Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
Speaking of Ford GT. Here is me at Road America in July.




And we watch this accident unfold right before our eyes:


too bad there´s no definitive dan g. avatar! could come with t-shirts that have his best quotes like "we´re running out of things to simulate!"...
I respect your opinion, but GT4 physics was pure arcade far from even PGR4.

GT5 Prologue is much better than GT4 except it doesn't look like game calculate tire physics and traction at all due to pretty weird cars behavior at limit. And many car in game drive nowhere near their real life counterparts, so cars don't feel authentic.

Fun game focused on presentation, variety of events and challenging driving experience. Simulator? I don't think so
I am clearly no match for comments like this :banghead:.

Like I said, learn about the topic you're discussing, then come back and we can have a discussion.
I respect your opinion, but GT4 physics was pure arcade far from even PGR4.

GT5 Prologue is much better than GT4 except it doesn't look like game calculate tire physics and traction at all due to pretty weird cars behavior at limit. And many car in game drive nowhere near their real life counterparts, so cars don't feel authentic.

Fun game focused on presentation, variety of events and challenging driving experience. Simulator? I don't think so

We've been there and done that dude. Maybe I'd listen if you used RBR or even Race Pro as an example but bringing up Forza 2 isn't do you many favours.

EDIT: Oooh we also get a race-car in the demo, can't wait.
We've been there and done that dude. Maybe I'd listen if you used RBR or even Race Pro as an example but bringing up Forza 2 isn't do you many favours.

Race Pro is not simulator. It's somewhere between PGR4 and Forza 2, closer to the first one.

Dude, get some ancient LFS and stop playing this modern SimBin arcades if you like PC gaming

So you know what a Ford GT or Viper SRT-10 drives like....

Go read some reviews and driving tests: rock stable, sufficiently easier to drive than Corvette, i.e. exactly like in Forza.

Probably because Turn 10 made dyno with real Ford GT and actually drove it on track?
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Looks like my wish is dead.

So, about a $1-4 range.

Think I'll wait & see if the LCE gives us anything since it's offering the FM3 Premium Theme for free.

Sad thing is I'd have bought it if it had the Puma branding on the shoes.

What a poser I am....
Go read some reviews and driving tests: rock stable, sufficiently easier to drive than Corvette, i.e. exactly like in Forza.

Probably because Turn 10 made dyno with real Ford GT and actually drove it on track?
So, you've actually driven a Ford GT & know how it drives in real life?
Looks like you haven't so, your comment on how it drives in real life from GT doesn't mean diddly to me.

See, I've seen good comments on the Ford GT drives, & I've seen some bad. So, a few good reviews don't speak for everyone's who has it for more than a week.
Race Pro is not simulator. It's somewhere between PGR4 and Forza 2, closer to the first one.

Dude, get some ancient LFS and stop playing this modern SimBin arcades if you like PC gaming

Go read some reviews and driving tests: rock stable, sufficiently easier to drive than Corvette, i.e. exactly like in Forza.

Probably because Turn 10 made dyno with real Ford GT and actually drove it on track?

Where do these people keep coming from?

Race Pro is not a simulator? Are you a physicist? Mathematician?

Race Pro is choppy. Race Pro doesn't have the best audio compared to other SimBin titles. Not a simulator? I'd beg to differ. Somewhere between PGR4 and Forza 2? More like in-between Forza 2 and Ferrari Challenge, maybe. The dynamics aren't as fluid as I've experienced in other titles, but it's still based on the proper formula.

I suppose you think GRiD has better physics than...PGR4?
Forza 3 seems to deal with some of those issues. The menu screens seem to be more like GT (classy, mature) and the graphics seems realistic enough( although actual gameplay videos don't seem to be as realistic). Hope the physics and replay issues are delt with.

Most of all i hope i would'nt be regretting my xbox purchuse:nervous:

I purchased mine for that game too and there are quite a few other games on the system worth it if you're into multiple genre but you should get enough out of it for you money.

One thing I find quite lame (yet again it's just my opinion, I'm not bashing or anything) but the whole Forza 3 re-branding is basically just looking at everything from GT and make it the same. Like the menu is basically GT but in white (the car stuff with the car emblem in the middle with the white screen as in GT is black one) and the screensaver-like main menu when you don't touch the control is basically just like GT5p where you let the car and you see environements and cool camera angles.

It's quite funny when you think of it with all of what Greenwalt said about "passing on the baton to us etc..." :D

Anyway, enough of my little rant I don't want to spawn a new war or something, just wanted to share my view on this matter.
^No, not really. There are definitely elements inspired by GT - the structure of the game for one, but the GUI isn't one of those things. Besides, it's not a bad thing to take the best from each other and is widely done in gaming - Gran Turismo for example also borrowed from Forza Motorsport in the dynamic driving line - in fact if you don't do it your game will become stale.
I know, I was just pointing out things. Then again I've never played forza before so I wouldn't know exactly, it's just my first impression of it. Either way competition can only be good, right? :)
Either way competition can only be good, right? :)

Exactly competition can only lead both games to better themselves, unfortunatly Kaz isnt paying attention to the competition....

Both games are similar but they have very different approaches to the gameplay expirience, put simply at its core GT is a car collecting/driving sim that allows the user to drive a vast amount of different cars on a wide variety of tracks..there are obviously other features but this is what GT is really all about at its core.

Forza on the other hand is an auto sandbox/racing sim, like GT it offers many cars and tracks, but at its heart its a customization & racing game that tries to give the user as much flexibilty as possible to create their own expirience.

some will not agree with my pov, but thats how i have come to see these two games and the underlying different philosophies behind them.
^No, not really. There are definitely elements inspired by GT - the structure of the game for one, but the GUI isn't one of those things. Besides, it's not a bad thing to take the best from each other and is widely done in gaming - Gran Turismo for example also borrowed from Forza Motorsport in the dynamic driving line - in fact if you don't do it your game will become stale.

