Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I really don't get the large focus on Starfield, it getting its own dedicated stream after the direct event and all. Could somebody fill me in?
The worst war will be the graphic comparasions and stupid people trying to use a magnifying glass checking stupidally each mininal details
I am one of those people. Sorry. :guilty:

raise hand.gif

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In a way there actually is... sort of. The Horizon and Motorsport series have both followed pretty much the same post-launch cycle since the launch of the former with a few exceptions. For a while there was just the car pass than that was it, later they added the car pass + 2 expansions and now with the last two Horizon games we have had that plus additional extended support with quite a bit of free additional content. FM7 may have reverted to just the car pass (plus a few scattered cars), but considering how that game performed it could be seen as cutting their losses to prepare for the next game.

That's obviously not proof we will get free tracks or cars for that matter, but it does seem to hint we will get more than what we have in the past when it comes to support after the initial DLC offerings have been released and since it's a circuit based game that kind of narrows the options they have.

True, but with the current state of Microsoft studio's they need something to draw people in and a new racing game featuring a constant flow of free "new" cars and tracks is at least something to draw people in, which is very much needed considering their hopes otherwise are basically Starfield and...

There is not just precedent in GT, Grid 2019 and Grid Legends tried to adopt the free track model some way as well
as the idea is avoid empty game lobbies, i think the focus will be in make cars as DLC and tracks will be as free content

I think that the idea to sell tracks as expansion is not a good idea beacuse it splits the comunity, what is the point of make a comunity event on a track that almost nobody has?
Sometime near the end of FM4's life/in the build up to FM5, someone from Turn 10 (I believe it was in a forum Q&A section?) discussed not being happy with how the Nurbugring GP DLC turned out for FM4, saying that because it was paid it divided the community and limited what they could use it for, and that future tracks added to the series post-launch would be free for all. They stuck with that for FM5, but as we know not only did they charge for DLC tracks in FM6 but they also buried them in bundles with cars with... less than broad appeal let's say.

Since the days of FM4 there is a further increased emphasis on public hoppers with track lists that run in cycles, and with potentially more specialized "daily race" type events if they follow the GTS model a bit for online, the issue with dividing the community would likely be even more significant with FM8.

The whole Forza Motorsport series track list has grown at a crawl so there isn't a lot of reason for optimism on this front, but hopefully the small track list at the start will grow at a reasonable rate as otherwise it will indeed get pretty stale pretty quick unless they absolutely nail the race stuff like tire wear, pit strategy, drafting that isn't broken, track conditions, and so on. Hopefully some of the lost FM7 tracks can come back quickly after they are "refreshed" with the new time of day and weather options.

In FM7 they did add several free DLC cars later in the game's life, and while it sadly seems pretty unlikely at this point, I'm hoping they do the same and just add them straight to the dealership. We used to have a bunch of fun with everyone hopping on and grabbing the new car and getting some multiplayer races going since no one had to jump through hoops to get it, and we could use them for community events and seasons later on because they weren't time limited or $20mil in the auction house, plus you could buy multiple copies of it to have multiple builds/classes ready for multiplayer hoppers.
In FM7 they did add several free DLC cars later in the game's life, and while it sadly seems pretty unlikely at this point, I'm hoping they do the same and just add them straight to the dealership. We used to have a bunch of fun with everyone hopping on and grabbing the new car and getting some multiplayer races going since no one had to jump through hoops to get it, and we could use them for community events and seasons later on because they weren't time limited or $20mil in the auction house, plus you could buy multiple copies of it to have multiple builds/classes ready for multiplayer hoppers.

I dont bother with make some events that let get cars earlier than anyone, as long those cars go to autoshop delaers after a few days/after a month

I think they will follow the Car Pass model at first then go to free cars
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Hey, maybe we might find out how they're doing post-launch content this time around in the coming months! I joke, but hopefully they start to talk to us more about these things after the 13th happens.
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Hey, maybe we might find out how they're doing post-launch content this time around in the coming months! I joke, but hopefully they start to talk to us more about these things after the 13th happens.
Outside of opening pre-orders and confirming what’s in the inevitable Ultimate Edition, I wouldn’t expect them to discuss service content at all.

Xbox Showcase will probably be a “features trailer” and confirmation of the release date, and Monthly will be Career as we know.

The next big beat after that will likely be Gamescom in August, where they’ll presumably lock down the car and track lists, and maybe hint at Multiplayer if that mode has anything substantial (my hope is that it’s basically GT Sport).

