Forza Motorsport 7: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Good news - I finally made it from Forza Rewards Tier 10 to Tier 11. Next question, do I get the Tier 11 driver suit for FM2??? (ok - that's actually a joke. I know how that works)

Real question - do I get 75K as a separate "gift" prior to Thursday, or will my next payout simply be 425K instead of 350K?
Heads up, the January Bounty Hunter challenge now requires the stock Fiesta ST instead of a tuned one.
Well, there goes any interest I had in running it. I wanted to see if people could make a CxClass car that could compete with the Acura Integra :)
Good news - I finally made it from Forza Rewards Tier 10 to Tier 11. Next question, do I get the Tier 11 driver suit for FM2??? (ok - that's actually a joke. I know how that works)

Real question - do I get 75K as a separate "gift" prior to Thursday, or will my next payout simply be 425K instead of 350K?

You should get a 75k bonus and then 425k on Friday.
Well, there goes any interest I had in running it. I wanted to see if people could make a CxClass car that could compete with the Acura Integra :)

I spent about 45 minutes tuning one to my liking yesterday evening... :lol: I'll probably give it a go anyway just for the Escort.

Speaking of which, the Twitter poll is up and the choices are the Corrado, the Prowler, the '13 Clio and the FE Civic Type R... Meh.
I spent about 45 minutes tuning one to my liking yesterday evening... :lol: I'll probably give it a go anyway just for the Escort.

Speaking of which, the Twitter poll is up and the choices are the Corrado, the Prowler, the '13 Clio and the FE Civic Type R... Meh.

If you feel meh about it, can you please use your vote for the Prowler? :D

On the subject of stock vehicles — I'm sure this is old news to a lot of people, but I'm only just realizing the ill-conceived homologation system means stock cars can't set clean lap times. I tried to run the 2CV around Lime Rock to finally get some times to re-start the Hot Lap thread, and it turns out they're automatically dirtied because it's on stock tires, not Street ones.


It's pretty silly that lower-spec tires disqualify a car. If anything, the requirements should just function on a less-than-or-equal-to basis, not a only-one-type method. With the other limitations in place for each homologation class, there's no way to game the system with crappier tires.

I don't really know a solution that would allow for stock car lap times. I realize it's probably a niche interest, but it still annoys me.
To be quite honest, in a series that has had a few boneheaded design decisions, the homologation system feels like the stupidest of them all.

Not only does it completely de-emphasize one of the series hallmarks of creating a car out of nothing and letting loose on the track, but it also pretty much makes it impossible to race a vehicle stock, either for hot lapping or for career races.

Seriously, what was so wrong that we needed the homologation system being forced down a player's throat? And why do we still not have the Blueprint from Horizon, allowing us to make our own custom classes and races?
Had an idea for a very, very casual racing series, or at least a silly game. It's based on something I did with some pals on PGR4 a while back, where the winner of every race has to drop a class, and the overall winner is the first person to win a race in the slowest class. I'd imagine there'd be less of a skill gap between entrants if this was run here so a full 100pi difference wouldn't leave them much chance to make up time, so maybe dropping 20 or 25pi for each win and going from, say, the top of A class to the bottom of C class would be a little more interesting. Some sort of random car generator could also be used to replicate old GT5 shuffle races and make the game a bit more of a laugh.

And why do we still not have the Blueprint from Horizon, allowing us to make our own custom classes and races?

JSYK you can make custom classes in freeplay via the advanced options. You can even make multi-class races and restrict cars by engine position, drivetrain, even the cylinder configuration and count, which you couldn't actually do automatically in Horizon. The only downside is that if you use advanced options cars won't be upgraded, since they're either upgraded to stock homologation or not upgraded at all.
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JSYK you can make custom classes in freeplay via the advanced options. You can even make multi-class races and restrict cars by engine position, drivetrain, even the cylinder configuration and count, which you couldn't actually do automatically in Horizon. The only downside is that if you use advanced options cars won't be upgraded, since they're either upgraded to stock homologation or not upgraded at all.

I stand corrected, still, it would be nice to also have the open class events in the career mode have blueprint capabilities, or even better, let us build our own championships and only need to reach a point goal
Lol so if you don't have Gold, you can't do Bounty Hunter I take it? One chance and if you miss it, case of sorry, hard luck mate :rolleyes:

You can do bounty hunter events with silver as they are done through Rivals.
I don't really know a solution that would allow for stock car lap times. I realize it's probably a niche interest, but it still annoys me.

It has been possible to run any car in any configuration and get valid lap times. Just make sure the division has been set to any in the race setup. Also make sure friction assist isn't on as that will invalidate your laps as well.

We've been running completely stock cars on the COTW thread and only clean laps will make it on the thread's leaderboard.