You do realize that this line was there already in the first GT game...
Im getting fed up with this now, The reason I left the forza forums was to get rid of these stupid incredibly biased opinions, Now most of the people in here don't do that but there are some people i.e. "New Member" or names that are on the FM forums that are creeping over here.

It's obvious that some of them are just coming here to say like they do on the forza forums that forza is the best game ever created and that no other game can ever compare to it. Some of them at least try and post decently but as is pointed out above some are just blatantly ignorant and bash any other game that isn't forza.

Please just leave before you ruin this site like the forza forums are where any thread that someone even mentions a different game than forza in gets locked. I don't want this site to turn into the FM site. :(

I'm sorry I have left it long enough but it needs to be said sooner rather than later.
Dynamic in what way? I did change colors according to your driving.

Well in FM2 the race line affected by different variables, what car your useing, what upgrades it has on it ( brakes/tires/aero/weight ), on top of all that it also changes based on the speed your traveling on approach to the corner and through the corner.

All these different factors determine the lenght and colour of the line.
Still, GT4 came out before FM2 and all the GT games have had the line wether it is dynamic or not it's still not right for T10 to say that they came up with it when they obviously didn't.
^No, not really. There are definitely elements inspired by GT - the structure of the game for one, but the GUI isn't one of those things. Besides, it's not a bad thing to take the best from each other and is widely done in gaming - Gran Turismo for example also borrowed from Forza Motorsport in the dynamic driving line - in fact if you don't do it your game will become stale.

The whole concept of FM is based on what GT created, and the best you can come up with is that GT copied a racing line? C'mon man, seriously. I actually like Forza for what it is, but when I hear the racing line thing when comparisons are drawn by Forza fans/devs, I can't help but laugh.
Well in FM2 the race line affected by different variables, what car your useing, what upgrades it has on it ( brakes/tires/aero/weight ), on top of all that it also changes based on the speed your traveling on approach to the corner and through the corner.

All these different factors determine the lenght and colour of the line.

This was the case in GT as well.
Well in FM2 the race line affected by different variables, what car your useing, what upgrades it has on it ( brakes/tires/aero/weight ), on top of all that it also changes based on the speed your traveling on approach to the corner and through the corner.

All these different factors determine the lenght and colour of the line.

Yes it's the same, only it's blue in stead of green and no arrows, just lines
Suit yourself, I'd only be doing myself a favour really by not having to read some of the crap on these forums. is a joke, and hardly comparable, but this place is sometimes barely any better through it's ignorance and sheer stubborness. While there is generally a high calbier of posters here, it doesn't mean a lot of them are completely blind. Your downfall.

I'm out.
Suit yourself, I'd only be doing myself a favour really by not having to read some of the crap on these forums. is a joke, and hardly comparable, but this place is sometimes barely any better through it's ignorance and sheer stubborness. While there is generally a high calbier of posters here, it doesn't mean a lot of them are completely blind. Your downfall.

I'm out.

I would regard myself as a fan of both series, though i have a preferance for Forza (at this point in time), we cannot expect to go onto a competing game/franchise fansite an not expect to run into fanboy'ism and ignorance, the same is true when i visit

The argument between GT & Forza fans isnt just a clash between to competing games, but also verges on and often spills into the even more heated 360 vs PS3 console war.

For some people the lines are drawn they will support game and console like a avid football fan who supports his team regardless, then there are those of us who couldnt care less about loyalty, we just what to expirience the best games out there even if that means we have to invest in multiple platforms.

I tend to ignore the fanboys, their beyond reason its like trying to argue with a muslim fanatic over which is the best religion.
It's just weird that so many people defend their game console, I just don't know why... Maybe it's because they don't want to find out that they bought the wrong game console? not bought the best one?
It's not just the game console, but also everything around it. People owning a xbox360 defend Forza, and mostly don't like Gran Turismo because it's so much worse than Forza. This also goes for the other way around.

If I go to a PS3 forum and say I have more fun with my Xbox360, then hell breaks lose and they all trying to put a spell on me or something.

Do you feel offended when I say a game console you own sucks? I don't because I don't work for sony/microsoft and i'm having fun with it no matter what anybody says. Actually I own both, and I do like one better then the other. That's my opinion, not a fact.

I'm just trying to say that these feeling people have about their game consoles goes so deep, that they can't even think straight anymore.
If everybody just thought twice before they posted something.

Anyway back to what probably is going to be an awesome game!
I see more and more people buying a 360 just to play the new Forza, do you all plan on playing it with the controller? maybe buy a fanatec or microsoft wheel?
Nobody but the hardcore will buy Forza 3 UNLESS they start advertising the game NOW. I still have yet to see a commercial or ad for it in stores or on TV.

Sad Panda here. :nervous:
The poor beautiful 'Stangs.

I really did feel bad for them. I know they can fix it, but it's just the thought of it :nervous:
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Lets talk more about Forza and less about other games and consoles in this thread 💡

Advertising point Bogie brought up is a good one, I have yet to see an advert for it and If I didn't somewhat seek news online I wouldn't even know about it.
Not to be a pain Bogie but I've notied a couple of times you've made posts one after the other. You normally get told to use the edit button quite quickly but I don't think it's mentioned to you yet. I'm not having a go but sooner or later someone is going to tell you and it might as well be someone who thinks your opinions are more often than not worth reading even if we don't always agree. But the edit button is better than double posting ;).