Four Hours: The Nürburgring 4Hr Companion & Competition

  • Thread starter Famine
After finding this thread the other week, I wanted to try this 4hr race with an underpowered car to make a really good race. I enjoyed reading some of the other race reports and used the information to help me plan my attempt.

I chose the Scirocco R '10 and tuned it initially to about 476PP, this was not enough. When I started my test run I could only do a fast lap of 9.17. 30 mins into the race I realised it was hopeless as the RUF CTR was pulling a bigger lead every lap. The Scirocco had problems with wearing out tyres, the FF layout meant I had to look after the front tyres as best I could.

The other factor which caught me out was the fact that after 2.03 update the pit strategy of AI cars, and the tire wear is completely different to all the race-reports I'd been reading. AI cars now do not put a silly lap on worn tyres, causing the race to be a little less dramatic, and causing front runners to gradually build their lead lap-on-lap, rather than having a mad moment and causing the race to become closer.

So, I tuned my Scirocco up to about the max so I could get a fast lap of 9:02. With a decent pit strategy, 2 or 3 laps, I believed I could keep at the front and be in with a chance of winning.

Car Volkswagen Scirocco R '10 pretty much tuned to the max
PP.501 HP401???
Added ballast to rear to get 50:50 weight dist.
I forgot to note what exact specs my car had at the start.



1. H. Ebersbach - IS F Racing Concept '08
2. F. Clarke - Amuse S2000 GT1 '04
3. A. Pabst - Nismo 400R '96
4. B. Stevens - Amemiya FD3S RX-7
5. P. Burger - Gran turismo Skyline GT-R '01
6. R. Bader - Nissan Fairlady Z Z-tun (Z33) '03
7. Paulturismo - Volkswagen Scirocco R '10
8. W. Burt - Amuse Carbon R (R34) '04
9. N. Diez - HPA FT565 twin turbo Audi TT
10. J. Carrasco - Mines BNR34 Skyline GT-R V-spec N1
11. B. Kwaitkowski - Mines Lancer Evolution '00
12. E. Dumas - AEM S2000

Lap 1 - 9:01.534
A good start, up into 5th by second corner. Then I overtook the RX-7 and Z-tune to reach 3rd. Then sights were set on the LFA and S2000 GT1 out in front

Lap 2 - 9:03.958
I smoothly moved up into 2nd place behind GT1, but was only just managing to keep up.

Lap 3 - 9:22.382
Leapfrogging into 1st by taking on less fuel in the pits.

Lap 4 - 9:01.879
Maintain lead, GT1 was threatening to close the gap. I was intending to 3 lap stint in order to gain time from one pit-stop, but a slight off late in the lap closed the gap to the GT1 so I decided to wait.

Lap 5 - 9:16.836
Another low fuel pit-stop extended my lead back to 10+ seconds.

Lap 6 - 9:07.554
Not the best in-lap but lead of 10 seconds is maintained.
Current race-order
1. Me
2. GT1
3. Z-Tune
4. IS F
5. RX-7
6. Mines GTR
7. AEM S2000
8. HPA Audi

Lap 7 - 9.18.978
Had to take on slightly more fuel for the 3 lap stint to come, a really solid out-lap whilst also trying to look after the tyres.

Lap 8 - 9:00.251
Fastest lap of the race.

Lap 9 - 10:05.860
As the GT1 pits, my lead is extended to over 40 seconds. Then... Disaster!! Despite efforts to keep the tyres by short shifting and staying off the kerbs, the tyres are gone just before Karussell! I lose time, and by Brunchen the GT1 re-takes the lead.

Lap 10 - Time not recorded
After the pitstop I'm +1:17 down, I'm also overtaken by the IS F

Lap 11 - 9:09.563
A very average lap, and into the pits

Lap 12 - 9:14.468
A decent outlap, but I'm still a minute behind!

Lap 13 - 9:13.125
The GT1 pits, gap is down to 39 secs. A bad lap tho, as I try too hard again on worn tyres. The GT1 extends lead to +50 secs by the end of the lap. I pit, in 3rd place. I need a strategy to get back closer to the front; either gain back the pit-stop by 3 lap stinting, being much more careful on tyres, perhaps change to sports hard compound? The 2hr mark is reached during this lap.

Lap 14 - 9:28.954
Still on RH. I had to put in 2 quick laps and narrow the gap if I can, perhaps catch some draught from the IS-F. However, I didn't catch him on the straight and an error at Hohenrain caused a big crash, denting in my offside light cluster, and denting my chances of catching the leaders.

Lap 15 - 9:09.724
Another solid but average lap, and the lead gap climbs slowly to 1:50 secs.

Lap 16 - 9:39.415
I attempt another 3 stinter, so it's in with some extra fuel, and onto sports me... no I only had sports soft. I will have to try, hopefully they will give me 3 solid laps. At the end of lap 16 the lead is +1:57

lap 17 - 9:00.251
The fastest lap of the race... on SS !!!

Lap 18 - 9:35.373
A really poor lap, the tyres just aren't working for me. I'm gutted I didn't buy SM tyres. Into the pits and onto SS fronts and RS rears.

RACE SUSPENDED and reloaded the following morning

Lap 19 - 9:34.595
5th place after pits, behind the AEM S2000. Winning looks out of the question now as GT1 is +2:40

Lap 20 - no time recorded
Time for a hopefully hot lap, as I take 4th place back. GT1 still at the front, with Z-tune and IS-F behind. 3hr Mark passes.

Lap 21 - 9:36.776
Survival lap on bad tyres, not great. Into 3rd but I come off at the hairpin, allowing the AEM S2000 back, we swap positions and I'm back in 3rd by the chicane. By Aremburg, the lead is +2.19 again. The speed and consistent strategy of the GT1 has made a win for my struggling VW impossible. By Klosterstal the IS-F has caught up behind the AEM, telling me the Z-tune is in 2nd place. At least I have 2 cars in my rear-view for some company; sadly, i will pit, and AEM will not.
With a predicted 5 laps left I will do one more 3 stinter, then a crazy 2 lap stint back on RH/RM.

Lap 22 - 9:43.036
Arrrrgh, surprisingly it was the AEM who did pit, not the IS-F. Then to make it worse the AEM got out in front of me somehow (I took too much fuel), and the HPA Audi zipped past both of us into turn 1, dropping me to 6th :(
Looking after my tyres I struggle to find any rhythm and lose time on the tight GP circuit. FF drivetrain is proving a severe handicap. As I think about how pissed off I am I dip a wheel on the grass and smash the barrier at Hatzenbach. **** it! Then the split says I am +3:33 from the GT1.
I continue to lose time to the leader, but slowly catch 5th and 6th so by Dottinger Hohe they are in sight. I know the HPA will pit. I’m really having to drive the nuts off this thing to keep up the pace.

