Forza Motorsport General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Main problem with VR is lack of proper game for it. Everything outside of racing games are too niche, because of need for advanced controllers and physical space. Yet, only racing mainstream game with VR is GT.
It's a bit strange to only have 20 tracks after 6 years in development, gonna get stale real quick. Most tracks were fine visually in FM7, they only needed to replace 2D trees with 3D ones. I don't expect quick turn around on DLC tracks, maybe 1-2 per year and that's IF the game is successful and profitable, if it does FM7 numbers it's gonna get abandoned quickly. A racing game lives by it's tracklist, so I hope no joke tracks like Top Gear, Airport take any spots.
It's a bit strange to only have 20 tracks after 6 years in development, gonna get stale real quick. Most tracks were fine visually in FM7, they only needed to replace 2D trees with 3D ones. I don't expect quick turn around on DLC tracks, maybe 1-2 per year and that's IF the game is successful and profitable, if it does FM7 numbers it's gonna get abandoned quickly. A racing game lives by it's tracklist, so I hope no joke tracks like Top Gear, Airport take any spots.
The Top Gear Test Track is unlikely to return. And plus, the state of Top Gear now isn't as good as it was before.
I saw some talk talking that PSVR2 was actually struggling, some data of PS say that it sold at launch better than first one but LTD of first one seems catching up as the VR2 sales are slowing down...

I will check the meta quest showcase later today, but the feeling i have is that Apple is getting late to the party....
Here in the Netherlands I see a lot of PSVR2 in stores right now. It is not like they are selling like hot cakes like the PS5 itself has done in the past 2 years when available.

Still a real small percentage of GT7 players uses VR. Even the GT7 tournaments are still being held on a flat screen.

I think the new FM will be fine without VR. The game itself just needs to be good. Its not like GT7 does not have its own problems.

I am curious to see more in 11 days.
I imagine a big war between gran turismo and forza motorsport after the showcase on june 11, the rivaly between them can be very brutal and toxic, i find very offen people can only like one of those and hate the other, i think thats absolutly wrong you can actully like more than one thing. I prefer gran turismo overall but i dont hate forza, i actully can enjoy their games to,

If i like what i see on the showcase i might even preorder it on pc hopefully on steam as i dont like Microsoft store, and having something to switch between gt7 and assetto corsa
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I imagine a big war between gran turismo and forza motorsport after the showcase on june 11, the rivaly between them can be very brutal and toxic, i find very offen people can only like one of those and hate the other, i think thats absolutly wrong you can actully like more than one thing. I prefer gran turismo overall but i dont hate forza, i actully can enjoy their games to,

If i like what i see on the showcase i might even preorder it on pc hopefully on steam as i dont like Microsoft store, and having something to switch between gt7 and assetto corsa
This forum proves that the majority of normal people can (and do) enjoy both.
"Product wars" are usually the result of fans trying to justify their purchases and wanting to see "their side" win.

In the industry, we don't think that way at all. In fact, having an indirect competitor can be useful sometimes as you can learn from what they're doing with their game/promotion.

Also, unless Gran Turismo 7 gets a Steam release both brands are never going to directly compete anyway, so they'll focus on creating the best game(s) possible regardless of what the other side is doing.
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I imagine a big war between gran turismo and forza motorsport after the showcase on june 11, the rivaly between them can be very brutal and toxic, i find very offen people can only like one of those and hate the other, i think thats absolutly wrong you can actully like more than one thing. I prefer gran turismo overall but i dont hate forza, i actully can enjoy their games to,

If i like what i see on the showcase i might even preorder it on pc hopefully on steam as i dont like Microsoft store, and having something to switch between gt7 and assetto corsa
Eh, that's hardly the case anymore, I feel. The ones that never grew out of that stupid thought process end up getting themselves banned, for the most part. It's been pretty calm considering how the climate was even just 2 years ago, and even then, it wasn't as wide spread.
I was hoping GT7 was going to be a great game so it'd maybe push T10 to do better with FM, but we all know how that turned out.
Yep. Even worse when they implied that it was going to be "a return to form" which was clearly a lie to get people to buy it. Right now, they're in their comfort zone and I want T10 to break them out of it. Has nothing to do with "killing a franchise", far from it. But without competition PD are just cruising at the moment. GT7 isn't a bad game, but in terms of how it's designed, it isn't good either IMO.
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I don't expect quick turn around on DLC tracks, maybe 1-2 per year and that's IF the game is successful and profitable

Likely that, like in FM7, tracks will be free for all
only paid DLC will be cars

Even worse when they implied that it was going to be "a return to form" which was clearly a lie to get people to buy it.

