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So all PD have to do to prevent getting laughed at is by adding skidmarks.
I didn't see much in the forza trailer which suggested any particularly big improvements since the last game, other than the far improved graphics. The potential to roll the car is also good, but the damage seems no more advanced than last game. It still appears to have the same number of cars on track as the last game.
My point is, the trailer did what it was meant to do, look good and look fun, both forza and GT5's trailers achieved those, but neither give us sufficient info on whether either of them are going to be killer games.
I guess we will see.
I really think that skidmarks are such an important thing and not to have them included in the game - to me it would be like playing a shoot e'm up game and when you fired your gun at a wall it would not leave any bullet holes - that would be so un realistic.
i just think that if weve waited years for this game and they cannot include them then its a joke!!
Maybe the cars in GT5 HOVER above the track so there is no tyre contact!!!
I just want to drive behind another racer in an m3 or m5 and see them boot it out of a second gear corner and leave some dirty great skid marks as they get the back end out.
So cool.