Lap 23 – 9.08.895
No, I was wrong, neither car in front pitted. I lose them again on the GP circuit. It is 4 way fight between suspension, gravity, rubber, and torque; trying to push enough weight forward under braking to get traction. I manage to stay on track this time through Hatzenbach, and they are in sight going over the bridge.
By the end of Kesselchen I made up more ground, and see that the 2 cars are actually 3, joined by the IS-F. After Karussell I struggle to keep close, then dip a fraction into the sand at Flugplatz I, I fall off the pace. Onto the straight – lets see who pits… Only the AEM!

Lap 24 – no time recorded
**** it, on worn tyres and less HP than I started with, this car sucks it down big-time on the twisty GP circuit, with no gradient or camber to work with I keep up no speed. I just can’t ‘power out’ of corner. Tyres are giving up.

Lap 25 – no time recorded
Into pits, back onto RH/RS for the last 2 laps…. And WOW, no wonder I was losing time, these RH fronts offer so much more grip and composure through the GP circuit. Throughout the lap I actually start gaining time on the GT1, pegging him back under +4 mins. Then just as I was about to overtake the HPA and AEM, I spin at Schwalbenshwanz. ****, now I’ll have to settle for 6th – no… 7th! Somehow I was overtaken by the RX-7…. ****, ****, ****!

Lap 26 – no time recorded
No deal here, I just cant catch them again, even through some outrageous high speed cornering through Hohenrain.

Total time: Unknown as it only flashed up for a second and I didn’t have any time to make notes (will have to have camera ready next time). Also due to the race suspend/reload I have not reply data to get any info from... DOH!

Final Standings GLITCHED!!!

According to the table at the end of the race, I finished 4th, and the standings were ****ed up as follows:
Position. Name. Car. Laps
1. H. Ebersbach - IS F Racing Concept '08 26
2. N. Diez - HPA FT565 twin turbo Audi TT 26
3. E. Dumas - AEM S2000 26
4. Paulturismo - Volkswagen Scirocco R '10 26
5. F. Clarke - Amuse S2000 GT1 '04 26
6. R. Bader - Nissan Fairlady Z Z-tun (Z33) '03 26
7. P. Burger - Gran turismo Skyline GT-R '01 25
8. B. Stevens - Amemiya FD3S RX-7 25
9. J. Carrasco - Mines BNR34 Skyline GT-R V-spec N1 25
10. W. Burt - Amuse Carbon R (R34) '04 25
11. A. Pabst - Nismo 400R '96 24
12. B. Kwaitkowski - Mines Lancer Evolution '00 24

Final thoughts:
Basically though pit strategy mistake and poor setup/tyre selection, I sabotaged my own race. The key turning point was laps 7/8/9 where I attempted a 3 lap stint. I fully believe I would have had a shot at the win had I stuck to exactly the same pit strategy as the GT1. Here is where the GT1 spoiled the race for me. It could have been more fun and a lot closer had I not been forced to drive so hard to keep up the pace. Next time I will try my best to find a grid without any rabbit cars. Perhaps the grid no.9 will give me a good race, until next time, Thanks for reading.


PS: A peculiarity

Look at the following photos, what do you notice about the best lap?

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In my first post 2.03 race I've decided to pit the V12 Vantage against the LMS.

In my first test I was running 540PP with race hard tires. No dice. The LMS was leaving me in the dust. Even if I got 3 laps on my tires (which was pushing it too far) he owned me.

Second test I stepped up to race medium at 550PP. This was a close race for the first lap but the heavy Vantage was wearing the tires so fast he pulled away lap 2.

Third test I lightened the car to make 560PP. Now we're talking. I pulled into the pits on lap 2 4 seconds ahead. I'm a bit faster than him but I'll probably screw up somewhere and need that slight advantage to make it up.

The hardcore thing to do would be to run it at 550PP and try to use the "free fuel" strategy to beat him. I never claimed to be hardcore. :lol:

Pit in lap 4. I'm 20 seconds ahead. Damnit. I'm too fast. Guess I'll have to dial it back to 550 after all.
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I don't know which number it is. I just cycled until I got the LMS. He started front row outside the Morrison.

I know that lineup , it´s the 6th IIRC.

There´s another one where the LMS starts first (14th or 15th lineup)

Had a short test with this lineup but couldn´t keep up with the LMS.

Car was a 500 PP , Evora on RM´s.

Best lap was a 8:42.155 out of 4 laps.

There's a whole lot of that going on. :lol:

It takes a fast ride to beat the LMS these days.

Fast is relative.
I guess , I have a relative fast ride now , that makes the race against the LMS , a walk in the park. :P

I upped the power of the Evora a bit to 525 PP.

Fast Lap : 8:31.486
Outlap : 8:56

I upped the power of the Evora a bit to 525 PP.

The Evora is always fast at any PP.

But the Evora and every other car in the game has to be tuned higher now that the AI doesn't run suicide laps, being my point.

I have beaten the LMS soundly with a 480PP car in the past. I certainly don't see doing that now.
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Would it overkill to use a Mitsubishi Evo '96 tuned by RKM? Seems like a good bet for my first attempt in this.

Using a NSX-R Concept'01 on SS tires! Will provide the report today or tomorrow.
Gave Up. :(
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Would it overkill to use a Mitsubishi Evo '96 tuned by RKM? Seems like a good bet for my first attempt in this.

That question can't be answered without more information. What PP is the Evo? What tires do you plan to use? What lineup will you go against? What lap times can you do with this car?

The above discussion about PP has gotten me to thinking...

So I brought out the Gixxer and tuned it to 500PP and had a stab at the GT1 Turbo. I was able to get 4 good laps with race soft tires and ran a best lap of 8:45. I only used 21 liters of fuel in those 4 laps.

By taking 15 liters I came out of the pits 10 seconds ahead of the Turbo starting lap 5 so it looks possible, perhaps with a bit of defensive driving.

I also think I would do better to add some ballast and increase my horsepower. I'm badly down on speed on the straight bits. I think I can lose a little in the turns to gain a little more on the straights and come ahead.
The GT1 Turbo is a lesser problem than the LMS at 500 PP.

So you need 147 liters in 28 laps , that means you only need to refuel 10 liters per stint and the car weights less too.

Slightly wrong calculated.
You need 10 liters per stint because you do 6 Pitstops.

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The GT1 Turbo is a lesser problem than the LMS at 500 PP.

