So there's no market for the AC Evo?
Does Assetto Corsa Evo still have a middling reception a year and a half after launch, multiple pre-release scandals where the developer was accused of lying about game content (to the extent of being used shorthand as a punchline when discussing other games' prerelease periods like Ubisoft titles were in the early 2010s), a disastrous launch, multiple stories about publisher mismanagement of the game's development coming out following release and an already-existing mediocre port that already isn't being well supported by the developer? Is Assetto Corsa Evo essentially in the exact same genre as one of Sony's flagship first party franchises? Because if all of those are true for Assetto Corsa Evo as well (quite a feat, since it launched in early access all of two weeks ago ago), then no I don't think it
does have much of a market. Luckily, though, there isn't even a date attached yet for the console versions of a PC game that hasn't even fully released yet.
Forza Horizon 5 fits on PS5 like a glove because several years after its launch it is still an extremely popular game with a very good reception that is widely considered the defining title in its little subgenre. It's been a standout win for the Xbox division where those have been in very short supply since the current console generation started. Forza 8 is none of those things. If the rumors are true that Horizon 5 will also be a launch-ish title for Switch 2, the game in the end will make Microsoft more money and goodwill for a single game than they've likely gotten in two console generations. It will sell to entire markets of people who never bothered with Microsoft consoles, be it because of the Xbox being irrelevant outside of the United States or because lots of people only buy Nintendo stuff. It is, undoubtedly, Microsoft's biggest home grown franchise nowadays.
In comparison, Forza Motorsports ceasing to be an XBox exclusive (alongside the slow destruction of the Xbox brand beyond a terminal you use to play Game Pass) is probably more likely to lead to their ultimately no longer being Forza Motorsports games
at all than it will pushing Polyphony Digital to make better games for Playstation consoles or whatever. Microsoft, who is already faced with Horizon being a substantially more popular franchise of the two, may very well decide the juice isn't worth the squeeze if people abandon the XBox platform en masse next console generation and they don't have that locked in audience to play FM
instead of GT. At the very least they need to show up with a better game than Forza 8 if they actually want to pry people who already own PS5s away from GT7 in meaningful numbers, regardless of if Microsoft does take a flyer and dumps it on the system.