Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Regarding free play,there is only a certain selection of cars available,is this right or am i missing an option somewhere?
When you first click on either free play option, it asks you to pick a car. First it will show your cars in your garage, but if you go to the far left there is an option that has a picture of a Ferrari and the Greenwood Corvette and etc and it says "buy or rent cars." Click that, it will show you the full car list and you can choose one to buy/rent.

If that also shows you a limited selection, make sure your car division is set to "Any." It's the top option on the "Cars" tab of the free play setup menu.
  • They removed manually organizing the grid in private multiplayer
  • Still no way to pass off host duty in a private lobby (Horizon has had this since FH3)
  • Still no option to rent the host's car in private lobbies (again, Horizon has had this since FH3)
  • Timed races still just finishing awkwardly mid-corner instead of racing back to the line like a real race
  • Can no longer set FRR to only work for collisions or track cutting, it only works for both
  • Can no longer manually configure weather transitions
  • Paint shop lost different lighting selections (but still has button for them)
  • Many tracks lost layout variants that are still perfectly intact and could be used just by repositioning some cones

Some other QoL things we could use:
  • Featured multiplayer has a tire wear multiplier turned on, but players can't use this in single player or private lobbies
  • No way to limit tire compounds available, force tire compound changes, or force starting fuel loads in multiplayer
One QoL feature they did add though, finished cars are finally ghosted! You can finally run multiclass races normally without having to worry about finished cars slamming into you while you are in the lower class trying to finish your race.

Found another glitch too. Electric and seemingly hybrid cars as well both don't calculate laps in the "Fuel & Tire" section properly. 100% tank or 10% tank, they all predict "0 laps" and when the race starts, the prediction down by the fuel gauge just says "EST" and then nothing.
Thanks for posting the private multiplayer stuff, my club is about to start racing from Monday so I’ve yet to figure all this out.
Also,setting the graphics to performance rt or performance,what do most people use?To me the cars look more detailed slightly in performance mode as opposed to perf RT,but that may be my
I tried out Performance RT but the cars seemed to look rougher in resolution although they may be more sharply defined and less washed out looking due to RTAO. I can't tell atm as I'm not really sure what to look for. I sit quite close to a 55 inch tv though (probably a bit too close lol) and can't unsee the resolution changes.

Will keep switching back and forth between tours to compare but what seems fairly certain is that both modes seem to be a solid 60fps on Series X.
I only tried the career races
Thanks for clarifying 👍 It's been a bug in the free play mode since the last game, pretty poor that they haven't fixed it despite people requesting a fix over 5 years ago. As I'll be jumping between all modes, guess I won't bother using custom liveries anywhere. 😕

Also, I hope those with PC issues find a solution. Must be so frustrating after waiting so long for the game.
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My first impressions (on Xbox series X playing with a controller) after finishing the builder’s cup into + 2 sections from the modern tour, and doing the multiplayer introduction races.

overall TLDR : I’m impressed and I like it!

  • I like this car levelling thingy. It makes practice sessions useful (since your cars level as well) and you can sort your garage on car level, e.g. finally a sorting option in a Forza game to sort cars somewhat on how much you used them. Also like these time trial target times for practice sessions.
  • I like these small cutscenes of your car entering and leaving the pits, doing a few corners on track, it makes it all more immersive.
  • graphics are nice IMO (playing in performance RT mode)
  • the tracks look really great, so much detail off-track. And I’m so happy they are all capable of weather and time of day as well and feel very different depending on weather and ToD. I’m actually enjoying racing on some tracks I was completely fed up with before because of this (hello Laguna Seca).
  • I really dig Grand Oak, that’s a very nice original track and probably my favorite of the franchise.
  • Thank god no more separate “welcome pack” cars, instead you just get the normal car for free.
  • Multiplayer as fun for the 3 races I tried, it feels so much more compleet with the practice, qualifying and racing. Also dig the safety and skill rating system. And the strategy with fuel load and tyre compound.
  • handling feels great on a controller although the cars feel a bit snappy on the front.
  • finally some chill music theme again in the menus similar to FM6, instead of all this ear-violence from FM7 (FM7 = 🤮)
  • career structure looks good to me! I like how you pick a car and stick with it and upgrade it (and that’s coming from a guy that loves to drive cars stock in racing games)
  • the tyre and suspension model changes are HUGE! I love how the cars feel now, so much better than previous FM games.
  • the promising live service model with new cars, new tracks etc on a monthly basis.