The difference is small. Around 1 second per lap.

Which still adds to ~30 seconds overall assuming unimpeded laps, so not irrelevant...

So you need 147 liters in 28 laps , that means you only need to refuel 10 liters per stint and the car weights less too.

Or... Since I'll be stopping 6 times and need only 47 liters of additional fuel, I could take 0 the first 2 stops, then 5 liters on the third stop, then 15 (the "free" amount) the last 3 stops. That means I would have the lightest possible fuel load without adding any time in the pits beyond what it takes to change tires.

It would be nice if we could chose to start with less than a full tank.
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I always take a full load of fuel , so I don´t need to calculate how much I need.

But if I did , I would take a bit more fuel in calculation than needed.So I would at least add 5-8 liters to the minimum fuel I need.
I guess , if you are out of fuel on the track , this will cost you more time. ;)

I always take a full load of fuel , so I don´t need to calculate how much I need.

But if I did , I would take a bit more fuel in calculation than needed.So I would at least add 5-8 liters to the minimum fuel I need.
I guess , if you are out of fuel on the track , this will cost you more time. ;)

And speaking as one that has made an unplanned stop at the end because I miscalculated... I agree.

Which is why I added 3 liters to my calculations above. And as it comes to the last stop I always re-evaluate to be sure I have enough.

I did another test and found that the car is faster with more power and more weight. The tires wear a bit faster but I still get 4 laps.


I can get 4 laps but it doesn't turn out to be the best strategy. I lose more time in the 4th lap than I gain by not pitting. So 3 laps.

My best lap is now 8:35 (the middle lap). That's exactly the same as the Turbo's best lap, but that's his in lap so he's a tick faster on the track. And my in lap is several seconds slower than his so there's that.

With higher horsepower and weight my fuel consumption has gone up. I need 20 liters for 3 laps. That's 187 liters for the race. Minus 100 and divided by 10 stops that means 9 liters per stop.

I may give medium tires a run. I'm sure they'll do 4 laps but I'm also sure they will be slower, even with 4 less stops in the race.

An added benefit (and unexpected) is that the car drives better with more weight. It skips over bumps less and is generally more stable. It shouldn't be unexpected, but I just didn't think about it.
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Post 2.03
Car: Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01

HP: 175
PP: 438
Weight: 840 kg
HP/tonne: 208.3
PL: 96%
Total time: 4 hours, one minute and 27 seconds
Top Speed Setting: 164 mph
Actual top speed: 149 mph at Antoniusbuche, 155 drafting.
Tires: RS
Pit Strategy: 4-4-4-4-4-3-3

Starting Order
1. HKS CT230R '08
2. High Performance G37
3. Art Morrison Corvette '60
4. Opera 350Z '04
5. Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34) '99
6. Skyline GT-R S-tune (R32) '00
7. me
8. Option Stream Z '04
9. RE Anemiya FD3S RX-7
10. HPA Stage II R32
11. Gran Turismo Skyline GT-R '01
12. RUF CTR2 '96

MoV after 26 laps: ~1: 58 over RUF CTR2 and HKS CT230R, running close together

My Fastest Lap: 9:02.916; Fastest out lap 9:25.378
RUF CTR2 FL: 9:04.426, pits every 2 laps
HKS CT230R FL: 9:03.466, pits every 4 laps <---If I were looking for a new car, I'd try this!

I had scouted this grid (#24 after console reset) in B-spec, and anticipated the HKS on pole and the RUF starting 12th to be the opposition, and I was right. From previous A-spec testing and racing at N4, I knew that I could mercilessly flog my tires for the better part of a lap, and still not worry about compromising the 4 lap stint too much. So my strategy was to push like hell to pass the slower cars in front of me on the opening lap, and take the lead in the pits at the end of 4th lap. It succeeded too well, as I was left without much to do after that, except try to stay alert and execute my pit strategy, which was shaped by hints from -raVer- and s2k2k3.

With this setup, the following (at a minimum) turns can and must be taken without lifting:
Flugplatz, Schwedenkreuz, Fuchsrohe, Angst, Klostertal, Pflantzgarten I and II.

Lap 1 - 9:10.182 Dropped to 10th before the first corner, but recovered to 7th coming out. The HKS was already checking out, but the rest of the pack was stoppered by the superannuated Morrison Vette and the elderly Skylines. Up to 5th leaving the GP circuit. Per plan, I was flogging the ever-loving daylights out of my tires, and (phew!) was able to grab 2nd entering Breidscheid. Despite pulling only 127 mph on the Kesselchen straight, The "High Performance" G37 and the Vette were unable to overtake me - no blocking required! Trailed the HKS 12-13 seconds for the remainder of the lap, hoping my tires were still good for the 4 lap stint.

Lap 2 - 9:04.979 Down 13 seconds to the HKS, RUF up to 8th place
Lap 3 - 9:08.592 Down 15 to the HKS, RUF down to 9th
Lap 4 - 9:18.500 Down 15 to the HKS, pitted taking no fuel, and emerged in 1st. RUF up to 4th
Lap 5 - Up 6 seconds to the HKS, RUF down to 9th
Lap 6 - 9:03.569 Lead up 16 seconds, RUF in 4th place.
Lap 7 - 9:07.993 Up :17, RUF 3rd
Lap 8 - 9:10.150 Up :19 , RUF 3rd. I pitted for tires only. Probably should have gone for 5-10 liters of fuel.
Lap 9 - 9:31.514 Up :26 RUF 3rd
Lap 10 - 9:04.723 Up :51 RUF 3rd
Lap 11 - 9:03.670 Up :52 RUF 3rd
Lap 12 - 9:07.221 Up :57 RUF 2:00 further adrift in 3rd. Pitted for tires plus 10 liters of fuel. Should've gone for 15.
Lap 13 - 9:25.378 Up 1:08
Lap 14 - 9:02.916 Up 1:41
Lap 15 - 9:06.007 Up 1:42
Lap 16 - 9:11.670 Up 1:46 Pitted for tires, took on 22 liters.
Lap 17 - 9:35.207 Up 1:53
Lap 18 - 9:10.473 Up 2:15 RUF catching up to HKS. Lost focus and clouted a fence near Wehrseiffen, then again a corner later.
Lap 19 - 9:06.154 Up 2:11
Lap 20 - 9:17.391 Up 2:15 Not a good lap. Tires worn due to accidents on lap 18. Took 21 liters.
Lap 21 - 9:35.613 Up 2:15
Lap 22 - 9:13.703 Up 2:36 RUF within 1 second of HKS.
Lap 23 - 9:35.013 Up 2:30 Pitted for tires and took 20 liters.
Lap 24 - 9:44.211 Up 2:33 Another spin due to lost concentration
Lap 25 - 9:48.208 Up 2:07 Pulled up to lap the Option Stream Z and studied it's shapely rump. Drove by but noticed it was piloted by S. Johansen, which is the name of one of my B-spec drivers. Not wanting to embarrass Stefan, I waved and let him repass. Later in the lap I actually stopped to briefly read a sign post, and craned my neck to get a closer look at the glorious Nurburg Castle.
Lap 26 - Up 1:58 Finish

Respectfully submitted,
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Today I decided to pick up another Playstation LMS and as I was doing my standard post-purchase oil change I realized that the Playstation LMS is never seen in the N4.

