Forza Motorsport 3

  • Thread starter RedOak
What car/track will you guys be heading for first?
For me, providing both are available from the start, the Focus RS on Fujimi Kaido, or, BMW M3 E36 on one of the Amalfi tracks, preferably a long one.

Probably Fujimi Kaido, because I don't really remember that from FM1. I BARELY remember FM1 to be honest.
Don't shoot the messenger, I was shocked when I realised the photos I thought were F3 were in fact F2!

This was posted somewhere else (I'm not sure where as I've got several Forza 3 threads running on my browser, and they all tend to blur into one in my mind), but I think this was once again a bit of a false comparison, as it is only showing the old tracks that have been bundled onto the second disc, and haven't received any significant reworking.
This was posted somewhere else (I'm not sure where as I've got several Forza 3 threads running on my browser, and they all tend to blur into one in my mind), but I think this was once again a bit of a false comparison, as it is only showing the old tracks that have been bundled onto the second disc, and haven't received any significant reworking.
What? None of the tracks shown are on the 2nd disc. :odd:
Regarding the Ring:

This man speaks the truth. Nurburgring is ridiculous enough as it is in Forza, if a 100% realistic version is even narrower I wouldn't want it. It's already borderline useless for races. Safe overtaking places are sometimes minutes apart, and the speeds are so high that even a slight touch means it's over for both of you. Every time we race it online it becomes a game of follow the leader until either:
a) the guy in front of your cracks under pressure and crashes, so you pass.
b) you crack under pressure and try to overtake. Both of you crash 75% of the time.

That's not a big problem with other games, like GTR Evo, and heck, it's on Steam!

I must've run hundreds of laps around the ring in the CCGT and Spyker online and offline, and once the field has sorted itself out through the first corner (goes surprisingly well), the racing is generally clean AND aggressive from there on.

Of course, the racing does come down to skill, and who is driving smarter (it's not rare to see the Spykers holding up C6.R's through the first 'third' of the lap). And the cars that hang on through the slower corners and are absolutely planted through the faster ones generally come out on top (even if it means you're sometimes losing 15km/h on the straight, I think it's worth it), but it's always up to the driver to get the most out of the car.

Take this video for references (I can't tell you the name/number of every corner):
1:00 is always good fun in a pack, because half the cars will stay to the inside, and the others will drop out wide for a better run into the right-hander. Then coming off the exit you can cleanly pass many cars.
1:12 is another great spot for passing. It's possible for someone to dive up the inside, and make it through the next left-hander, and then be passed by the person who took th ideal racing line.
1:28 makes for interesting racing, rewarding the brave driver who can easily make up a position by going around the outside. This takes balls, and a car that handles well at higher speeds (the CCGT is best in this aspect I think), and only rarely will you make contact because the racing lines are so different. It should be noted you need a good tow and a 'run-up' to pull it off though.
1:45 and another great opportunity for the brave, ballsy driver with the stable car. Attack the corner, stick two wheels on the grass if need be, and you should manage to avoid all contact, because the other cars will drift wider, earlier than you. Of course, if you're not in front, you're screwed for the next corner, which brings me onto:
1:50. A good, deep braking zone, and if you can carry some brake into the corner better than another driver, you've got them easier than tempting a fat person with cake. However, a less-than-perfect exit puts you in danger for the next 20 seconds.
2:09, again, is great for the ballsy driver. If you can get your car turned in well, you can carry immense pace through this corner, and odds are since you'll have to 'turn in' much earlier, you can easily make it through cleanly.
2:13 to 2:20 is a complex series of corners, with millions of alternate racing lines. As a result, it's astoundingly easy to fly through there in a pack without even scratching your Koenigsegg. That also means good overtaking potential.
2:32-2:38, great for passing. Get good drive out of the first one (odds are you've got a tow into it) and you can nail them into the second one.
2:43, a continuation of the last few corners, a mildly heavy braking zone followed by a slowish corner is great overtaking potential.
3:00, epic. There's a million ways around someone through this 30-second sequence. Honestly, if you can't find a way past a car in those 30 seconds, you deserve to finish second.
3:36; braking zone (and following corner exit) ripe for overtaking
4:18, see above
4:29: see above
4:47 tricky left-hander often leads to cars running wide at 4:50, great opportunity.
5:00-5:50 this section can sometimes be tedious, but if you're stuck behind someone, try a different line. That section is actually quite forgiving if you're not 100% on the racing line, and you WILL get the opportunity to put 2 wheels on the grass and stick the nose up inside another car. Then it's possible to run side-by-side for a LONG time.
5:54. If you have balls, not is the time to use them. stay committed to that corner, and bam instant massive speed advantage on the next straight.
6:04 tricky corner entrance, and if done correctly, it's easily a second off your lap time. And sometimes even 3-4 more cars behind you.
6:13, attack this and there's a lot of speed to be gained. This corner is fairly forgiving, and yet it rewards alternate (including aggressive) lines. Use it.
The series of right-handers coming onto the long straight can be used to great effect; sometimes cars will got for the highest corner speed, others the highest exit speed, other still the highest entry speed. Use this. Then grab a tow and take them down (up?) the straight.
I don't need to say how good the last few corners are for overtaking (coming off the straight is sometimes like a game of chicken with the grass/wall/etc though). Admittedly, the last corner is almost always useless, but get a good exit and you're set for turn 1.
Jeeez, Forza's tracks look great!

