Unless you know for a fact that your TV supports fullrange RGB (0 to 255) then its strongly advisable to switch it off.
Yup, mine supports it. It helped my appearance as well (noticeable on the XMB right away). Thanks for the warning as well. That is good to know.
Well, if you mean PSN vs Live features, I might agree with you, but Live sure as heck isn't $50 a year better in features than PSN.
Well, that is a subjective opinion. I do like PSN, and I have been using it since March of 2008, but I don't like it nearly as much as I enjoy Xbox Live. Granted, I wouldn't mind it if Xbox Live were free, but I enjoy the advantages it has and I find it worth $50 a year (though I haven't paid more than $39 the past two years).
But the PS3 itself? You know the argument: buy every proprietary add on to make the 360 as capable as the PS3 and you'll spend upwards of $700 or more to do it.
True, but it depends on what you are looking for. Not everyone wants Blu-ray, not everyone wants Wifi, not everyone wanted those memory card slots, and not everyone want to spend that kind of money. One way to look at it is, how much does it cost to just play a game on the console. Bioshock ($60), Xbox 360 ($199). That is $260. Bioshock $60, PS3 ($399). That is $460. It's really a matter of which options are more suited for you as an individual gamer.
I bought my 120gb Xbox 360 Elite for $399, and I bought my 40gb PS3 for $399. Yes, I have to pay more for Wifi ($100..though wifi sucks...wired for the win!), and if I wanted the HD-DVD add-on, that is another $49.99. But I rarely use Blu-ray, and I never use Wifi. Yet with my 360, it came with HDMI, component, composite, network cables, as well as an optical dongle. It also came with a headset. It also has a portable HDD that I can pop off and take to a friends house to watch HD TV shows and HD Movies that I downloaded, as well as full retail games and arcade games, all portable. Not to mention, my Xbox 360 can still be played and used as the Windows Media Center Extender while the HDD is not attached. I find that to be a better value FOR me. But I am not everyone. Someone else might find better value having a BD player because they LOVE movies, and they don't have the ability to hardwire their connection due to location, so wifi is the best for them. Not to mention, with the built in Windows Media Center Extender hardware/software, I use my Xbox 360 as a DVR. Those are benefits I have found that have given me more "value".
Like I said, it's all subjective. I love my PS3 and 360, but I do enjoy my 360 a tad more.
And you still wouldn't have an HD format built in
Games are in HD on the DVD. And I can stream 1080p movies this fall, and download 720p HD movies right now. So for me, that is built in.
and which delivers exceptional games
Another subjective comment. I think both deliver equally exceptional games in my experience so far.
The 360 is weaker, less capable
Again, your opinion.
Fact! I am on my 4th Xbox 360, and still on my first PS3!