Then another thought struck me. I wondered if a level 40 Bob could use the LMS to beat the AI LMS.

So I put my 3 best Bobs 40-40-39 in the lineup and set them off in the Playstation LMS to do battle with the AI LMS. With the GT1 Turbo thrown in the mix just to keep it interesting.

I know Bob will win if I coach him to keep him from going cold, so it's hands off.

As of lap 4 Bob is leading by ~8 seconds over the AI LMS, with the Turbo lagging another 15 behind him.

Tomorrow I'll report the results.


Bob leads to lap 22 when an encounter with lap traffic causes him a few seconds holdup, resulting in both LMS's brought together. AI gets the best of that exchange.

AI beat Bob by 11 seconds

After checking lap times I realize that the AI car is lapping on lap 28 exactly as he was on lap 1. But Bob had worn out his oil and was losing speed. This was certainly more responsible for the loss than the lap traffic.

I have found this to be the case in A-spec also. The AI cars never lose speed but you do.

AI time 26 laps 4:04'30
Bob time 26 laps 4:04'41

Turbo half a lap behind
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If anyone wants to try a

RE AMEMIYA FD3S RX-7 @ 515 PP , 1350 kg



Oil Change



RH -5 / 0
SR 13.3 /12.6
Damp(e) 6 / 8
Damp(c) 3 / 4
Roll 3 / 5
Cam 1.6 / 1.0
Toe 0 / 0

LSD: 5 / 20 / 10
DF: 10 / 20
BB: 5 / 5
PL: 100%
Ballast: 110 @ -27
Tyres: Sport Soft or lower

And some stats after 4 laps:


Ahh, those frustrating post-2.03 blues. :grumpy:

I've been tested the 270R. I started at 452PP/297hp (Full transmission, full suspension, all drivetrain mods, sports intake manifold and sports exhaust manifold, 60kg ballast at the back) on RM. Not quick enough and heavy on tyres. I then up'd the power with a stage 1 turbo to 464PP/330hp on RM and RH tyres plus played with the suspension/toe. Quicker but still eats the RMs (fast 2 lap) and loses a ton of pace on the RHs (slower 3 lap). These road cars kill tyres! I didn't want to push this any further as I might as well run a proper tuner, so I gave up on that one.

I did then test a new car (tell ya later ;)) at 500PP and by selecting the grid where the Audi LMS and GT1 Turbo are at the back, I was surprised that it kept them at bay until the second pit stop (lap 4). I might run this again against the GT1 non-turbo on SS - could be a good contest.
I was going to use the Alfa 155 V6 TI (DTM) '93 against the R8 LMS. Was able to open 3-5 seconds per lap on RS (was using MFT tune, and the setup was made to go with RS) and I would pit every 2 laps. Back to the drawing board.

Car and settings after 4th test:

BMW M Coupe &#8216;98
406 BHP, 500 PP, Engine rebuild, rigidity restore
1465kg WR1 = 1347kg, new alloys, paint
Rear wing set to 20
Sports ECU
Sports In. Man, Racing AF
Sports Ex. Man, CC sports, TR ex.
FC Trans, max speed 180mph
TP Clutch, FW s-racing, FC LSD, Carbon PS
FC sus:

1st Test

Lap 1 &#8211; 9:23.439 Top speed 165 drafting through Antoniusbuche
Car feels too heavy, WR needed.

2nd test &#8211; lol @ GT1 Turbo driven by Timmy Mallet

Lap 1 &#8211; 9:14.070 Top Speed 161 thru AntB
Car feels much more agile, my time was held up by the Mines BNR34 through Kallenhard and mis-hit-mis
Lap 2 &#8211; 9:06.760 Top Speed 163 Entering Tiergarten
Fronts on half wear, rears on 3/4
Lap 3 &#8211; 9:15.061
Fronts with 1/4 left, have to pit, I&#8217;ve used 33 litres over 3 laps. I was 2nd place with the Mines BNR34 breathing right down by neck. 4 cars did not pit, can I leap frog them at next pits?
Lap 4 &#8211; 9:42.430
Yes I took back 2nd spot, I think this car could do it with 3 lap strategy, I&#8217;ll just work out how much fuel I would need each stop. 11 litres per lap, 26 laps = 286. 286-100/number of stops(9)= 20 litres per stop. Hmmmm. Perhaps a stage 2 WR would help with fuel consumption and preserving tyres. Or, could I do an 8 stopper? 3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4 (23 litres per stop). Hmmmmm need aero tweaks and longer gearing for top speed.

3rd Test

Lap 1 &#8211; 9:13.034
Into 6th by first turn, right behing the CTR2. I go round the outside of him at the hairpin, into 5th. The added downforce feels fantastic, and 3rd gear is a bit longer, perfect for the technical corners. I stay with the pack , CTR2 in mirrors leading up to Flugplatz. I stay a constant +4.8 behind the leading CT230R, who is overtaken by HPA Audi TT at Kallenhard. After some neat cornering at Wehrseifen I overtake the Z-tune at the inside of Briedschied. Through Ex-muhle and I&#8217;m after the RX-7. The lead 2 cars pull away along Kesselchen, but I manage to draft the RX-7 and make a tight pass, fully on the track on the inside lane to move into 3rd spot. I manage to gradually catch the 2nd place CT230R, and am in drafting position by Dottinger Hohe. As I reach a near limiter speed of 170mph behind him, the Z-tune comes blasting past, looking to take us both, and he does.
Lap 2 &#8211; 9:08.199
I lost a lot of ground after not being able to get past in the Hohenrain chicanes. So by the GP chicane I&#8217;m +9 seconds from the lead. The M Coupe handles wonderfully through Hatzenbach and makes me a lot of time. I&#8217;m up to +8.2 by Metzgesfeld, and then I take the CT230R round the outside of Wehrseifen, AI seem to falter here. By Karrussel I am only +8.0 but then lack of acceleration through Eschbach and Brunnchen means I drop back to +9. The CT230R passes me, but I draught back past at Teirgarten and hold position. The Z-tune pits, and I&#8217;m in 2nd.
Lap 3 &#8211; 9.13.034
I maintain a gap of +18 seconds, widening to +21 seconds by the end of the lap as I have to hold off the CT230R again. I pit, and the CT230R continues. Can I make this work? I&#8217;ll have to stay mega consistant with lap times, and limit my pitstop time with lower fuel intake to make up the seconds. It&#8217;s gonna be close by the end!
Lap 4 &#8211; 9.08.199
A fantastic outlap, probably the best I&#8217;ve ever done, I manage to cut the gap from +34 to +23 by Dottinger Hohe.
Lap 5 &#8211; After the HPA pits, he is still 14 seconds ahead, I cant see this plan working out, race abandoned.