I just watched some Amalfi Coast, New York and Fujimi Kaido vids from around September 18th.

I should point out that they don't look photo realistic at all. Even if you watch replays where most of things blurred.

Probably unrealistic colors are to blame.
Haha yeah, shows how good these guys are on their comparisons.

If you have seen it, the FM3 pic is Catalunya, the FM2 is Suzuka.
TBR 427:

First of all let me say that's a good write up, you obviously know your way around the track.

Yeah, there are a few overtaking spots, but a few of those you listed are pretty ropey. If the person doesn't see you making the move it would all be over for both of you. There's still too much track and not enough opportunities for my liking. The preponderance of the Nordschleife in every racing game these days annoys me, it's like it's a must have, but not that many people enjoy racing on it. If you gave me the choice of 20km of tarmac to map for a racing game, I could get Bathurst, Spa and Donnington, and still have some leftovers. Any one of which would provide more enjoyable racing (for me) than the Ring.
No matter what Turn10's reasons they screwed up the Nordschleife, I'd have loved them to have gone back to that track and re-modelled it accurately but they haven't and as a result it is no longer the Nordscheife and they might as well have just created another fictional track instead. There's no point going to lenths to asy "we've included XXX track" and then bastardise it so much that it's nothing like that track really is when you could have just made Turn 10 raceway or whatever. If you're going to include a track, you include the track, you don't decide for yourself the track is too long, short, wide, narrow because once you really start to change thoes things it ceases to be that track. For the record, I don't have problems overtakig on the Ring in other games that do have more acurate reditions of the track, like GT4 and Enthusia, infact in Enthusa you are almost forced to win the races with no contact and I have won races with no contact at the Ring in that track. It's not the hardest track in the worl to overtake on. Hell in GT4 many of the rally tracks were much worse for passing and you only had 1 car to get past on thoes.

But anyhow, that's an old topic and a rant I had a long time ago but still feel the same about. I get by by just imagining that the Ring in the Forza games isn't really the Ring but just a less challenging similar track and I'll make sure get enjoyment out of it in Forza 3. I hope Amalfi is as good to drive as it looks.
TBR 427:

First of all let me say that's a good write up, you obviously know your way around the track.

Yeah, there are a few overtaking spots, but a few of those you listed are pretty ropey. If the person doesn't see you making the move it would all be over for both of you. There's still too much track and not enough opportunities for my liking. The preponderance of the Nordschleife in every racing game these days annoys me, it's like it's a must have, but not that many people enjoy racing on it. If you gave me the choice of 20km of tarmac to map for a racing game, I could get Bathurst, Spa and Donnington, and still have some leftovers. Any one of which would provide more enjoyable racing (for me) than the Ring.
Interior cam my friend. Both the GTR Games and GT5P have excellent interior views, including 2 mirrors; one to the left (usually) and one behind.

A smart driver will always be keeping an eye on those mirrors, and 99% of the time you can tell where another racecar is by looking at them and the split time (if he's not in the left mirror or the back mirror, and he's 0.4 behind, he's making a move to my right).

Also, you have to remember that driving with another car (or many other cars) around you WILL cause a massive change in the racing line, and how people negotiate the track. This is something that CAN be used to your advantage.

Apart from that the only thing I can say is that the nurburgring, on other platforms and in other games, is somehow much better to race on than the Forza versions of the nurburgring, despite the fact that it's the right size and shape. Don't think of it as a track with no overtaking potential, instead think of it as a series of possibilities; you CAN make it round the outside of that corner. You CAN stick 2 wheels on the grass and make it through the inside.

Keep racing on proper versions of the ring and you'll get it.
No matter what Turn10's reasons they screwed up the Nordschleife, I'd have loved them to have gone back to that track and re-modelled it accurately but they haven't and as a result it is no longer the Nordscheife and they might as well have just created another fictional track instead. There's no point going to lenths to asy "we've included XXX track" and then bastardise it so much that it's nothing like that track really is when you could have just made Turn 10 raceway or whatever. If you're going to include a track, you include the track, you don't decide for yourself the track is too long, short, wide, narrow because once you really start to change thoes things it ceases to be that track. For the record, I don't have problems overtakig on the Ring in other games that do have more acurate reditions of the track, like GT4 and Enthusia, infact in Enthusa you are almost forced to win the races with no contact and I have won races with no contact at the Ring in that track. It's not the hardest track in the worl to overtake on. Hell in GT4 many of the rally tracks were much worse for passing and you only had 1 car to get past on thoes.

