be fitting NFS more then here (the old fantasy oriented nfs games).

All in all, I find F3's fantasy tracks to be boring (most of the time). I can't think of place on Sedona where battles can be really good, it's too windy, never sure of itself on where it wants to go. I would say the track is not sure of itself, too dramatic - but I'm no expert though.
Won't turn the same though. The ZR1's suspension is much better than the ZO6's surprisingly. Much more forgiving, all the reports and reviews seem to say. I don't know about in the game, though. ^^;

Well, to be honest pretty-much everything in F3 is forgiving. Very much so. That koenigsegg should be spitting me off on every corner on fujimi but somehow I'm able to hold it either dead straight or drift it unbelievably smoothly through every corner. Same with the F40.

So basically I wouldn't worry about it not being as forgiving as a ZR1 when the game basically won't let you crash as long as you've got better reaction times than a dead person.
I was actually amazed when I tried to race my ZR1. It handled way better than I expected. Felt nothing like a Chevy, felt more like a heavy Ferrari. Even on Fujimi with no assists and stock everything it was wonderful to drive
This is probably due to Forza's physics. Both the Corvette and Viper are rather like street legal LeMans cars, with wide bodies and a low center of gravity. This makes them racing beasts. With Forza's rather forgiving physics, as TBR noted with the Segg, you can throw them around turns, and if you know what you're doing, take them incredibly fast even with street tires. I tried the ZR1 out, and was stunned at how well it performed. Unrealistic? Yeah, some, but it sure is fun. ;)
I get a message that says "you can not use this feature". "you have to have a Gold membership to use this feature" Gold isn't free... Um thats what I'm talking about.
Well hell, that goes for nearly ANY game on the X360. If you want to do anything that has to do with the community & other people, you have to pay.
To be fair, we are used to MS mugging us, but not being able to upload photos without Gold is an absolute joke.

Also, has anyone noticed how 99% of the people who race online either
A) Can't Drive
B) Have NO sense of their surroundings
C) Ram
D) All of the above
To be fair, we are used to MS mugging us, but not being able to upload photos without Gold is an absolute joke.

Also, has anyone noticed how 99% of the people who race online either
A) Can't Drive
B) Have NO sense of their surroundings
C) Ram
D) All of the above
I still don't know how to pass people, so I accidently hit people all the time. :indiff: I need a class on passing.
Well hell, that goes for nearly ANY game on the X360. If you want to do anything that has to do with the community & other people, you have to pay.

Of course, but I only play a few games and the other games have no modes that require you to pay a fee to use. XBL was the reason i sold my 360 2 years ago. Its not worth it to those who only play a few games 2-3 times a week.

I'm sure it well worth it to those who play all time own many games and use community features.
I don't watch much TV but I've not seen one Forza 3 advert yet. I've seen plenty of "love music love xbox 360" ads and the like at the weekends and Microsoft normally bombard the telly with their ads. Just seems low key and the response also seems mixed.
Also, has anyone noticed how 99% of the people who race online either

A) Drive Audi R8 tuned to 600Pi
B) Drive Audi S5 tuned to 600Pi
C) See above
D) See A) or B)


Is there a way to SEARCH what kind of Private Lobbies are on disposal "somewhere" in the Forzaspace, or there is no way for me to try to find out is there anyone who's waiting to race 20 laps of LeMans with stock A cars?
Can't say I have noticed that.

That may have something to do with not having played online yet :)

I does seem T10 screwed up this 4wd thing. Alot of cars you can put 4WD in and then put alot more power in becuase the extra weight. Completely unbalances the game and I hope it gets fixed.
I don't watch much TV but I've not seen one Forza 3 advert yet. I've seen plenty of "love music love xbox 360" ads and the like at the weekends and Microsoft normally bombard the telly with their ads. Just seems low key and the response also seems mixed.

I saw one.

Just one.

I say, if a game/movie is good enough, they don't need to advertise it.
I saw one.

Just one.

I say, if a game/movie is good enough, they don't need to advertise it.

Casual gamers are a lot less likely to know when something is going to release though. But if that keeps them out of my lobbies...:sly: