Totally agree with you Nielsen ^ FM6 gives a far more detailed Forzavista experience. There's a short commentary describing the history of the manufacturer and more detail within the cars themselves.
I just finished the Forza Cup (which reminds me of the silly 'Cars' movies Piston Cup) and I'm pretty satisfied with the way they did this.
You get the C6 ZR1 Forza Edition which is eh... a fairly tastelessly modded car like most of them.
My final race was a wet weather Nurburgring Type V in a Lotus Exige in track machines which is a fitting race for real men - who doesnt like 25km of German weather.
I liked how this unlocks new showcase and new events (I believe?) - anyway easy to get an F40 Evo and a Veneno etc.
Free cars is good.
I feel like a barely scratched the surface. I'm level 42 and it seems its throwing free cars at me every level now so I'm hoping it keeps doing this past level 50.
My biggest gripe is the way they drip feed cars to you now when you just flat out bought them for like sub 50,000 credits before. This is real shoddy behaviour but I guess this is an arcane car collection game now.
My other gripe is how homologation has effectively killed modding. You basically race whatever they give you.
I get why they did it - they want to cut down on people like me who raced RWD modded 4wd cars like GTRs and SUVs so that we didnt tilt the scales too much in our favour.
So in this kind of light, they're trying to turn Forza into just another racing game that doesnt have the old 'flavour' of what Forza was about.
I used to play with final drives and tyre selections and made my own tunes and downloaded other peoples. Not any more.
My other gripe is how homologation has effectively killed modding. You basically race whatever they give you.
I get why they did it - they want to cut down on people like me who raced RWD modded 4wd cars like GTRs and SUVs so that we didnt tilt the scales too much in our favour.
I gave League racing a try for the first time yesterday. I joined the Supercar Renaissance hopper and the race was at Maple Valley for 4 laps. It was me and 5 others and I started 5th.
I've seen in videos and heard how much of a disaster online racing in Forza tends to be. But besides a mishap at turn 1, the race went surprisingly smooth and everyone raced clean. I came in second when it was over. Maybe I got lucky?
While I still prefer racing offline for various reasons, I don’t think I would mind doing a League race from time to time.
Suddenly the game is FANTASTIC!!!
When did this happen?!
Was it this latest patch?
I tried it last night with controller on my st60 and thought that the graphics had been sliiiightly improved.
And today I was going to try out all the new cars and moved the X over to where I have my wheel setup ( tx with 599 wheel ).
And right away it feels good, great even, I think that "hey man it feels good playing with the wheel again". Havent played for a while ( fallen into the black hole of HIFI... ) so thought that my first impression was because of that. But suddenly I notice that I can slide.... Hey whats happened here...
So try another car, and another... And another... And O.. M.. G.. !!!
The force feedback is totally amazing now!!!
Before it was nice with weighty feeling but countersteering was crap! Total crap!
Now I can let the wheel play in my hands and countersteer EVERYTHING!! I am giggling like a little girl and powersliding out of every corner!
Basically I can now drive the cars as you have always been able to drive with the controller! Steering is fast and really follows where the wheels are pointing!
The game is now just perfect!
Its a drivers dream!
Why arent you all talking about this?! Is this something that happend like weeks/month ago that I missed or havent you noticed this VERY big improvement?
THIS is what forza with a wheel should have bern all along!!
Update f5, f6, fh2 and fh3 with these ff settings NOW!!
Tried project cars 2 twice tonight for comparison, it feel like driving miss daisy now!
But its no way near as good as it was before they destroyed the ff with patch 2.0.
Still, didnt have this much fun even then, but sure miss how pc2 felt the first month ( with the default informative setting ).
So if you havent noticed, F7 has fantastic and FUN FF now!!
Get out there and powerslide people!!
I worked really hard the last couple of weeks to move up a Reward Tier, and on Monday I made it to Tier 11.
I was happy until this happened tonight:
My tier increased, but the payout didn't. Sigh. Why should I expect it to work?
I clicked "like" on your post to say congratulations on moving up a tier, not congratulation on getting shafted on the payouts.I worked really hard the last couple of weeks to move up a Reward Tier, and on Monday I made it to Tier 11.
View attachment 707458
I was happy until this happened tonight:
View attachment 707459
My tier increased, but the payout didn't. Sigh. Why should I expect it to work?
I worked really hard the last couple of weeks to move up a Reward Tier, and on Monday I made it to Tier 11.
I was happy until this happened tonight:
My tier increased, but the payout didn't. Sigh. Why should I expect it to work?
When I moved up to Tier 11, I recall it took a few weeks for Forzahub to reflect my higher reward.
Yikes, I'll try to be patient.
Monday, January 22
- Division: Major Micros (Homologated)
- PI limit: E/250
- Eligible cars:
View attachment 708213
- Start time: 20.00 GMT
- Host: @PJTierney (Gamertag: PJTierney)
Add me as a Friend on Xbox Live and join my Party when the session begins. I will be using the Party to invite players or communicate with them when they're not in the Lobby.
You can also join the Casual Racing Mondays Club on Xbox Live and find a Looking for Group post in there.
Casual Racing Mondays Club:
- There is now a Casual Racing Mondays Club on Xbox Live.
- You can either find it on your console, the Xbox app or through this link on
- By being a member of the club you'll have an easy place to find upcoming LFG sessions and updates.
