Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
It won't, the force feedback on the GT25, DFP etc isn't compatible with the XB360 or something like that. Even if all parties wanted it to be supported, it's not possible.
I purchased mine for that game too and there are quite a few other games on the system worth it if you're into multiple genre but you should get enough out of it for you money.

One thing I find quite lame (yet again it's just my opinion, I'm not bashing or anything) but the whole Forza 3 re-branding is basically just looking at everything from GT and make it the same. Like the menu is basically GT but in white (the car stuff with the car emblem in the middle with the white screen as in GT is black one) and the screensaver-like main menu when you don't touch the control is basically just like GT5p where you let the car and you see environements and cool camera angles.

It's quite funny when you think of it with all of what Greenwalt said about "passing on the baton to us etc..." :D

Anyway, enough of my little rant I don't want to spawn a new war or something, just wanted to share my view on this matter.

The GT-inspired interface is one of the best new features in Forza 3. The slick layout in Gran Turismo 4 really sat the bar for this kind of game, where you spend a lot time in menus. I love the music and the aesthetics of Gran Turismo, its something Forza could never achieve. You knew Forza had a lot of cars, customization, tracks and features but the presentation never gave any of this any justice. Gran Turismo feels mature and focuses purely on cars and not some fakey attitude (see Dirt or NFS).

To me, copying the look of Gran Turismo is just the proper way of doing a massive car game. You spend at least 1/4 of the game in menus, so it should be a nice place to be in and easy to navigate.
The GT-inspired interface is one of the best new features in Forza 3. The slick layout in Gran Turismo 4 really sat the bar for this kind of game, where you spend a lot time in menus. I love the music and the aesthetics of Gran Turismo, its something Forza could never achieve. You knew Forza had a lot of cars, customization, tracks and features but the presentation never gave any of this any justice. Gran Turismo feels mature and focuses purely on cars and not some fakey attitude (see Dirt or NFS).

To me, copying the look of Gran Turismo is just the proper way of doing a massive car game. You spend at least 1/4 of the game in menus, so it should be a nice place to be in and easy to navigate.

Agreed GT4's aesthetic is great, the only thing i hope PD improve on menu wise is reducing the amount loading, i think the reason i spent so much time in gt4's menu's was watching the darn loading icon, so much so i think it burnt its image onto my retina.

I really liked GT1's menu however, it might have lacked GT4's coolness, but it was far more efficient to navigate through, menus are just a way for us to get from one place to another the quicker and more efficiently they do this the better imo.

Getting back to FM3 i noticed on some of the vids featuring the menu interface, that its very quick to get from start menu to the game, paint editor, store front. The "my Cars" (garage) section looks to have been overhauled quite nicely as well so its easier to get to the specific car you want, anything that make navigating through the different game sections less tedious has to enhance the experience.
Agreed GT4's aesthetic is great, the only thing i hope PD improve on menu wise is reducing the amount loading, i think the reason i spent so much time in gt4's menu's was watching the darn loading icon, so much so i think it burnt its image onto my retina.

I really liked GT1's menu however, it might have lacked GT4's coolness, but it was far more efficient to navigate through, menus are just a way for us to get from one place to another the quicker and more efficiently they do this the better imo.

Getting back to FM3 i noticed on some of the vids featuring the menu interface, that its very quick to get from start menu to the game, paint editor, store front. The "my Cars" (garage) section looks to have been overhauled quite nicely as well so its easier to get to the specific car you want, anything that make navigating through the different game sections less tedious has to enhance the experience.

Yes the loading times seem reduced quite a lot from Forza 2. The car selection has been overhauled as well, so you can select cars based on thumbnails as well as a more detailed list. I hope you can pre-set filters for your garage this time. While listing cars by PI points was the most useful, sometimes I wanted manufacturer or year to list as default.

GT4's system was good, but only if you knew exactly which car you wanted. Im pretty good with models, but I can't memorize every car in the game. If you selected a car you didn't want from the list, you had to go back each time to the garage. PD could have easily designed it so you could browse through your garage list, similar to the car selection in arcade mode or when you buy a new car. I wish Turn 10 could show more of the interface, but I guess I'll have to wait until the full game is out.
Simply delicious. It looks great, I'm liking the new paint features as well sounds like it'll be even more accessible than 2 in terms of auctioning off things.

Edit: Intro video
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Nobody but the hardcore will buy Forza 3 UNLESS they start advertising the game NOW. I still have yet to see a commercial or ad for it in stores or on TV.

There's still 5-6 weeks before release but info/promotion leading up has been lacking.

Rock band Beatles 360 ads are currently blitzing our TV's here and its just been released. I think MS usually try to advertise when the game can be bought and now its gold they can start showing exactly what's in the game soon.

I expect to see the huge advertising a week before and run a whole 4-8 weeks after releasing and beyond. But who knows, the past two years has seen blanket advertising by MS in Europe with a 300 million campaign and maybe adverts are slowing down now. You couldn't move for GTA IV 360 ads.