Perhaps I can keep the current setup, but try a 4 lap stint 7 stopper on SS tyres. 4,4,4,4,4,3,3 Fuel needed at each stop = 27 litres. But alas, my BMW has lost 8 horses and 3 PP. I&#8217;ll have to do the whole thing another time

4th Test, starting on SS after oil change:

Lap 1 &#8211; Clearly this is not going to work, grip is just too low to keep pace. I&#8217;m gonna have to tune the car.

Tuning: Added Stage 2 Engine tune and Stage 2 WR.
Weight = 1289kg, Power = 423 bhp, PP = 509

5th Test: Best lap 9:04.131
Tried to make RH tyres last for 4 laps but failed, lost almost all front grip by Bergwerk. After 4 laps I had used 45 litres of fuel, still 11ish per lap. As I struggle for grip, I am overtaken by the HPA Audi whom I thought was in front of me. So, they were on a 3 lap strategy after all, game on now!

The Race (8 stopper)

New grid:
1. F. Sala FT565 twin turbo Audi TT
2. F. Gronholm Amemiya FD3S RX-7
3. D. Fernandez 350Z &#8216;04
4. F. Wilis CT230R &#8216;08
5. H. Hogan Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) &#8216;03
6. I. Villa CTR2 &#8216;96
7. Paulturismo M Coupe &#8216;98
8. I. Park Skyline GTR R-tune (R34) &#8216;99
9. D. Lida Nismo 380s Super Leggera
10. P. Giorgi Gran Turismo 350Z RS
11. I. Conley AEM S2000
12. W. Schmidt BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 Base &#8216;06

Lap 1 &#8211; 9:10.049
Into 5th after first corner, around the GTR2 on second corner to get the inside line, taking a little kerb and into 4th, chasing Hulk Hogan in his Z-tune. I sneak past him at Quiddelbacher and close the gap to the CT230R so I take him around the outside at Wehrseifen. Now to try and take the lead, but I&#8217;m more concerned at holding back the CT230R as he takes more speed into Berwerk. I shake him off by Brunnchen, and it&#8217;s after the HPA Audi. I did a sloppy wheel on the grass and skimmed the barrier through Hohe Acht meaning the gap at Dottinger Hohe is +3.4 secs and increasing as the HPA powers away.

Lap 2 &#8211; 9:04.313
A solid start, losing time on the GP circuit due to outright pace and power, then making it back up so I get close by Ex-muhle. Then I stupidly miss my braking point at Bergwerk and skip across the grass on the outside before gathering it back onto the tarmac. Hogan is now close behind, but the HPA is still within sight. Galgenkopf, I go wide and skip along the grass a little, but maintain enough grip and speed to get straightened out onto the straight, +3.4 again. This time the Z-tune is closer, Hogan muscles past into Antoniusbuche. I say thanks very much for the draft as he pits.

Lap 3 &#8211; 9:15.226
Again the HPA pulls away to +8.8 secs as he reaches the chicane. +7 out of Adenauer Forst. I miss my braking point at Bergwerk again, but this time drop to 2nd gear and avoid grass. I make time up to +6 by Klostertal, but slowness through Wipperman to Brunnchen means he has +8 secs by Dottinger Hohe. 21 litres of fuel at the pits.

Lap 4 &#8211; 9:29.161
Out of the pits and into 5th place but ahead of the HPA who also pitted but took on more fuel. Ahead of me but out of sight is the CTR2, Z-tune, BNR34, and the lead CT230R. +25 off the lead at Aremburg. Down to +15 after Karrussel, and I catch the CTR2 being held up by the BNR34, overtaking them through Kliene-Karussell and Galgenkopf respectively. +12 through Dottinger Hohe. The two of them pit, I wish they could stay out to hold up the HPA a bit.

Lap 5 &#8211; 9:05.254
I lead the race for the first time, with a 6 second lead out of the hairpin. Lead of about 8 secs is maintained.

Lap 6 &#8211; 9:14.992
HPA catches up to -3 seconds, but I pull it back to 8 again by the end of the lap. Tyres have lasted better this stint, but I pit as planned. On with 19 litres of fuel.

Lap 7 &#8211; 9:28.975
Out of the pits, at the hairpin lead is -3, then -4 coming onto the Nordshliefe, and -5.7 by Quiddelbacher. This lead is growing because 2nd place is the CT230R, and the HPA is held up in 5th place behind the BNR34 and Z-Tune. -7 by Metsgesfeld, and -8 at Ex-muhle. &#8211; 11 by Flugplatz I, and approaching Antoniusbuche with a lead of -15 seconds, HPA is still held up behind the BNR34. Excellent!

Lap 8 &#8211; 9:05.408
The BNR34 moves aside, but the HPA is still stuck behind the other two cars. My lead drops to -10 on the GP circuit, but it&#8217;s back up to -12 by Lauda Links. Then a messy Bergwerk, followed by grass exit of Wipperman, means the lead is down to -8. Hogan is the z-tune put in his best lap of the race and closes almost to drafting distance by Antoniusbuche.

Lap 9 &#8211; 9:15.713
Z-tune and CT230R pit, leaving the gap to 2nd place HPA at -24 by the hairpin. Lead maintained, then into the pits.

Lap 10 &#8211; 9:28.293
As my pit crew release me, the z-tune shoots past. He will have to pit next lap, so I&#8217;ve got no worries. He leads by +10 at the hairpin, down to +6.6 at Dottinger Hohe.

Lap 11 &#8211; 9:03.987
Into the lead again. -27 at the GP circuit, but the z-tune is fast and by Antoniuschuche he is -19.