  • already 2 crashes on my Series X when I was in menus (not during a race).
  • no SUVs 😢😢😢
  • car sound (welcome pack VW Golf and Supra) was bad driving stock from cockpit view. Got a bit better with upgrades.
  • way too many cars have been cut from FH5 and FM7.
  • some liveries are butchered and I really hate that. The Coca Cola Nissan lost the coca cola license or something? (lol) The Nissan Altima supercar even lost the Nismo livery all together (??????) And the week 1 car pass VW Golf touring car barely has any stickering left on it, it’s pathetic when you compare it to the real car it’s based on.
  • At the “my cars“, if you are at the first car and move the analog stick to the left, it doesn’t jump to the last car (for example if they are alphabetically sorted on brand name, that was a quick way to go from A (Acura) to Z (Zenvo) for example. Why on earth is this left out? FH5 sure responds this way.
  • you can‘t freely rotate the camera when applying a manufacturer colour to a car, they need to bring this back!
  • Forza vista got butchered as well. When sitting in a car, you can’t look around anymore, not start the car etc. Feels like another downgrade (afterhaving lost the dialogue in earlier games)
  • And last but certainly not least, while I do appreciate the option to put 4 cars in the car bays, I absolutely miss just seeing my last used car in car bay 1. I hate that it’s always the same car now unless I change it.

From my experience so far I give this game a 9/10, based on the following things :
  • the immersion of practice, qualifying, racing and the short cut scenes before and after races
  • the immersion of having 20 locations all with full dynamic ToD and weather
  • fun career & multiplayer modes
  • great handling on a controller + revamped tyre and suspension model

Final words: It sure is addictive as well. Right now I should go get the new cars in FH5, or do the summits in TC2/TCM but all I want to do is to do some more rounds in FM-not-8. 👍
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@Morbid65 I`ll have a look when I fire up the xbox later,the selection I was given was varied but certainly not all of the cars,I suspect its like you said,an option I hadnt seen.

@UKMikey This was take on the modes,the cars in perf RT seemed a little less sharp whereas performance they seemed better,frame rate theres no issues at all.A little fiddling is in order I think.

One other note,am I right to assume some cars were cut from the final list?If i remember the 1986 audi sport quattro S1 springs to mind.
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Believe their is an AMD beta driver that currently supports frame generation on 7900XTX and maybe other 7000 series cards.

Nice jump in framerates from @ 70-80, now hitting @ 120
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I feel I have put enough time in now to give my impressions on this game as it is in launch week.

I'll start with the positives: (Playing on Xbox Series X with a standard Xbox controller).

I think this is a very attractive game, most of the time. It's not 'wow' levels of amazing, but it is certainly good looking. The lighting at certain times of day and weather can be outstanding and the track environments are some of the best I have seen in any game, loads of detail, they feel alive when racing, they kind of remind of pCars 2/3 a little bit.
The car models are as expected for the most part, generally very good, the different materials look fantastic and there's clearly been a lot of work to things like headlights, finer details like grills and brakes etc. I have played it mostly on performance mode and it has stuck rigidly to 60fps during gameplay, in any weather and time of day.

Car Dynamics/Physics.
Playing with TC and SC off, ABS on, normal steering with a standard Xbox controller. Forza continues to be the benchmark for realistic driving games on a game pad in my opinion. The car feel and behaviour is still very obviously Forza, but the improvements can be felt, especially in racing cars. This I think is down to the improved tyre modelling, the race cars can be pushed much hard and have more believable grip levels relative to what they are. The cars bounce over rumble strips and kerbs a lot more convincingly and are less prone to snap oversteer.

Look and feel of the menus are superb, second to none. Very clean, excellent accompanying music, just really nice to use.

The game is generally fun to play. I like the car progression, I like the in race feats and such throughout practice and racing itself, rivals is always good fun and an easy way to kill a few hours and so far the online modes look to be pretty good fun and will have plenty of life too. Despite the impending negatives below, the game is enjoyable, the driving is good and while there are frustrations with aspects which I'll elaborate below, it is a game I will put time into.

Now the negatives.

Track content.
Obvious one really, whilst I understand the need to rebuild the environments and that can affect total number at launch, the lack of layouts isn't acceptable. For this type of racing game, 48 layouts total simply isn't enough. There doesn't seem to be much reason for the lack of layouts either, with glaring omissions on reverse versions of fantasy tracks, and a load of real tracks missing long standing layouts, notably Bugatti Circuit at Le Mans, among many others.