I wouldn't worry yet and many attractive casual ads will roll soon.
The thing that gets me about that video, for a game that is meant to have so many tracks, why aren't that many shown?

In all the press releases it seems to be the same tracks used over and over. The video itself looks really good and the choice of cars looks great.
Simply delicious. It looks great, I'm liking the new paint features as well sounds like it'll be even more accessible than 2 in terms of auctioning off things.

Edit: Intro video

Uhm. At the end of that video it says "Demo available now."

Now, I don't want to jump onto Live just to find out it's still coming on the 24th.
Beacuse there arn't that many tracks in the full game. Theres onl 20 somethnig locations and the rest are variations. They've managed to claim over 100 tracks by including some locaions with loads of layout variations.
Could it be a software limitation?

I was more referring to the lack of open wheel racer with that last comment.

I don't know what it could be. It seems as if they might be ignoring the entire prospect altogether. It's not like the 360 isn't capable of doing the math for an open wheel racer. There's a lot about Forza that still bugs from a technical standpoint, but since I don't work for Turn 10 I can't do anything more than theorize.
Maybe because they're open wheel, and that would need their own class. I mean..."D, C, B, A, S, U, R4, R3, R2, R1" aren't enough?

There's no such thing as "enough" in a racing title, and I wouldn't really consider U to be a critical part of the classing system as it's only a representation of an excessively tuned vehicle.

Hell, I'll go one farther with that opinionated logic; the only real classes in the game are R1-R4 as almost any pedestrian vehicle can be brought up to at least the A Class.
Forza has no animated suspension. That's why open wheel cars are missing.

Race Pro hasn't animated suspension either but includes open wheel cars. Not that nice to watch.
Think it´s more a graphical issue. They need to model wheels seen from cockpit, open suspension and such. More work which they didn´t prioritize I suppose. I guess SUVs are more popular in the US so that got higher importance lol

F1 is probably hugely expensive to get too so that isn´t that strange really.

There's no such thing as "enough" in a racing title, and I wouldn't really consider U to be a critical part of the classing system as it's only a representation of an excessively tuned vehicle.

Hell, I'll go one farther with that opinionated logic; the only real classes in the game are R1-R4 as almost any pedestrian vehicle can be brought up to at least the A Class.

Yes it´s something that is enough... quality over quantity any day. Why would I want to race 500 crappy cars if I can run 5 superb???
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Yes it´s something that is enough... quality over quantity any day. Why would I want to race 500 crappy cars if I can run 5 superb???

I don't even know what point you're trying to make.

Care to run that by me again?

No need to double post, by the way.
Hell, I'll go one farther with that opinionated logic; the only real classes in the game are R1-R4 as almost any pedestrian vehicle can be brought up to at least the A Class.

Can be? Yes. Has to be? Hardly. I like my Mini races thank you. Now that they have some extra buzz boxes in the game like the Honda Jazz, Toyota Yaris and Fiat 500 I am looking forward to some nice close F or E class racing.
I don't know what it could be. It seems as if they might be ignoring the entire prospect altogether. It's not like the 360 isn't capable of doing the math for an open wheel racer. There's a lot about Forza that still bugs from a technical standpoint, but since I don't work for Turn 10 I can't do anything more than theorize.

Maybe they thought it wasn't really necessary, if I want to race F1 cars I'd probably get an F1 game...:)
Also yes that video I think is a leak hence why it says "demo out now", it's still only on the 24th.
Where do these people keep coming from?

Race Pro is not a simulator? Are you a physicist? Mathematician?

Both. I have Ph.D in physics

So, you've actually driven a Ford GT & know how it drives in real life?
Looks like you haven't so, your comment on how it drives in real life from GT doesn't mean diddly to me.

See, I've seen good comments on the Ford GT drives, & I've seen some bad. So, a few good reviews don't speak for everyone's who has it for more than a week.

I don't want to go in this "vs" thing, I like both games and will buy Forza 3 and GT5 day one. Though they focus on different aspects.

As for "drive" thing, my car is in both Forza and GT series and I drive it every day. But to say which is more real, you have to go on track and push the limits hard. Under the limit all cars are same and you can't tell anything
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Also yes that video I think is a leak hence why it says "demo out now", it's still only on the 24th.

Not a leak, Che (turn 10) has confirmed it was a mistake of a incorrectly informed video editor.
Both. I have Ph.D in physics

As for "drive" thing, my car is in both Forza and GT series and I drive it every day. But to say which is more real, you have to go on track and push the limits hard. Under the limit all cars are same and you can't tell anything
Doesn't answer my actual question, but my suspicions that you're off your rocker.
I don't want to go in this "vs" thing, I like both games and will buy Forza 3 and GT5 day one. Though they focus on different aspects.

As for "drive" thing, my car is in both Forza and GT series and I drive it every day. But to say which is more real, you have to go on track and push the limits hard. Under the limit all cars are same and you can't tell anything

I'm sorry, what?

Are you telling me that under the bare limits of pushing a car, any car as hard as it can possibly go without going sideways....they all drive the same?

I want to see a picture of this "Ph.D." that you have.