Related, I tracked news for the last game in “real time”, here’s what it looked like and may hint at how they’ll drip feed info over the coming months:
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Xbox Showcase will probably be a “features trailer” and confirmation of the release date, and Monthly will be Career as we know.

The next big beat after that will likely be Gamescom in August, where they’ll presumably lock down the car and track lists, and maybe hint at Multiplayer if that mode has anything substantial (my hope is that it’s basically GT Sport).

I think we will have more Forza info on Showcase Extended, so it will be three straight days explaning forza thing
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I wouldn't count on getting anything more than a few career mode details, even in the extended showcase. I'd be pleasantly surprised though.
three straight days explaning forza
Would 20 tracks/environments provide enough content for that? Would be good if they aired three 24hr races at three different tracks running on console, but watching playthroughs of previous Motorsport titles I've never played on Xbox made them look so boring. Might be different to actually play but it's a shame they won't take the steps needed to extend previous game licences of cars and tracks to allow us to play their own games, or remove/swap things they can't re-licence. Given how much they're currently trying to waste on old CoD players.
They dont need too much footage, just show stuff people want like updated physics, better wheel support and a solid Single and Multi players

The rest is rest, the cars and tracks will eventually come in a way or another....
Would 20 tracks/environments provide enough content for that? Would be good if they aired three 24hr races at three different tracks running on console, but watching playthroughs of previous Motorsport titles I've never played on Xbox made them look so boring. Might be different to actually play but it's a shame they won't take the steps needed to extend previous game licences of cars and tracks to allow us to play their own games, or remove/swap things they can't re-licence. Given how much they're currently trying to waste on old CoD players.
You can still get a physical copy if you really wanna play it.
All I will say is - if they bring back "homologation" again, the game will be dead on arrival.

I have never refunded a game quicker than Forza Motorsport 7 :lol:

Long time Forza M fan, with hundreds of hours in each one, but with FM7 I had a total of 2 hours, and I was done!
All I will say is - if they bring back "homologation" again, the game will be dead on arrival.

I have never refunded a game quicker than Forza Motorsport 7 :lol:

Long time Forza M fan, with hundreds of hours in each one, but with FM7 I had a total of 2 hours, and I was done!
I agree that ruined it for me, fm7 was for me one of worst motorsport games in the Series i had more fun with fm6
I really liked the Homologation system and the intend behind it to get rid of and compete against cars with 1million HP and zero Handling. And imo the system was not too strict. But thats just me. :)

The best thing would be if they offer all the options so that people can choose where to join in multiplayer like they did in FM with League lobbys with rating and the normal class max. based ones without any rating like A700 :)

As many options as possible = best solution imo

As many options as possible = best solution imo

Said that: If the do it this way they attract casual racers that just like to race multiplayer in specific PI classes and also users that want to have a rating system and race regulations with penaltys and some BoP/Homologation restrictions to have as fair as possible and close races. :) Can't wait to see what they will bring to the table with the new FM. Personally i really like the drastic change of direction when Chris Esaki took over back then and what Turn10 brought to FM7 with the last updates to the game :)
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I really liked the Homologation system and the intend behind it to get rid of and compete against cars with 1million HP and zero Handling. And imo the system was not too strict. But thats just me. :)

The best thing would be if they offer all the options so that people can choose where to join in multiplayer like they did in FM with League lobbys with rating and the normal class max. based ones without any rating like A700 :)

As many options as possible = best solution imo

Said that: If the do it this way they attract casual racers that just like to race multiplayer in specific PI classes and also users that want to have a rating system and race regulations with penaltys and some BoP/Homologation restrictions to have as fair as possible and close races. :) Can't wait to see what they will bring to the table with the new FM. Personally i really like the drastic change of direction when Chris Esaki took over back then and what Turn10 brought to FM7 with the last updates to the game :)
The best thing about Forza Motorsport, as a game series, was the fact you could race any car you wanted, in any class (if it could get up to it) and race online, and see if its competitive. We have/had plenty of games out there with class based racing, why do we need another one?

It also ruined Tune downloads. I cant be bothered to tune my cars, so when I went to download some, every car tune on the first screen was built for homologation, not "top of A" for example.

At launch, A, B, C etc class "hoppers" did not exist. It was curated playlists like Gran Turismo for homologation only races.

I am getting 6 year old PTSD remembering this garbage mechanic :lol:

Homologation was great for multiplayer communities at the very least. My club used it for 3 years before we moved to other games.
If they had it as a sub menu, or something, I guess it would be good? But to build the whole game around it, for the mass audience, I think it killed it. Hence why they made swift changes within a week or two of launch.
I don't think we'll see mod cards return this time around. Homologation, though, could really go either way. Perhaps if it does make a return it'll be less strict, or optional for singleplayer? Whatever the case may be, hopefully we find out in 6-8 days!
All I will say is - if they bring back "homologation" again, the game will be dead on arrival.