But anyhow, that's an old topic and a rant I had a long time ago but still feel the same about. I get by by just imagining that the Ring in the Forza games isn't really the Ring but just a less challenging similar track and I'll make sure get enjoyment out of it in Forza 3. I hope Amalfi is as good to drive as it looks.

haha second that. I found the best option was always to back off a bit before the corner, and try to get the best drive off it you can, hook a tow and pass them on the straights, because there's NO WAY AROUND a massive raid car when it's going sideways taking up all of what little track width there is.

Interestingly (if I remember correctly), the differences between the Nurburgrings in F1 and F2, and the real thing are large enough that you could build the F1 version AND the F2 version in Australia, and legally register them as a unique, original track (yes, even from each other).

EDIT: To be honest, I never really understood why T10 would bother including things if they're not exactly accurate. Or why anyone would, for that matter. If you want realism (and isn't this supposed to be a simulation?) go for gold, get it down accurately. Perfectly (within a reasonable amount, I know that it's impossible for absolute perfection on something that doesn't have 512TB VRAM). If it's as close to real as it can reasonably be, then nobody will complain (which is why nobody complains about the graphics of Grim Fandango, pacman, etc).

If they have the capacity to do better, but don't, that's just fail.

If they wanted a long track that was easy and fast, make the most of ORIGINAL CONTENT. Make a unique track that rocks.
If they wanted to include the nurburgring (and let's face it, who doesn't), then get it right! It's not supposed to be an easy track. That's why sports cars are tested there.
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Interior cam my friend. Both the GTR Games and GT5P have excellent interior views, including 2 mirrors; one to the left (usually) and one behind.

Well, Race Pro/GTR Evolution has the worst interior view I've ever seen in my life. Sometimes the useful part which is of course view of road takes only 15% of the screen area.

GT5P is better, but I still drive with speedometer seating on bumper.

And no, in real car you can't see left mirror, you can't see interior like AC/radio control, you can't see even dashboard. If you want to see them you should completely take your eyes off the road. That's why I consider Forza 2 hood view as the most realistic and don't bother with cockpits at all
Yes, actually you CAN see mirrors and AC/Radio controls and the dashboard in real life. You just aren't focusing on them, are you? Peripheral vision is a core element of driving, and from the sound of it you haven't done much. Heck, peripheral vision is a part of most everyday tasks, from walking without tripping (not always looking down are you?) to playing a Xylophone (looking at the music/conductor, not the instrument).

BTW, try using the FOV options in GTR Evo.

Also, you need to realize that the graphical interface is an important part of each and every car. Not only does it give your car an identity (rather than just a fast thing with the standard GT/F dials), IT'S REAL.

REAL cars have REAL dials and Real mirrors and REAL a-pillars that block some view and REAL seating positions. Other things you see in interior cam...are also REALLY THERE in real life.

Ever thought there's a reason why PD included an interior view? And T10? Let's not forget the interior cams in Supercar Challenge, Shift, etc, as well as ALL the PC sims. Because it's realistic. 3rd-person views will NEVER be as realistic a first-person views.

To forsake a realistic camera placement in lieu of an unrealistic camera, in the sake of realism, is ridiculous.

You may prefer it to interior cam, for whatever reasons (I don't really care for them), but that by no means makes it more realistic.
Ever thought there's a reason why PD included an interior view?

Have no idea, not going to use it anyway.

I want to see some normal bonnet view in GT5, not like you are seating on the roof

Yes, actually you CAN see mirrors and AC/Radio controls and the dashboard in real life.

Greetings from planet of Earth. How is the weather on Mars?

If you are from this planet, there is no way you can see anything of this and road at the same time
Suzuka gameplay with the Mazda Dyson


Back straight looks nice, very smooth.

I put HD tags but the high quality version doesn't show. You're best off clicking the link and watching on youtube. On my connection the HQ sharp version loads up automatically.

Suzuka Acura LMP 4

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Suzuka gameplay with the Mazda Dyson

Back straight looks nice, very smooth.

I put HD tags but the high quality version doesn't show. You're best off clicking the link and watching on youtube. On my connection the HQ sharp version loads up automatically.