Lap 12 &#8211; 9:14.850
Z-tune does not pit, he&#8217;s up to -12 by the time I reach the chicane! By Hohe Acht, the lead is only -10&#8230; Hogan is &#8220;Hulking up!&#8221;, and by Keselchen I&#8217;m only 8 seconds in the lead. Damn, 4 seconds lead at Dottinger Hohe, this is making the race very interesting. We both pit, only 2 seconds apart, surely after that run he will need a lot of fuel and I can try and pull into another good lead.

Lap 13 &#8211; 9:29.314
I was fast and made no mistakes, but the Z-tune sticks like glue, between 3-6 seconds behind all lap.

Lap 14 &#8211; 9:04.890
Superb lap, great racing. He is right behind from 1st corner. I drive defensively and keep him behind through the GP circuit. Then I pull a lead of 2 seconds by Aremburg, which stays above 1 second until Dottinger Hohe, I have to drive right on the edge as my car seems less powerful than before. I totally block his way along the straight and hold the lead through Hohenrain. Hogan pits at the end of the lap.

Lap 15 &#8211; 9:13.992
I forget that my tyres took a real pounding last lap and lack of grip sends me well wide at turn 3. I cannot afford to lose time here because I know at the end of the lap I have to pit, and the Z-tune will fly past. Gap is -34 and falling at Flugplatz. -29 at Bergwerk, yikes! Pflanzgarten II and it&#8217;s -22 seconds. Now my fuel looks quite low, I think I need to recalculate, I think I should have put in 23 litres per lap, which leaves me with a shortfall of 12 litres, I have to put in 35 litres now, crap!

Lap 16 &#8211; 9:39.024
Through Hogan goes, into the lead whilst I wait for the fuel to go in. I&#8217;ll have to work out a way to jump him at a later stage. For now, I try to close the gaps as I know he&#8217;ll be wearing out tyres towards the end of the lap. Then on turn one, a WASP flies in my face WTF! It&#8217;s January dammit. I almost lose the car, but bring it back on line, losing a couple of valuable seconds. The gap is +27 to Hogan&#8217;s Z-tune. By Dottinger Hohe I&#8217;ve made it only +22.

Lap 17 &#8211; 9:01.982
I pass the grandstands in 1st place, onto the Nordschliefe, I&#8217;m 12 seconds up. By Dottinger Hohe only 5.6 seconds up. This really shows how hot that z-tune is.

Lap 18 &#8211; 9.16.631
I need to keep in front again this lap and we will pit together. Along the start-finish he is only -2 seconds again. By the hairpin, right on my bumper. I manage to stay in front with a gap never less than 1 second. He bumps me through Lauda links, but I keep it together, and block him along the main straight.

Lap 19 &#8211; 9:26.571
I keep the gap at about -4.5 for the whole lap. My car has definitely lost a lot of power as for the last 5 laps I haven&#8217;t been able to use 6th gear through Kesselchen. At Dottinger Hohe, I know he&#8217;ll be closing fast again.

Lap 20 &#8211; 9:00.564 (Best lap)
A really quick feeling lap, each sector getting a little faster, but he is still only 2-3 seconds behind. 1 hour left. By Dottinger Hohe, I have once again worked the gap to -4.5 seconds.

Lap 21 &#8211; 9:10.515
A lead of 38 seconds becomes 26 by Antoniusbuche.

Lap 22 &#8211; 9:33.417
Out of the pits and just 45 mins left. Average 3 lap sequence takes about 28 mins plus one outlap 9.30 and a hotlap 9.05, I work out that I&#8217;ll be very close to needing a 27th lap depending on how close behind the Z-tune stays. I should have the tyres because it fits with my pit sequence, but I may need to be holding off the Z-tune over the line!! I start the lap +18 seconds behind, but it&#8217;s a flawless drive and I reach Dottinger Hohe only 10 secs back. The Z-tune and the last placed Gran Turismo 350z both pit, the overtaking of that car must have slowed the Z-tune a little.

Lap 23 &#8211; 9:02.814
Once again, a lead of -24 becomes only -17 by Dottinger Hohe as I&#8217;m chased down, this time by a car not held up in traffic. It didn&#8217;t help that I went wide at the GP hairpin. And I have not been too kind to the front tyres, next lap will be crucial.

Lap 24 &#8211; 9:20.357
Onto the GP cicuit, Hulk Hogan&#8217;s Z-tune is 12 seconds behind. I come off the track and skim the barrier at Hocheichen, but keep facing forwards. After a very slow Aremburg Hogan is only &#8211; 8, then -7 after Adenaur Forst. Gap closes over the lap and again he&#8217;s on my rear bumper by Dottinger Hohe. For the first time, my block fails, and he gets past slightly on the grass. I draft and manage to stay with, passing on the inside at Tiergarten, this runs me wide at hohenrain and he manages to get ahead for the pitstop.

Lap 25 &#8211; 9:30.160
As I sit in the pits the time limit shows only 17 minutes left, just 2 more laps, I&#8217;ll have to get out in front and stay in front, I&#8217;m only taking on 25 litres of fuel, just to be safe because it looks like I was near empty. We exit the pits one after the other, it&#8217;s a straight 2 lap sprint to the finish, but I&#8217;ve got the lead. I keep that second or two ahead for the lap, helped by a perfect entry/exit at Bergwerk (my first of the race), and then my blocking on the straight works to hold the lead.

Lap 26 &#8211;
I gain some time through Hatzenbach, Hochiechen, all the way to Ex-muhle. Now I have a 3 second advantage. Again, a near perfect Bergwerk gives me plenty of that vital momentum along Kesselchen. That momentum means nothing now, because in pausing the game to write the previous sentence I then restarted, straight onto the grass. Fortunately I get straight back on track and head for Klostertal. A solid few sectors sees me pull a small lead again by Pflanzgarten II and at Dottinger Hohe, I&#8217;m -2.7 ahead!! After a loose bit of cornering at Hohenrain I am in the lead, but he&#8217;s only 2 car lengths behind. I fear I may be overtaken on the start/finish straight, but strangely, Hulk Hogan drives into the pits, I&#8217;ll take it that he would have been a second behind me over the line&#8230; Close!