Above I mention it's an attractive game most of the time, the times when it isn't, stick out massively. Certain lighting can do the opposite to others and make it looks bang average, with little detail or 'wow' factor. Pre and post race the cars can look low res and pretty ropey, especially i the podium bit. They also can look rough in the menus as well. GT7 suffers the same way and while I know it can be difficult to make bland days look good in a video game, it can be just poor to look at sometimes.

Awful, properly awful. Not in the, too slow and easy to beat sense, but in the completely stupid sense. They brake randomly while in straight lines or during flat out corners, and it's almost always while you're slipstreaming them, so you hit them and then get penalised for it, stupid. Super inconsistent between tracks as well, can be lightning fast around certain tracks (Nurburgring) and then very easy to beat on other tracks (Homestead road). Also, they made a song and dance about the AI being real with no artificial speeding up or slowing down of them, rubbish. Sometimes it's so obvious it hurts, Nurburgring, chasing a Mini in the Renault Megane, on it's tail for a couple laps, closing it down ready to pass, lap 3 starts and it suddenly finds 3/4 seconds a lap of pace..Plus the lead car always disappears regardless of whether it should be capable of it or not.

Bang average. It's acceptable but it isn't a positive. It seems to have taken a big step backwards from FM7. There's no meat to the audio, the cars are too quiet, some of the car sounds are just downright bad and there isn't much dynamism to any of the audio. It doesn't make sense because previous Forza's, Horizon included, have been strong on the audio side of things, yet here, massive step backwards.

As much as there are positives with gameplay, there are also negatives. Chief among which is there isn't enough of it. With talk of similarities to FM4 in terms of scale, not only does it fall short, it falls short almost laughably so. Not enough races in the 'career mode', not enough events in Rivals compared to Day 1 on every other Forza Motorsport game (where's the track day and autocross events?) , and the gameplay loop is almost identical for FM7, 6 and 5. So much for a reboot. I know, they're adding more to the game post launch, but honestly? That excuse is old, it's boring and it doesn't let T10 off the hook for just not having enough content.
The builders cup idea is interesting at first, but, you don't need to build your car to win it, which seems to defeat the purpose. I mean, obviously you can build your car up, but it isn't essential.

Final thoughts and opinions.
A lot was made of this being a ground up reboot, and in that sense, it falls short everywhere except the track environments themselves. There's nothing new or radical in the single player modes, the USP to career mode isn't even a requirement to complete it, the AI almost ruins the experience completely and it ultimately feels too similar to previous entries. That doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable to play, it is, it just isn't what I thought we were getting. It reminds me a lot of pCars 3 actually, just with less single player content. It's easy to get caught up in all the negativity and focus on that as I have, but the game is still fundamentally Forza Motorsport, for better or for worse.

I also feel, that there is something missing, and I don't mean the obvious stuff like tracks and certain cars. I mean, it feels like this game changed direction late in development. I look at the first announcement trailer, the leaked test footage and screenshots and I am convinced that this was meant to go a different direction. There were hints of team creation, free roaming garage, different characters, something more in depth and grounded in proper Motorsport, perhaps with a light story element ala Race Driver 3 or a team building element like the F1 games. Then they got cold feet, ditched it and went for the classic gameplay that we were starting to get bored of with FM7. There's hints of this with the inclusion of a 'race engineer', completely pointless addition as the game is now, but in a more team/story focussed single player campaign, perhaps would have made more sense. The footage and screenshots that showed a free roam garage with different cars in bays with the same livery on, also supports this. The lack of innovation in the game as it has launched sticks out like a sore thumb, I genuinely believe that Turn 10 were doing something radical and bottled it in the last 18 months.
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So for reference, here's the schedule of the current featured multiplayer series:

Qualifier - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of 3 tracks
GTX Sportscars (current weekly) - every 30 minutes offset by 10, rotation of at least 9 tracks
Touring Cars - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of 5 tracks
GT - every 30 minutes offset by 25, rotation of 5 tracks
Spotlight - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of at least 5 tracks
R Class Series (current weekly) - every 20 minutes offset by 5, rotation of at least 8 tracks
So for reference, here's the schedule of the current featured multiplayer series:

Qualifier - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of 3 tracks
GTX Sportscars (current weekly) - every 30 minutes offset by 10, rotation of at least 9 tracks
Touring Cars - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of 5 tracks
GT - every 30 minutes offset by 25, rotation of 5 tracks
Spotlight - every 20 minutes offset by 10, rotation of at least 5 tracks
R Class Series (current weekly) - every 20 minutes offset by 5, rotation of at least 8 tracks
I do wonder how this is going to progress, because it would be lovely to have something for which we could do a weekly Daily Races/Season Change article!
In case someone is wondering about drivehub compatibility, my G25 works on Series X but doesn't have Force Feedback, same goes to T300.
Given my experience with the PC version, that might be the game :|

(just kidding; it was okay once I'd fiddled with the sliders a bunch)
Thanks for posting the private multiplayer stuff, my club is about to start racing from Monday so I’ve yet to figure all this out.
Wait until someone gets the fun glitch where they can't steer their car.

