Forza Motorsport 7: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Why is so many people already talking about FM8?
Didn't we pay for FM7, can they improve things here?
Oh yes - they can, but only with heavy pressure of community!

Just look what Evos did with/from DriveClub, how much different, on better, become last Gran Turismo titles...years were needed, but games were finished!

Two years is just too quick cycle for franchise like FM, specially in these new days of DLC's and microtransactions...
They sell bug festival, car, vip and many separate packs after - and "everybody's happy" - really myself asking, why...?
Why are so many people talking about FM8 or why am I talking about FM8?

I only had an idea that was on my mind so I posted it in the latest general discussion thread. Because let's face it, they can't exactly just get rid of the speciality dealer then add a USD in FM7 can they? (It'd be awesome if they could though!) So that's why I said they could change it in the next FM installment.

Obviously T10 decided to make different design choices, and I'm not a big fan of them. But that's just my opinion. They take nothing away from the gameplay on the track though as I really enjoy driving/racing in FM7. Especially in Le Mans cars.

Just suggested a different method of buying locked cars that's all.
Hey, I didn't mean on you at all, not even on that forum only...

I have wrote something about what needs to be fixed in FM7 at official forum, and mostly got the answer - it's for FM8 request :)

So, no, don't be bothered with my post on wrong way, bcs is only some kind of request to T10 to fix the game... :cheers:
Hey, I didn't mean on you at all, not even on that forum only...

I have wrote something about what needs to be fixed in FM7 at official forum, and mostly got the answer - it's for FM8 request :)

So, no, don't be bothered with my post on wrong way, bcs is only some kind of request to T10 to fix the game... :cheers:
You handled that well, so no worries! I apologise if I sounded blunt towards you if I took that wrongly.
Aren’t we just exagerating a bit now? I find the tab/column layout quite easy to navigate, and the cars do not load slower than say the Gran Turismo Sport models. Plus after selecting the car it appears immediately in the main garage, with full Forzavista navigation and no load times whatsoever.
Not in the least bit, but comparing it against GT Sport is entirely irrelevant. What it should be compared to is FM6 and in that comparison it's a complete mess. What good is a car immediately loading if A) you can't even get it to show up, which has happened to me several times including crashing the game, and B) it's missing the livery that I applied to it. For a game that pushes customization as one of its key pillars, I don't find it an over-reaction that it can't handle one of its most basic features - the car selection menu.

I also forgot to mention the issue when switching manufacturers and cars from the previous manufacturer appear in the next manufacturer's list. That's another gem...
Not in the least bit, but comparing it against GT Sport is entirely irrelevant. What it should be compared to is FM6 and in that comparison it's a complete mess. What good is a car immediately loading if A) you can't even get it to show up, which has happened to me several times including crashing the game, and B) it's missing the livery that I applied to it. For a game that pushes customization as one of its key pillars, I don't find it an over-reaction that it can't handle one of its most basic features - the car selection menu.

I also forgot to mention the issue when switching manufacturers and cars from the previous manufacturer appear in the next manufacturer's list. That's another gem...
What I dont understand about the issue, and likely the cause of it, is why does it need a full Forzavista model in the car selection screen? I wonder how it would change if they put in lower LOD vehicles in there instead of cars that have fully modeled tid-bits, from the engine bay, to the trunk.
Or just, I dunno, have a simple loading icon for a few seconds before the car appears in full eye-candy display, a la GT Sport. FM6's menus were faster but incredibly static. I appreciate T10 wanting to show off the actual car model during selection instead of a still image, but the lagginess of the garage menu makes the game feel a little low-rent. Let us browse the thumbnails, and once we've stopped on a car for a second, then start loading in the model.

The transitions between menus in GT Sport when picking a car, while seemingly only a tiny aspect of the game, contribute greatly to the feel of polish. T10 has made the general menu of FM7 more dynamic, and that's good, but that garage menu is just bad.
Or just, I dunno, have a simple loading icon for a few seconds before the car appears in full eye-candy display, a la GT Sport. FM6's menus were faster but incredibly static. I appreciate T10 wanting to show off the actual car model during selection instead of a still image, but the lagginess of the garage menu makes the game feel a little low-rent. Let us browse the thumbnails, and once we've stopped on a car for a second, then start loading in the model.

The transitions between menus in GT Sport when picking a car, while seemingly only a tiny aspect of the game, contribute greatly to the feel of polish. T10 has made the general menu of FM7 more dynamic, and that's good, but that garage menu is just bad.

A modern version of FM1 and 2 would be best IMO. Don't try to load the model as fast as possible (which seems to be what causes the jankiness and instability), but instead have the sidebar thumbnails be a bit bigger, give the car time to load fully, then fade it in.

I don't recall any stuttering here and the fade gave it that extra bit polish IMO.
A modern version of FM1 and 2 would be best IMO. Don't try to load the model as fast as possible (which seems to be what causes the jankiness and instability), but instead have the sidebar thumbnails be a bit bigger, give the car time to load fully, then fade it in.

I don't recall any stuttering here and the fade gave it that extra bit polish IMO.

That video just makes me miss all those tuner cars we had available in the early iterations. :(
That video just makes me miss all those tuner cars we had available in the early iterations. :(

In the slight defense of T10, those tuner cars kind of padded the numbers a bit, with a lot of them being just cars with gaudy body kits on. I really only think the Hennessey (HA!) and Top Secret vehicles were really any sort of different.
Yes, Ford GT '17 on Daytona 24h and Ford GT40 Mk II on Le Mans Old Mulsanne.

Both with Hart(man) - Valentine Day

Alan Hartman
Yes, Ford GT '17 on Daytona 24h and Ford GT40 Mk II on Le Mans Old Mulsanne.

Both with Hart(man) - Valentine Day

Alan Hartman

Well that's interesting. Do the descriptions for both mention a gift car for participating?
Yes, both for taking a part in event and beating final time of bounty.

So, 4 cars for sure, if not even more (I think Greenawalt BH had three cars).
Yes, both for taking a part in event and beating final time of bounty.

So, 4 cars for sure, if not even more (I think Greenawalt BH had three cars).

It hasn't been announced on the official forum yet. Do you mind telling what they are?
Just got a 1GB update, anyone know what it’s for?

I imagine it’s that eSports Update that adds the spectator options and stuff.
What the actual duck, I did not expect anything of this caliber to happen, let alone on a random Thursday!

This is, in my opinion, the best Xbox One era Forza car pack yet, it is simply all the want in the world!
Well that's the supercar kiddies placated. Also, does this mean the Chiron is apart of the next car pack, but released for free, or are they adding another car to replace the Chiron?

It's part of the pack, you can see the rest of the cars at the end of the trailer.