Total time: approx 4hrs 1 min 45 seconds
Best lap: 9:00.564 (lap 20)

Final standings (no best lap data due to no replay available)

1. Paulturismo M Coupe &#8217;98 26
2. H. Hogan Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) &#8217;03 +1 sec
3. F. Sala FT565 twin turbo Audi TT 25
4. I. Villa CTR2 &#8217;96 25
5. D. Lida Nismo 380s Super Leggera 25
6. I. Conley AEM S2000 25
7. F. Wilis CT230R &#8217;08 25
8. F. Gronholm Amemiya FD3S RX-7 25
9. W. Schmidt BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 Base &#8217;06 25
10. I. Park Skyline GTR R-tune (R34) &#8217;99 25
11. D. Fernandez 350Z &#8217;04 25
12. P. Giorgi Gran Turismo 350Z RS 24

My car after the race only has 403 BHP and 502 PP

Final thought:
I learned a lot about racing on the Nurburgring. I learnt how to shave a few seconds off my time as the race progressed. I learned how to preserve tyre wear under pressure. I learnt how to block WWF wrestlers from passing, not an easy feat. Thanks for reading.
Very nice report. 👍 Hopefully I'll be making my next run either today or tomorrow - 500PP on RH or SS against a similar grid and probably a 3 lap (RH) or 4 lap (SS) strategy.
The title of this report is either 'How I contributed to my own downfall' or 'It's a game of two halves'....

I had tested the Evo IX RM on RM tyres against the Audi LMS and GT1 Turbo and it had made a pretty good showing for itself - it would need more power to win, but it could hold them handily in the twisty stuff. So I decided to run it against a grid including the S2000 GT1 but on SS tyres and ballasted down to 500PP, this seemed a fair fight to me. So here we go with my first run with a 4WD and SS tyres...


Car: Lancer Evolution IX GSR RM '05
HP: 313
PP: 500
Mods: None
Settings: -0.3 rear toe, +10 Active Yaw, brakes 5/6, all else (inc aero) standard
Ballast: 80kg as far back as possible giving a 61/39 balance (total weight 1160kg).
Top Speed Setting: 168mph
Tyres: Sports Softs
All aids off. ABS 1. DFGT wheel.

1. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R V-Spec N1 base '00
2. HPA FT565 Twin Turbo Audi TT
3. S2000 GT1 '04
4. 400R '96
5. Stage II R32
6. HKS CT230R '08
7. Me
8. Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34)
9. Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) '03
10. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 base '06
11. GRAN TURISMO Skyline GT-R '01
12. Nismo 380RS Super Leggera

Lap 1 -
Good start but I drop to 9th on the straight - up to 5th on the exit of turn 1. I keep a beady eye on the leading FT565 and GT1 in third as I pick off the Mine's '00 in the GP section. It all stays pretty tight through the lap with the FT565 showing early pace and the GT1 strangely falling back to 4th. I take the lead at Aremberg but the FT565 is large in my mirrors for the rest of the lap. The FT565 and Z-tune (where did he come from) pass each side of me on the straight, but I retake them both into the final chicane. FT565 drafts past me on the S/F straight and he starts the next lap just 0.018 secs ahead with me second and the Z-tune 2 secs behind. Not a bad start, but I'm only pulling 150mph on the main straight and that's going to keep things tight!

Lap 2 -
I take first and we exit the GP section in a tight little group of three. As the lap progresses the FT565 and myself start to open a gap to the Z-tune (where's the GT1?), but at Kesselchen I touch the grass and lose a few seconds - more important, I'm back in 3rd chasing the Z-tune's tail. GT1 pits and drops back to about 8th.

Lap 3 -
Pit In. Bit of a scrappy lap leaves me in third but as I've only used 1/3 of a tank I just take tyres and come out the pits ahead of them both but still in 3rd (must be a couple of 4 stoppers here).

Lap 4 -
Pit Out. I chase the leaders down easily through the first 1/3rd of the lap - I think they were the Mine's GT-R '00 and CT230R - and finish the lap 8 secs ahead of the FT565, back in second after the pit stops.

Lap 5 -
The pressure of the FT565 right behind me brings up a fast, clean lap. Lead up to 13 secs.

Lap 6 - 9:10.xx
Pit In. Tidy lap. What I gain in the twists I lose on the fast sections - familiar story! Lead remains at 13 secs. We both pit and I take on 20 litres.

Lap 7 - 9:33.xx
Looks like it's just me the FT565 and the Z-tune in this one. Lead up to 16 secs.

Lap 8 - 9:04.xx
Just keeping it tidy and slowly opening the gap. Lead up to 22 secs.

Lap 9 - 9:05.xx
Pit in - That would have been my fastest lap by far had I not needed to pit. Lead eases up to 39 secs. Looks like the FT565 and Z-tune are fighting and holding each other up. GT1 up to 4th. I take 20 litres.

Lap 10 - 9:32.xx
Pit Out. More of the same. Lead 42 secs.

Lap 11 - 9:07.xx
More of the same again (small error costs 4-5 secs). Lead about 45 secs. Thinking about quitting this soon as on a good lap I'm pulling a second a sector...

...but wait! Here it is. The moment (or moments) which completely changed the complexion of this encounter - I told you this was a race of two halves!

Lap 12 - 9:37.xx
Pit In. Boom! That's a massive off which sees me having to reverse out of the escape road at the right hander before Karussell - never crashed there before! Weird. I don't panic but the usual thing happens... a second off into the sand at Schwalbenschwanz! They always come in pairs. My lead is slashed from over 50 seconds to 20! I don't panic, I quite welcome it as now I can knuckled down and build my lead back up - no need to quit quite yet. Did I say disasters come in two's? I was wrong. In the pits I accidentally hit 'X' and have my tank filled to the brim - what an idiot! Ah well, game on...

Lap 13 - 10:09.xx
Pit Out. I exit the pit in 3rd behind the FT565 and the Z-tune - a full 20 seconds behind!

Lap 14 - 9:06.xx
OK, just keep going and the race will come back to me as it did at the start. End lap still third. GT1 has upped his pace and is gaining!

Lap 15 - 9:17.xx
Pit In. No need for fuel so I gain time in the pit stop drag race (FT565 and Z-tune pitted in front of me).

Lap 16 - 9:33.xx
Pit Out. I exit the pits between them and take the lead at the first corner - thats more like it, back in front. Open a 1.5 second gap to the FT565 but lose out on the main straight and end the lap with only a cigarette paper's width to split the three of us. GT1 is on a different pit sequence and appears and disappears from my mirrors - always a little closer it would seem...

Lap 17 - 9:04.xx
Meh kind of lap. And I lose out on the straights again ending up 8 secs down. I'm sure it was easier to pull away from these guys at the beginning. My lap times haven't changed much, but once they're in front the FT565 and Z-tune really shift!

Lap 18 - 9:30.xx
Pit In. Arrgh! Must be getting tired. Too much red wine during the pit stops and two big grass-over-windscreen spins - connected? Probably. No fuel needed which saves me some time, but I end up 33 seconds down in fourth. Yes, the GT1 has slipped past - dammit!

