Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
It's an exagerration but his point is valid. If there was ever a picture to highlight the day and night diferencs in graphics between GT5 and Forza 3 then thoes pics of the HKS CT230R are perfect. Forza 3 is no where near the best looking racing game of this generation. The car models are off (though good enough) and the textures and lighting effects are flat. That said I have enjoyed the Forza 3 demo and I know I will enjoy the full game a lot, especially doing full laps of Amalfi and Kaido.

Killante gave his opinion, he didn't say the game will suck, he didn't say Forza is rubbish with no basis, he compared graphics and graphics only and he put his comment into context of how he meant it ie in relation to Dan Greenwalts claims. I think it's silly to turn his comment into something that it wasn't and also a vast overraction to what was said.

I'm a Forza fan and I can tell you that compared to GT5 the graphics look rubbish, they arn't technically rubbish but to put that into context they don't look close to the realisitc look of GT5. That doesn't mean I'm saying forza 3 is a bad game, that just means that I think the graphics are a weak point depsite them being hyped about for so long. There's no need to overreact, it just makes people seem over sensitive and at the end of the day it's only a game that's being discussed, not war and peace. I know there's been a lot of anti-Forza stuff on this Gran Turismo web site but sometimes I'm just seeing black and white contrasts in here, dfferent sides of the issue but the same levels being reached and like just happened now there are times when the second someone says something bad about Forza they get lynched.

Save the lynching for comments that deserve it ;).
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We know the graphics in Forza 3 are lesser then those in GT5, isn't that horse beat to death enough?
Then the best thing to do is to it ignore it, his comment would now be on another page and whatever was being discussed would no doubt still be being discussed.

Sure if he said something stupid and untrue then fine, and I know there's been a lot of anti-Forza comments that can be frustrating to deal with, but in my opinion there's no reason to pick up a comment like that.

I see your side of the argument, but by making a deal out of it the horse gets beaten even more ;) 👍.
I had heard a rumour that the Nissan GTR won't be in Forza 3 due to the fact that Polyphony Digital designed the g-meter etc on its dash. And as PD are a Sony owned company (I think, even if they're not Forza 3 is on a competitors platform) I wondered if their permission would have to be sought. Or is it just a silly rumour? Has there been a pic of the GTR from Forza 3 yet?
Apologies if answered already.
I didn't say Forza was a horrible game just because it has poor graphics in comparison to GT5. I simply stated that they claimed something that they didn't provide and that could have been the reason why someone said it was laughable.
I am not saying Forza will be a bad game, Actually I can be sure from reading the positive reviews about the demo of this game that it'll be a great game.
I had heard a rumour that the Nissan GTR won't be in Forza 3 due to the fact that Polyphony Digital designed the g-meter etc on its dash. And as PD are a Sony owned company (I think, even if they're not Forza 3 is on a competitors platform) I wondered if their permission would have to be sought. Or is it just a silly rumour? Has there been a pic of the GTR from Forza 3 yet?
Apologies if answered already.
Turn10 claim that Nissan wouldn't let them use the car if ther were able to tune or modify it int he game in any way. Personally I think that's rubbish, there obviousely is a reason both companies couldn't come to an agreement, but the GT-R has featured in plenty of games including Pro Street, Shift and GT5:P and it wastunable in both Pro Street and GT5:P.
Maybe Nissan did play hardball with Turn10, but I can't see why they'd make thoes stipulations to Turn10 and not EA. Nissan does have a good relationship with PD, that is true.
It's called lift-off oversteer and happens in most FWD cars (in real life that is).

Gee, thanks for telling me the topic I'm discussing and specifically replying to.


1. Please, STOP making mesh be light gray. I can get over the lighting, reflections, headlight details...But it looks like someone went to Autozone and did a full silver mesh grille on these cars...

2. For a race car, this Evo's interior isn't modelled too badly. That row of gauges (is that what that is?) above the windshield looks pretty simple, but the rest looks pretty good, though the textures are a little substandard compared to the road cars.
They are still struggling with the headlights too. I don't know why. They pulled off chrome wheels this time around, but still couldn't figure out headlights and mesh grills. :(
Turn10 claim that Nissan wouldn't let them use the car if ther were able to tune or modify it int he game in any way. Personally I think that's rubbish, there obviousely is a reason both companies couldn't come to an agreement, but the GT-R has featured in plenty of games including Pro Street, Shift and GT5:P and it wastunable in both Pro Street and GT5:P.
Maybe Nissan did play hardball with Turn10, but I can't see why they'd make thoes stipulations to Turn10 and not EA. Nissan does have a good relationship with PD, that is true.
Hmmm. I have read a quote from an IGN interview with someone from Turn 10 link. My guess is that the Super GT GT-R will be in but not the road version as the road version has the display that PD designed.
Of course maybe the whole car may somehow be tied to multi-platform only releases. But really, I can't think of a good reason.
Hmmm. I have read a quote from an IGN interview with someone from Turn 10 link. My guess is that the Super GT GT-R will be in but not the road version as the road version has the display that PD designed.
Of course maybe the whole car may somehow be tied to multi-platform only releases. But really, I can't think of a good reason.