What annoyed me the most was the Always Online and the fact they wanted keep this lie so much that hid microtransations and various factors before the launch, launching all this trash as "Day 1 Update"

This forum proves that the majority of normal people can (and do) enjoy both.

I like both so equally that the forth game of both is my favorite of each franquise

I imagine a big war between gran turismo and forza motorsport after the showcase on june 11

The worst war will be the graphic comparasions and stupid people trying to use a magnifying glass checking stupidally each mininal details
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Even still, the only place I see those graphics scrutinizing posts are on Twitter. Truthfully I think GT7 and FM both have their strengths in certain areas but at this rate I just hope T10 hasn't put most of their focus on graphics. Only about twelve days until we see if the career is fun!
From what we know both pd and turn 10 some Of their marketing has been wrong, for gran turismo it was claimed to be the most complete yet in some areas maybe but not in terms of content, for forza motorsport it was claimed to be built from ground up witch was said so many times in trailer, witch is not case either at least not with the cars, and customizable parts looks to be the same as before, i can look past this if they do good about career mode and a good progression.
but with only 20 track locations they need to update with more tracks maybe 2 a year, fm7 had no new tracks after launch, but with how much smaller the track list Will be in new forza motorsport it will be pretty much needed, between 2-4 tracks a year like gt7 are doing would be a good balance
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forza motorsport it was claimed to be built from ground up witch was said so many times in trailer, witch is not case either at least not with the cars

The cars were updated and put on a new engine
it was the fact during FM6 and FH2, it will be the same here too

They were talking about the engine and tracks, not the cars
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The cars were updated and put on a new engine
it was the fact during FM6 and FH2, it will be the same here too

They were talking about the engine and tracks, not the cars
Then its not been build from the ground up becouse then it needs to cover all fronts, some cars are really in need for an update car models is exactly the same in the new motorsport, as fm7 unless we are talking about new cars
some cars are really in need for an update car models

They decided to focus on scan new racing models, maybe they will rescan later but i agree with them, for now they need focus in put racing cars on a track racing focused game, not focus in some rescan of a Nissan Silva that only people that will drift will mostly do it (i like Nissan Silvia, i mind you)
Then its not been build from the ground up becouse then it needs to cover all fronts, some cars are really in need for an update car models is exactly the same in the new motorsport, as fm7 unless we are talking about new cars
While the models may be the same, how they, the tracks, physics, engine and graphics all interact within' the new console's capabilities are what generate their "built from the ground up" tag line. They haven't just swapped in decade old models & called it done, Chris has mentioned, "the materials and shaders used for car model finishes" had to be redone.
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While the models may be the same, how they, the tracks, physics, engine and graphics all interact within' the new console's capabilities are what generate their "built from the ground up" tag line. They haven't just swapped in decade old models & called it done, Chris has mentioned, "the materials and shaders used for car model finishes" had to be redone.
Where the rubber meets the road... sounds like they've rebuilt the ground, but just haven't built upwards quite so much in some cases. A new era, maybe not a new aero lol.
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In future at least they need to think of rescaning some car models, otherwise it will catch up to them eventully, aero parts needs to be updated but i am not hopeful after seeing the Mazda miata in the trailer, 50-60 % of cars will most likely only have have forza aero and forza wing
Like past titles, but i am still intrested to see what we will see in showcase on 11th, so far they have not pulled me in but that could change
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In future at least they need to think of rescaning some car models, otherwise it will catch up to them eventully, aero parts needs to be updated but i am not hopeful after seeing the Mazda miata in the trailer, 50-60 % of cars will most likely only have have forza aero and forza wing
Like past titles, but i am still intrested to see what we will see in showcase on 11th, so far they have pulled me in but that could change
It really depends on what Turn 10 feel would be the best use of their resources to maximise their launch numbers among racing game enthusiasts - new race cars or old drift cars.