Lap 19 - 9:26.xx
Pit Out. FT565 & Z-tune take long pit stops (maximum fuel?). We come out very close and I take them in the GP section. The GT1 is 35 seconds down the road in first - how did that happen? But I'm guessing he needs to pit this lap or next - this will be close.

Lap 20 - 9:03.xx
I needed a good lap, and there it is. I manage to drop the FT565 and Z-tune (they appear to run slower when behind you) and drop only a couple of seconds to the GT1 who's now driving like the wind! This surely wasn't the same car I breezed past in the opening laps? :confused: GT1 pits and comes out on my nose. He stays 1 second ahead until the main straight where he promptly disappears leaving me 6 seconds behind.

Lap 21 - 9:13.xx
Pit in. I pit and take on 30 litres. Gap up to 40 seconds as I leave the pits. FT565 and Z-tune have swapped places but are on the same pit strategy as me which means without any mistakes I can manage them.

Lap 22 - 9:22.xx
Pit out. Decent lap but the GT1 has moved onto a different level. He's getting away at every sector now - this is odd as my times have remained reasonably stable throughout. :odd: He pits but still comes out 20 seconds ahead - tantalisingly close.

Lap 23 - 9:02.xx
Another good lap but the GT1 is flying. 24 seconds down.

Lap 24 - 9:08.xx
Pit in. The GT1 pits in front of me - I need 20 litres of fuel so there's nothing I can do now but watch him leave ahead of me. 29 seconds down. Arrgh, so close! ...but sooo fast. :grumpy:

Lap 25 - 9:22.xx
Pit Out. Just keep getting close through the twists and watch him disappear on the straights. Wishing I'd used those RH or RM tyres now. 34 seconds down.

Lap 26 - 9:04.xx
GT1 pits but comes out 4 seconds ahead of me. No throws of the dice left now as my last lap will be on tired tyres.

Lap 27 - 9:03.xx
I make this lap a stormer, but that GT1 is way, way faster than anything else on the track... including me! He takes the win just over 10 seconds ahead. BTW, that's the same number of laps the Audi LMS made last time I raced it!

Total time was 4:01:22.xx with the Z-tune and FT565 way back - I think they might have pitted on the last lap.

Well, what can I say here? Talk about two completely different halves to a race. First half I'm away having a good tussle with the FT565 and Z-tune, which ultimately I won and pulled out a 50+ seconds gap by lap 12 (in old money that's a 2 minute win). The second half is all GT1! It's as if he changed driver, added nitrous and used RS tyres! Once he was in the lead his lap times dropped by a good 5-7 seconds - has anyone else notice this since 2.03?

Ultimately though, I didn't do the car justice and had I not had that massive brain fade on lap 12 then I would have maintained my 50 second lead and those behind wouldn't have had a stiff. Even if the GT1 had kept that same fast pace in the second half I doubt he could have won had I been that far ahead. I just blew it. Oh well, still fun for my first run on SS tyres. 👍

As for the car, the Evo IX RM is great drive - predictable, forgiving and very grippy. I does come as standard with the usual 4WD understeer, but you can sort this with a few adjustments to the rear end - that Mitsubishi Active Yaw is very handy! Finished with 303 hp at 492 PP.
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Another excellent report axletramp.

I must find some time to do this race again post 2.02. I did have a plan to run the Volvo C30 @ 500PP and I tried it the other day for a couple of laps but it ripped up the front tyres too much (I probably had over-powered it though!).

Don't know what to use really, might end up going back to the RX-7 I used before, but I don't really want to.
Thanks. 👍

I've found that the problem with most street cars is that, for whatever reason (chassis, suspension, weight), they do hurt their tyres more than race and race modified cars. I might try again with the Lotus Esprit 350 but going in with the intention of running a fast and grippy 2 or 3 lap pit sequence. I'll need to up the power though to give me a better top speed as compensation for tyre wear.
A new tune to try out



307 bhp , 1175 kg , 503 PP




Set Max Speed to 193 mph


RH 5 / 10
SR 13.8 /12.5
Damp(e) 6 / 8
Damp(c) 3 / 4
Roll 6 / 6
Cam 1.6 / 1.0
Toe 0 / 0


F: 5 / 5 / 5
R: 5 / 20 / 10

Torque Split 20 / 80

DF: 20 / 30
BB: 5 / 5
PL: 100%
Ballast: 75 @ 48
Tyres: Sport Medium (recommended for the usual opponents S2000 GT1 and FT565)

The inexperienced drivers can also use Sport Soft or Racing Hard.
For those , wanting a real challenge , use Sport Hard.

Finished another 4hr race in 1st with the CUSCO DUNLOP SUBARU IMPREZA on Sports Medium tyres (Tune above).

1. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R V-Spec N1 base '00
2. HPA FT565 Twin Turbo Audi TT
3. S2000 GT1 '04
4. 400R '96
5. Stage II R32
6. HKS CT230R '08
7. Me
8. Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34)
9. Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) '03
10. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 base '06
11. GRAN TURISMO Skyline GT-R '01
12. Nismo 380RS Super Leggera

Total Time : 4 hr 08 min 41 sec
Laps : 27
Pitstops : 8
Best Lap : 8:58.886
Margin of Victory : 45+ seconds over the NISMO Fairlady Z Z-tune

Here´s the first 1/3rd of the race

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Post 2.03
Car: Lotus Elise 111R '04

HP: 198
PP: 429/430
Weight: 1050 kg
HP/tonne: 188.6
PL: 96%
Total time: 4 hours, one minute and 54 seconds
Top Speed Setting: 169 mph
Actual top speed: 145 mph at Antoniusbuche, 150 or so drafting.
Tires: RS
Pit Strategy: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Lineup #1 after console reset:
1. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R V-Spec N1 base '00
2. HPA FT565 Twin Turbo Audi TT
3. S2000 GT1 '04
4. 400R '96
5. Stage II R32
6. HKS CT230R '08
7. Me
8. Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34)
9. Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) '03
10. Mine's BNR34 Skyline GT-R N1 base '06
11. GRAN TURISMO Skyline GT-R '01
12. Nismo 380RS Super Leggera

Best Lap : 9:02.096
Margin of Victory : 3+ seconds over the NISMO Fairlady Z Z-tune

This was a tough one for me. It took several sessions to get the handling balance and tire wear to my liking, but even so there was too much throttle-off oversteer, which I must fix before I race again. I thought I had the race in the bag at mid-point, but the Fairlady Z was fast and persistent, and I had to block it for the final two laps. We were hub to hub entering the GP circuit on the final lap, but luckily he pulled into the pits! I recorded this one if anyone would like more details.

Respectfully submitted,