- 851
- Brazil
From what i know the teams that work on cars are different of the teams that work on the tracksI wonder, if t10 goes ahead and prioritizes rescanning these 20-30 cars, whether it would interfere with other live service plans. In theory they could commission 3rd party companies to send them a model, but they would still need time to implement it in game. This may or may not interfere with adding free cars and tracks.
Imo they need to prioritize tracks, because it will be felt more than outdated and inaccurate car models.
one team does not affect the other directly, and car duty is shared with part of team of Horizon 5
That said, i think they can follow the same patter as horizon, bring back old cars and new ones, just change the old car by the remodeled cars
Extra edit: i saw some people wondering "WhY We NeeD tO VoTe? ThEy CaNt JuSt Do It?"
Let me awnser this: There is a thing called "setting priorites", they cant do 2 things at same time so they ask community if they prefer a thing or another, so this way they can focus in a thing that community will prefer
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