The best thing about Forza Motorsport, as a game series, was the fact you could race any car you wanted, in any class (if it could get up to it) and race online, and see if its competitive. We have/had plenty of games out there with class based racing, why do we need another one?

It also ruined Tune downloads. I cant be bothered to tune my cars, so when I went to download some, every car tune on the first screen was built for homologation, not "top of A" for example.

I dont bother with homologation, but it needs be recreated from scratch
For exemple, the Formula Ford homologation was the stock form, not the actual racing version of Formula Ford

Homologation can be a fun way to equilibrate competition on multiplayer and be a good replacement than already old dated D>C>B>A>R1>R2>S/X system, but it needs to be done on right way

As someone had mentioned early, it limits people to use stupid tunes with 9999999999999999HP and extreme downforce, i abuslute hate those "meta" stuffs that exist on FH and in some Motorsport, let me just give the option to race on fair ground with other cars akin to spec racers
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I cannot stand people with full assists driving 1000+hp cars (stock tires) in low classes. It completely destroys the enjoyment of online racing.

Custom lobbies and a custom lobby browser can address this issue too.
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I cannot stand people with full assists driving 1000+hp cars (stock tires) in low classes. It completely destroys the enjoyment of online racing.

I use a few assists for personal reasons, BUT i agree that those 99999999999HP hyper performance izi money setups ruin the playing experience

Custom lobbies would help but not finsh the problem, the only thing is that people would do it on public lobbies anyway
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Thoughts on Bernese Alps if that track makes it to FM?
Would need a little retouching in places. Weather/Time of day would freshen up the track too, with the final corner just being a giant swimming pool at the apex. New temperature calcs could play into this supposed -5 C track. Vista would be great either way.
If it does make the cut, hopefully they bring back the vista from FM4, for some reason they "nerfed" it in FM7? Even in FM5-6 there was more to look at.


  • fm4 vs fm7.png
    fm4 vs fm7.png
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If it does make the cut, hopefully they bring back the vista from FM4, for some reason they "nerfed" it in FM7? Even in FM5-6 there was more to look at.


Afaik the devs had to tone down the environment density and draw distances for FM7 because of increased car counts,weather and various other effects. This is definitely one of the most obvious one. The other one is Prague.

They talk about it (and show) here along with some of the stuff they (were) developed for the new FM like Forward Plus lighting, Dynamic resolution etc

One more cool slide from that video is the gpu & cpu budgeting in milliseconds:
Screenshot 2023-06-06 102622.png

Cars are alloted the same amount of rendering power as the whole track (incl. crowd and track particles). In rainy conditions, they had to reduce the GPU budget by about ~15% (~0.6 ms). Night has Forward+ lighting, while day does not. Cars are running a lower LOD to improve perf in night and rain conditions, and grass is reduced too.
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Even though I'm not really a game developer (or close to it haha) I still find technical details like this interesting, it must've been difficult to slot the weather into the pre-existing tracks as well. Will definitely be giving this one a watch.
I think it makes it even crazier in retrospect what Polyphony attempted to do in GT5/6 on the crusty old PS3, dynamic time of day/weather (Turn10 is only getting there 2 generations later), 16 AI cars on track with better collision awareness and prevention, rain effects on the windshield with droplets reacting to G-forces and moving approptiately, tracks with big elevation changes and long layouts (Turn10 couldn't do Nurburgring GP+Nord combined layout because of lack of memory, couldn't do Spa/Bathurst because the engine couldn't handle long draw distances and they didn't use laserscanning at the time), dynamic cubemaps in interior view (even Forza 7, Horizon 5 don't do it apart from max settings on PC), dynamic shadows from street lights at night, etc. All completely out of scope for that generation of hardware, it's insane. If you break down all the features point by point any modern developer would look at the list and say "yeah, we can do maybe 20% of that", the ambition on display was remarkable, hell even GT7 doesn't do half the things that GT5/6 did and that's a bit sad.
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Tbh if you did not liked the handling in previous FM games i don't think you will be happy with the new game. Yes Turn10 mentioned big changes but also said the known Forza handling will still be there.

"We’re creating a realistic simulation of real-world suspension that will be responsive and aligned with player expectations while retaining the “Forza feel” you know and love."
T10 should aim on physics that are as close to real world as possible. No company feel needed.