Tagging all the racers on GTP again, join if you can, no problem if you can't
- @PJTierney - PJTierney
- @bf3 - pushaz99
- @MildAshers - MagpieRacer
- @HBR-Roadhog - HBR Roadhog
- @PzR Slim - PzR Slim
- @JR98 - JR98 GAMING
- @JeffKill - JeffKil
- @RPM Bibblefish - RPM Bibblefish
- @GTracer38 - MadRacer38
- @Symtex - Symtex
- @Djblackmagic - DJ Blackmagic
- @BoneSawTX - WhitemanLS1
- @Jimmy_Pop - Nukedogger
- @UnshavenYapper - UnshavenYapper
- @Thom Lee - Paiky7
- @ImaRobot - LImarobotL
- @MUSC4EVER - Jamobomb86
- @YoshiMaster2 - UltimateYosh
- @-Fred- - itrfred2
- @AudiMan2011 - Quattro Saltire
- @Cowboy - RacingCowboy570
- @Niku Driver HC - NikuTheDriver
- @ClydeYellow - ClydeYellow
- @Lajiola - Lajiola
- @Bastet - BASTET 223
- @Rocket Racer - lifestepvan
- @Rasmus - hetoft
- @speeeyskells - Breezyskells2
- @stuwarner79 - swirdles79
- @BK711 - BeeKirby7
- @CSLACR - Daywalker2032
- @SoapBoxRacer - NuttyLittleBoy
- @prousonhairy - RoLnD79
- @GroupB - Racer
- @PiotrGT - PiotrGT
- @Amackin - F1R Amackin
- @willbsn13 - Mr Willbertsin
- @AnimaVesta - TouringFungus25
- @Northstar - RokkitShipp
- @TokoTurismo - TOKOTurbo
- @MegaJoshh - xXMegaJoshhXx
- @C-ZETA - E0nLeader
- @turbofozz - Reparablepear
- @Tyl3n0L - DuckZilla85
- @NinjaEvo - Ninjit5uEvolved
- @Supra8 - Busysignal8
- @bxlunltd - BXLUNLTD
- @Ak1504 - x Ak1504 x
- @Ze Elephant - CobaltElephant8
- @DK - CiaranGTR94
- @Clem Fandango - CreweAlex42
- @StillGotIt - INDYCAR Dave
- @Dopplegagger - Wilko Jones
- @Snorevette - FloppyPanda1130
- @tank000001 - tank000001
- @OfficialAMURR - OfficialAMURR
- @zaxs - samozax
- @Kamrons - Kamrons
- @Vince_GT - Vincenzodelfaro
- @sskmercer- sskmercer
- @USMCinfinity - Visaith
- @Omologato - RM Tricky Nixon
- @KptnKaos1140 - JackeParkmann80
- @WreckWren - WreckWren
- @AlienDeathRay - AlienDeathRay15
- @Francocosta02 - Francocosta02
- @Lameonade - Lameonade One
- @RunRookieRun - RunRookieRun
- @Stang616 - Stang616
- @RaceFuchs - dmc DanPrez
- @the_marox - kaaboom93
I'm usually at half available revs before dropping the clutch at the start. If you bounce it off the limiter you'll usually get too much wheelspin.I'm sure this has been asked before but has anyone got some tips for launching off the line. The reason I'm asking is in Leagues say with the current Indy/Vintage Sport/Spec events I'm loosing heaps of spots off the line. Then my lap times are generally top 3 (Professional Rank) but due to loosing so many spots at the start, I'm loosing points also. Any ideas would be great.
One of the bugs I find most annoying is when you finish a race and they count up your meagre winnings... (eg. 12,000 credits) and there's a 'ding ding ding' coin sound like as if you won something from a poker machine (I know, the irony is palpable)... this sound doesnt stop until you exit the game!
in fact you get the ding ding coin sound through out the next race.
This is Turn 10 for you.
See, that's the sort of thing that I'm talking about. Really easy to fix stuff that should be fixed, more so for quality of life then anything else. Then you have actual big problems like the livery issue, etc. And again, T10 doesn't really communicate to fans that this is what they are doing, what this is they are trying to fix. I'm certain that T10 can learn from @IanBell in this regard when it comes to active community presence, both here and on their forums and social media.
I'm not going to say that the Horizon games, which I'm more intimately familiar with, have the same problems, because they do. One needs only to look at the mismatched engine sounds for the Valiant Charger (Giving it a V8 instead of a six cylinder engine sound file, completely negating one of the signature aspects of the Valiant Charger) and the Titan weight glitch (I know it's an issue pertaining to the game's basic code which can't be fixed via patch, but it still shouldn't have gotten through to release of the Blizzard Mountain expansion) to see that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree in regards to Playground and T10.
It's disheartening. I know that GT and Forza as a whole haven't had any semblance of competition since the original Forza and GT4 back in 2005, but I'm wondering if GT's switch from the type of game Forza now aspires to be (a car collecting / CarPG style of racing sim) to an e-sports focus has planted the seed in T10's mind that they run the console sim space now. And that's why a lot of things in Forza 7 feel phoned in, half assed, or half baked.
I'm going to play devils advocate here, it's almost impossible to tell if a bug in a game as large as Forza is 'easy' to fix or not if you're not on the development team. The sound bug mentioned could have an easy fix, but to actually find out A. if it is and B. what that fix would be, you might have to hold hours and hours and hours of QA testing just to find out specifically what's happening and how to replicate it.
Who had bets on the SD being a repeat yet again? How many more cycles before we either start over or finally get some new cars?
@PJTierney is correct. It's the Olympia Vale suit and to earn it, you needed to participate in any of the following Rivals events before January 3, 2018:@AnimaVesta Thats one of the Halo Driver Gears.
I believe the promotion is over.