Forza Motorsport 7 1_16_2018 8_19_34 PM.png

^ Definitely not within the homologation regulations :dopey:
Time to give Forza 7 another shot.

As soon as I open it on PC it crashes after a few seconds of staring at the Forza 7 screen. Anybody experience the same? if so is there a fix

Edit: Tried a DLC reinstall trick and it fixed it.

Edit 2: Tried with the wheel, still cannot deal with the physics so I switch to controller. Doesn
t work. Fantastic PC port I must say, almost allows me to play it!

edit 3: Had to give up, couldn't deal with the physics. Very disappointed. Would love it if I could even attempt a refund
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Suddenly the game is FANTASTIC!!!
When did this happen?!
Was it this latest patch?
I tried it last night with controller on my st60 and thought that the graphics had been sliiiightly improved.
And today I was going to try out all the new cars and moved the X over to where I have my wheel setup ( tx with 599 wheel ).
And right away it feels good, great even, I think that "hey man it feels good playing with the wheel again". Havent played for a while ( fallen into the black hole of HIFI... ) so thought that my first impression was because of that. But suddenly I notice that I can slide.... Hey whats happened here...
So try another car, and another... And another... And O.. M.. G.. !!!
The force feedback is totally amazing now!!!
Before it was nice with weighty feeling but countersteering was crap! Total crap!
Now I can let the wheel play in my hands and countersteer EVERYTHING!! I am giggling like a little girl and powersliding out of every corner!
Basically I can now drive the cars as you have always been able to drive with the controller! Steering is fast and really follows where the wheels are pointing!
The game is now just perfect!
Its a drivers dream!
Why arent you all talking about this?! Is this something that happend like weeks/month ago that I missed or havent you noticed this VERY big improvement?
THIS is what forza with a wheel should have bern all along!!
Update f5, f6, fh2 and fh3 with these ff settings NOW!!

Tried project cars 2 twice tonight for comparison, it feel like driving miss daisy now!
But its no way near as good as it was before they destroyed the ff with patch 2.0.
Still, didnt have this much fun even then, but sure miss how pc2 felt the first month ( with the default informative setting ).

So if you havent noticed, F7 has fantastic and FUN FF now!!
Get out there and powerslide people!!
The game is now just perfect!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. I cannot comment on the force feedback but I think the most noticeable overall improvements happened about two months ago. That said, still too many issues which accumulate to annoy more than they should.

  • Very slow garage UI
  • Too little emphasis on unlocking locked cars via Forzathon and Specialty Dealer
  • Too much emphasis on gifting "vanilla" cars through Bounty Hunter events
  • Car upgrades are required in the main campaign
  • Downgraded Forzavista experience (somewhat fixed in January update though)
  • Missing shifting animations in several cars fitted with manual shifters
  • Front and tail lights are working quite randomly (minor thing but irritating inconsistency nonetheless)
  • Toyota / Lexus road cars missing (approximately 20 cars)
Again, I don't know what recent FM7 updates might have done to improve the force feedback, but with the default controller I'd say there aren't really many reasons to play FM7 over FM6, unless you're on PC, have the Xbox One X hooked up to a 4K display, or if you own the Car Pass. Sorry, but seeing FM7 and perfect in the same sentence almost made me choke on my coffee.
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Perfect as in having fun.

No its nothing from 2 months ago.
I am pretty sure this came yesterday, and nobody has noticed and its not in any patchnotes.

And the reason to play fm7 over fm6 is force feedback. Its not good at all in fm6.
And I have an X and you dont need a 4k display at all to see the incredible graphics, a 1080p display is more than enough.
I'm still seeing shades of those two lead cars performing perhaps above your designated AI difficulty.

I'm also seeing variable levels of difficulty from track to track even though its set to the same AI level.

ie. I might clean them up on Prague or Bathurst but they clean my clock on say Infineon or VIR... and it took me a while to work out why.

While you dont have 'friction assist' the AI does so they dont lose speed when they're off the tarmac but you do.

If the track is bounded by concrete like Prague then they have no advantage but for Infineon... yeah.
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Anyone get a wheel issue when the car is rotating in the garage? The wheel doesn’t rotate with the car as it turns the wheel goes farther away from the car.
Anyone get a wheel issue when the car is rotating in the garage? The wheel doesn’t rotate with the car as it turns the wheel goes farther away from the car.

Also upon start up, the game is still defaulting to the old 2013 Veloster Turbo at times. Which is very odd considering its a car that I have never used in FM7!
Forzavista appears to have been completely fixed now, it shows engine stats now.

The update fixed the spec sheets, yes. I won't say completely fixed because there are still so many car-specific Forzavista glitches defeating the purpose. Nor did the update address how oversimplified it is compared to FM6.