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- Brazil
Motorsport games is collapsing. Since Nascar is looking to jump the ship.
This could also mean Indy, Lemans and Btcc jumping off.
Nope, in fact, the entire group that owns Motorsport Games was brough up few months ago to a new owner that wants keep the group afloatMotorsport Games' projects such as their Le Mans game, and any of their future projects, will either be failures or will never see the light of day.

GMF Capital acquires Motorsport Network Media LLC

The same source that talked about the NASCAR quitting said that the WEC/Le Mans and IndyCar games are on track to be launched on next months and NASCAR will be the only one that will escape from the excluvity hell (probally beacuse NASCAR seeked a agreement and probally the new ownership gave to them)
not just that but most that are testing the indycar game that talked with the leaker said that the game looks FAR better than NASCAR 21, constantly updating and bug fixing, he said that the studio that once did KartCraft will be doing the indyCar game
He also said that the old ownership issues with workers are resolved now with the new ownership and that everyone seems satisfied and wants to continue working as usual
here is the full video (he talks only about the indycar launch here but since indycar will come out after the WEC game, is safe to assume that it will launch as well)
Wrc licence is better off being done by different developers
WRC agreement with EA has not even started yet lmao, its more than likely at this point that the first game will come out only next year
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