GT5 isn't multi-platform though.


I don't think Turn 10 was trying to be 100% accurate with that and instead went for a better track for multiplayer. Really, considering how much the normal width tracks become crash fests, can you imagine racing with a full field online on a track that's just wide enough for two cars to run side by side?

Also, something can look realistic but not accurate. That's how I'd describe many of the car models - they look real, but have innacuracies.
We know the graphics in Forza 3 are lesser then those in GT5,

Car models yes. Environment in GT5P looks worse than Forza 2 on every track except probably high speed ring. When you actually race, not watching replays, it's very obvious
Even then the car models are still pretty nice. I do also agree with the enviroment, they do look stunning in FM3, but just remember the first time you drove Costa Amalfi or Citta Di Aria in GT4, also beautiful, just because GT5P doesnt have anything spectacular doesnt mean GT generally doesnt.

FM3 still exceedsGT4 enviroments mind...

Another thing to ask, putting all this V that and such to one side:
What car/track will you guys be heading for first?
For me, providing both are available from the start, the Focus RS on Fujimi Kaido, or, BMW M3 E36 on one of the Amalfi tracks, preferably a long one.
An old Alfa if I can get my hands on one on Amalfi (I really did buy the t-shirt), or some hot hatch that will be available to buy immediately.

If you oversteer the engine should reduce lock...shouldn't it?

Sorry for being a nuisance but my input's feel direct. I never ever get the feeling there's a helping hand.

Basically, when you are oversteering the game gives you more opposite lock to correct the car.

It is best to play and watch the telemetry yourself.
I had heard a rumour that the Nissan GTR won't be in Forza 3

I don't care too much. From every source it sounds like pretty boring car without soul, also it's an over weighted behemoth which hits almost 1700 kg. Can't see how GT-R is going to beat Corvette and Porsche/Ferrari in FIA GT, though Nissan trashed AWD and V8 to make the car lighter but still GT-R is always the last so far.

But a lot of people are on GT-R hype so it would be better be in Forza 3
Jeeez, Forza's tracks look great!

I just watched some Amalfi Coast, New York and Fujimi Kaido vids from around September 18th.

It's a video specifically made to "rubbish" the physics engine. The player manually flips the car back over himself, this guy is just controlling it to make it look like a flaw in the physics engine.

My opinion on rollovers is the same as my opinion on damage in GT5, I could do without it. In the case of GT5 I'd say that I would rather not have had it, because I think it will encourage a minority of idiots to play online for no reason than to turn races into a destruction derby.

I've not gotten anywhere near flipping a car in Forza 3 due to losing control of the car naturally, and without intentionally doing it I can't imagine I would ever be far enough off line for it to happen.
Jeeez, Forza's tracks look great!

I just watched some Amalfi Coast, New York and Fujimi Kaido vids from around September 18th.

Yeah they do. Running the demo track and realising how much longer amalfi and Kaido will be gave me goosebumps :)

I'm also not dreading reverse-run races (I hate you Maple Valley) after finding I prefer Camino backwards.

Forza Motorsport 3 Limited Collector’s Edition £39.99 preorder at Blockbuster. Free delivery.

Ohhhhh I wonder how reliable they are for shipping in time for release day.
Regarding the Ring:

I don't think Turn 10 was trying to be 100% accurate with that and instead went for a better track for multiplayer. Really, considering how much the normal width tracks become crash fests, can you imagine racing with a full field online on a track that's just wide enough for two cars to run side by side?

This man speaks the truth. Nurburgring is ridiculous enough as it is in Forza, if a 100% realistic version is even narrower I wouldn't want it. It's already borderline useless for races. Safe overtaking places are sometimes minutes apart, and the speeds are so high that even a slight touch means it's over for both of you. Every time we race it online it becomes a game of follow the leader until either:
a) the guy in front of your cracks under pressure and crashes, so you pass.
b) you crack under pressure and try to overtake. Both of you crash 75% of the time.