Happened to us only 2 times last night out of about 20 races run, to 2 different players, in 2 different races, driving different cars at different tracks. Basically one person on the grid will not be able to steer for no apparent reason, but their throttle/brake worked fine. Disconnecting/reconnecting controller, pausing/unpausing, going into settings and backing out, nothing seemed to fix it, so they would quit out of the race and wait until the next one, where everything worked fine again.

The first time it happens it will probably be funny if you aren't doing something on a time constraint and can just restart the race, especially if they don't realize it until turn 1.
I hate races in rain, no matter which racing game. And I just got my first victory in the first rain race I got in multiplayer. LOL.
7 lap GT race on wet Road America.

I pitted once to change for new Wets. But luckily I had 20+ second lead on P2 because my tires were completely gone when I entered the final lap. I had to crouch to the finishline.
The more I play, the more I realize this is actually a remake of FM 6 (fight me), which was the best FM to begin with (fight me on that too) :mischievous:
Just to clarify, I think FM is very good and IMO is an evolution of the FM 6 basis, and I hope will get even better over time (which was the case for 6 too).
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I played a lot of multiplayer yesterday and it was great, the punishment system worked very well (especially for me, lol), with no serious problems, but I had some black screens with loading at the start of the race, I had to close and open the game again.
I do wonder how this is going to progress, because it would be lovely to have something for which we could do a weekly Daily Races/Season Change article!

That's what I'm hoping! In it's current state it'll be a bit of a pain to collect the info though, as they only show a limited amount ahead and sometimes the rotation of tracks is longer than that, so you'd need to wait around until it finally starts looping. I do also wonder if there's regular weather patterns/track starting times hidden in there somewhere as well or if it's entirely random...
Can someone drop a heads-up once NVIDIA finally gets their drivers ready for this? Most everything about the game seems enjoyable to me but three CTDs in about three hours is making it kind of hard for me to relax, settle in and have fun.
Just remember folks, FM does have Forza Horizon type "FOMO" events called Featured Tours as noted here:

These series do not have to be completed in a particular week – you have until 2 weeks after the end of the entire tour to complete it; this gives players more flexibility to enjoy the content at their own pace.

Players who complete all 4 series within the Featured Tour will unlock a Showcase event. Regardless of where you place in the series, the reward car is yours upon completion. For October, this will be the new-to-Motorsport 2020 Acura #6 ARX-05 DPi.

There is also an Open Tour with four PI class series – C Class, B Class, A Class, and S Class – and these will be refreshed with new content and a new theme every month. The first Open Tour celebrates German manufacturers and completing all four series unlocks a new reward car.
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The more I play, the more I realize this is actually a remake of FM 6 (fight me), which was the best FM to begin with (fight me on that too) :mischievous:
It's more like 6 than 7, although from the sounds of things some aspects could have done with being more like 7.

I loved FM6's free play. Pick a car, switch track selection to random and play play play. I hope this game can nail the same feeling once the curated single player content starts to dry up.
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Just remember folks, FM does have Forza Horizon type "FOMO" events called Featured Tours as noted here:
Yeah, we know, but currently there's only one Featured Tour per week and this week's, although great to play, left me wanting more. I haven't had time to try the Open Tour yet and hope it can begin to fill in the gaps because we appear to still be in the amoeba stage as far of the evolution of this racing platform is concerned.

I also hope they're continuing to train the AI at Turn 10 and will improve its behaviour via updates. If not, they need to from the sounds of things although I've managed to avoid the worst of it so far. If so, hopefully the game's other shortcomings will be addressed quickly since that was supposed to be part of the reason they rebuilt the platform. Perhaps November's Update 2.0 will begin to answer some of these questions before the honeymoon period wears off and the bloom's off the rose.

I wonder whether Chris Esaki or another representative of Turn 10 will release a post launch interview or press release to calm the crowds and state that they acknowledge and are working on the problems as I understand Kazunori Yamauchi did for GT7 (for better or worse).
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