FM7 received a number of updates during its lifespan and FM2023 (or 202x, lol) is bound to follow suit. At this point, some kind of pledge to fix the old models and introduce more comprehensive customisation options may convince some fence sitters; however, the studio may feel a larger but imperfect selection of cars would probably be a bigger selling point than a small but perfectly formed one for the majority of potential purchasers for the time being.
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otherwise it will catch up to them eventully, aero parts needs to be updated but i am not hopeful after seeing the Mazda miata in the trailer
Dp ypu are following the last Forza Horizon Updates? they are almost each month putting new car parts and i feel eventually they will put generic forza wings for all cars and stuffs like that
Dp ypu are following the last Forza Horizon Updates? they are almost each month putting new car parts and i feel eventually they will put generic forza wings for all cars and stuffs like that
A few months they have added new parts and stuff but not every month, there is still about 60 % of cars where you only can fit forza aero and forza wing
A few months they have added new parts and stuff but not every month, there is still about 60 % of cars where you only can fit forza aero and forza wing

They will eventually put, for now go to their forums and vote for stuff that ask for more aero for both motorsport and horizon
They will eventually put, for now go to their forums and vote for stuff that ask for more aero for both motorsport and horizon
Plenty of people have done that already for years without much sucess unfortunately, this is nothing new for many cars its been the same since fm4 witch released 12 years ago, but maybe they suprice us on june 11, but i doubt they have much new to show for, if they did they proably would not show the Mazda miata with same forza wing and forza aero we had for 13 years
Plenty of people have done that already for years without much sucess unfortunately, this is nothing new for many cars its been the same since fm4 witch released 12 years ago, but maybe they suprice us on june 11, but i doubt they have much new to show for, if they did they proably would not show the Mazda miata with same forza wing and forza aero we had for 13 years

Dude they litteraly created a forum for feedback like 6 months ago and so far they had been listening userbase feedback quite a lot, i undestand you want have your favorite cars rescanned but its clear at this point that they focused the nre motorsport on newer racing cars instead of a rescan for this game

Litteraly there is no reason to be negative at this point, unless you want to look at cars nonstop instead of race them on a racing track
Likely that, like in FM7, tracks will be free for all
FM7 didn't get any tracks at all, Forza 6 had two paid expansion with 2 new tracks, Forza 5 we had leaks from the store that they were planning a track pass, but after the backlash at launch they changed the plan to add 3 new tracks for free. There is no real precedent for Turn10 to add new tracks for free, but we can hope that they will follow in PD's footsteps, although in the racing sim market it's generally accepted that tracks are not free, I can't think of any racing sims that add tracks for free, PD can afford it because they're the market leader and have strong upfront and continuous sales. Guess we'll see.
I imagine a big war between gran turismo and forza motorsport after the showcase on june 11, the rivaly between them can be very brutal and toxic, i find very offen people can only like one of those and hate the other,

In my experience, this sort of thing is largely terminally online people. Wasting time with franchise rivalries and console wars in the first place isn't healthy or representative. The less you pay attention to this noise, the more time you have to actually enjoy the games.

I'm naturally pretty excited for FM, but I'd happily play GT7 if it came to PC and I genuinely think people being ready to play and enjoy both is closer to the majority opinion than anything else. Ignoring anything like money and access to the right systems to play, you don't have to pick just one, much less devote weeks of your life defending a product for free.
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There is no real precedent for Turn10 to add new tracks for free,
In a way there actually is... sort of. The Horizon and Motorsport series have both followed pretty much the same post-launch cycle since the launch of the former with a few exceptions. For a while there was just the car pass than that was it, later they added the car pass + 2 expansions and now with the last two Horizon games we have had that plus additional extended support with quite a bit of free additional content. FM7 may have reverted to just the car pass (plus a few scattered cars), but considering how that game performed it could be seen as cutting their losses to prepare for the next game.

That's obviously not proof we will get free tracks or cars for that matter, but it does seem to hint we will get more than what we have in the past when it comes to support after the initial DLC offerings have been released and since it's a circuit based game that kind of narrows the options they have.

I can't think of any racing sims that add tracks for free, PD can afford it because they're the market leader and have strong upfront and continuous sales. Guess we'll see.
True, but with the current state of Microsoft studio's they need something to draw people in and a new racing game featuring a constant flow of free "new" cars and tracks is at least something to draw people in, which is very much needed considering their hopes otherwise are basically Starfield and...
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