Suzuka Acura LMP 4

I was afraid that just like Nordschleife, Suzuka is going to be the same as what was in FM2 and not surprisingly, it is. The "S" in this version is just not as tight and you hardly sense any elevation going up the Gyaku Bank and because of that the section from the Dunlop bend to Degnar seems unusually long. In fact, everything in this version of Suzuka seems stretched out and unusually long and flat (and oh so smooth). Even the final chicane seems a bit loose and you don't get the slight descend onto the START/FINISH line. And the Mazda Dyson (and LMP2 car) also seems a bit loose especially considering its pedigree.

Here's a great video giving you a nice slow view of the track

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I should point out that they don't look photo realistic at all. Even if you watch replays where most of things blurred.

Probably unrealistic colors are to blame.

Yes I don't think it's realistic looking at all but the graphics are still amazing :)
I was afraid that just like Nordschleife, Suzuka is going to be the same as what was in FM2 and not surprisingly, it is. The "S" in this version is just not as tight and you hardly sense any elevation going up the Gyaku Bank and because of that the section from the Dunlop bend to Degnar seems unusually long. In fact, everything in this version of Suzuka seems stretched out and unusually long and flat (and oh so smooth). Even the final chicane seems a bit loose and you don't get the slight descend onto the START/FINISH line.

Here's a great video giving you a nice slow view of the track

Yeah it does look to be the case.

I'm not familiar with Forza 1 or 2 suzuka so I'd like a better view but the small straight between turn 8 & 9 in real life has quite a dip (you can even see on the thumbnail of the NSXGT vid). In FM3 its flat which is disappointing.

Suzuka is amazing to me and it really needs laser scanning.
Yes, actually you CAN see mirrors and AC/Radio controls and the dashboard in real life. You just aren't focusing on them, are you? Peripheral vision is a core element of driving, and from the sound of it you haven't done much. Heck, peripheral vision is a part of most everyday tasks, from walking without tripping (not always looking down are you?) to playing a Xylophone (looking at the music/conductor, not the instrument).

BTW, try using the FOV options in GTR Evo.

Also, you need to realize that the graphical interface is an important part of each and every car. Not only does it give your car an identity (rather than just a fast thing with the standard GT/F dials), IT'S REAL.

REAL cars have REAL dials and Real mirrors and REAL a-pillars that block some view and REAL seating positions. Other things you see in interior cam...are also REALLY THERE in real life.

Ever thought there's a reason why PD included an interior view? And T10? Let's not forget the interior cams in Supercar Challenge, Shift, etc, as well as ALL the PC sims. Because it's realistic. 3rd-person views will NEVER be as realistic a first-person views.

To forsake a realistic camera placement in lieu of an unrealistic camera, in the sake of realism, is ridiculous.

You may prefer it to interior cam, for whatever reasons (I don't really care for them), but that by no means makes it more realistic.


Just give me adjustable seat & dynamic cockpit view, then be perfect.
Still haven't got this peripheral vision thing down, have you?

Peripheral vision is very weak, its main function is to detect moving objects indicating danger. You can't see anything in mirrors or dials with peripheral vision

I was afraid that just like Nordschleife, Suzuka is going to be the same as what was in FM2

FM3 Nurburgring looks like from another world

I think FM2 Nurburgring had more realistic feel
Peripheral vision is very weak, its main function is to detect moving objects indicating danger. You can't see anything in mirrors or dials with peripheral vision

To say you can't see "anything" is a bit of an over statement, you are at the least aware of what is in your peripheral vision even if you can't properly make it out. If you tried driving in "tunnel vision mode" in real life, looking through a window the size of a TV/monitor, even if you could move it around freely with your head/eye movement, it'd be horribly unsafe due to the lack of peripheral vision.

Hence there is no view that is terribly realistic in a video game. You either sacrifice a realistic seat position or field of view to see more of the car/track, or you go tunnel vision to get a realistic field of view.

In the end, its just a personal thing which compromise you prefer and feels more realistic to "you". I dont really see how you can complain about GTR2/GTR evo because it lets you adjust both FOV and seat position independantly to get whatever the heck you want.

Personally I like a slightly exaggerated FOV (maybe 85ish degrees) and a seat position that lets me see the cars gauges, and hopefully the mirrors (though that depends on the car). This is with my 24" monitor sitting about a 6" to a foot behind my G25.

Hence why console games need to learn from PC sims and actually get some adjustability in their FOV and seat position settings.
I dont really see how you can complain about GTR2/GTR evo because it lets you adjust both FOV and seat position independantly to get whatever the heck you want.

Well, I can't see any point playing GTR2/GTR Evo if I had Forza. It's like playing Tomb Rider instead Uncharted. LOL
That looked AWESOME. Everything I have seen so far of the ring in FM3 looks night and day better than the FM2's build.
Yes, the 'Ring is looking better, but was I the only one who though the GT3's wheel animation looked ghastly? :ill: