Four killed in Pennsylvania shooting spree

  • Thread starter Grayfox
Four people have been killed and several police officers wounded in a shooting spree in rural Pennsylvania.

The shootings, exactly a week after a massacre of 20 children and six adults at a school in Connecticut, "happened over a large area" near Geeseytown, in a remote part of the eastern US state, Diane Meling, a spokeswoman for the Blair County Emergency Management Agency, told AFP.

"Four people were shot dead. That number of four includes the alleged shooter," she said. "There were several Pennsylvania state troopers injured, I understand none seriously."

The emergency was over, officials said.

"Pennsylvania State Police have neutralised the active shooter in Franstown Township, Blair County. There is no longer a threat to residents and visitors to this area from this individual," an update on the county emergency management's Facebook page said.

The bloodshed came as a national debate on gun laws went into high gear, with President Barack Obama saying he would support a new bill seeking a ban on assault rifles.

It also coincided with a call from the US's National Rifle Association (NRA) for more guns and armed guards at public schools.

In Newtown, Connecticut on December 14 a disturbed local man used such a rifle to carry out his massacre, before committing suicide.
If they're going to start comparing and ranking all of these shootings to one another, why don't the just make a damn scoreboard and stop reporting it.
So the guy is mad at Obama for wanting to ban assault rifles, so he gives him more reasons to ban them? What an idiot.
I am really wondering if Greyfox has an RSS for news that deals with Gun Violence in the US. He clearly has one for odd stories involving animals so :P

Would also be nice if he gave some opinion instead of copy/pasting articles and linking them.
I am really wondering if Greyfox has an RSS for news that deals with Gun Violence in the US. He clearly has one for odd stories involving animals so :P

Would also be nice if he gave some opinion instead of copy/pasting articles and linking them.


No RSS feeds.

My opinion is one no american wants will like.
Get rid of the stupid second amendment.
Guns are not needed in this day and age.
You just like to sensationalize to spread your anti gun ideals, not a big deal really. I need my guns to eat, I want my guns to shoot down drones if they every fly over head.
You just like to sensationalize to spread your anti gun ideals, not a big deal really. I need my guns to eat, I want my guns to shoot down drones if they every fly over head.

Somebody watch that new Bourne movie?
I'm sure we've got a gun thread which is about exactly the debate between having and not having the legal use of guns.
My opinion is one no american wants will like.
Get rid of the stupid second amendment.
Guns are not needed in this day and age.

You want to make a point by being a sensationalist? That would be like convincing people flying is dangerous by focusing on the few crashes a year. You sitting there copy/pasting stories, giving no actual opinion of your own, just comes across as trying too hard. You can find a story to cast damn near anything in a negative light, and you could probably find a new one everyday if you tried a bit.

Basically, be less passive aggressive about it :lol:
My opinion is one no american wants will like.
Get rid of the stupid second amendment.
Then what happens to the stupid First Amendment?

Remember the Second Amendment merely says the Federal government can't interfere with normal citizens' ability to procure firearms - it reserves that power to the states themselves and the states all have different rules. The USA is a country made of fifty smaller countries and the Constitution exists to allow the countries to keep their identities while sharing resources.

The Second Amendment isn't a rule that says "Guns for all!" - it's a rule that says "The Federal government must not interfere in State decisions on guns".
American's don't really have a First Amendment anymore.

Protest get arrested
Ask a cop for his badge number or ID get arrested
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You just like to sensationalize to spread your anti gun ideals, not a big deal really. I need my guns to eat, I want my guns to shoot down drones if they every fly over head.

You're kidding, right?
About which?

People who like to hunt tend to like to eat what they hunt - and they'll pay far lower rates for meat they've caught themselves than they would at WalMart.

Obama has shown he has no qualms about killing US citizens without trial. He has shown he has no qualms about using drones in friendly airspace, hitting ground targets with missiles. Drones - the same models in fact - are already used in civilian law enforcement in the US. It'll take a nothing - something like a riot over the gross denial of rights and unconstitutional behaviour of the Federal government - to have them armed "to maintain order".

With government denying right to free assembly, right to free speech and right to free expression, denying citizens the ability to petition government, what course have they got left?
So the guy is mad at Obama for wanting to ban assault rifles, so he gives him more reasons to ban them? What an idiot.

Agreed. There is no reason to ban assault rifles. They are no different than any other firearm, especially after the ban that mad them illegal to purchase in fully automatic. If it's semi auto, what's the difference from any other semi auto gun? Is a firearm bad when it's protecting the president or a pedestrian? No.

Firearms are not a bad thing. What this country needs to do is learn to control people who cannot abide by the law. Get a psyhciatric evaluation before the purchase of a gun, similar to a background check to determine if the potential buyer can handle it.

If they really didn't want things like this to happen, they shouldn't have sold off the military surplus many years ago.
You're kidding, right?

Not really.

Agreed. There is no reason to ban assault rifles. They are no different than any other firearm, especially after the ban that mad them illegal to purchase in fully automatic. If it's semi auto, what's the difference from any other semi auto gun? Is a firearm bad when it's protecting the president or a pedestrian? No.

There are a few differences, some of them are very easy to convert into full auto but the seemingly larger issue is how many rounds they can hold.

All the squawk about ban this and that is mostly a knee jerk feel good thing, feelings over substance, reason, and research. Unless you are an elitist, then it's just to hell with those damn peasants lol
Not really.

There are a few differences, some of them are very easy to convert into full auto but the seemingly larger issue is how many rounds they can hold.

All the squawk about ban this and that is mostly a knee jerk feel good thing, feelings over substance, reason, and research. Unless you are an elitist, then it's just to hell with those damn peasants lol

Then they need to do something so it's not so easy to convert to full auto.
American's don't really have a First Amendment anymore.

Protest get arrested
Ask a cop for his badge number or ID get arrested

No, not really. I mean, you might read that in whatever news you choose to read, and it is clear you don't mind some bias. We pretty much still have the First Amendment, just look at Westboro if you don't believe me. And certainly greater leeway with freedom of speech and privacy than most Commonwealth countries.

And you don't give an opinion in your initial posts for any of these shooting related threads.
Then they need to do something so it's not so easy to convert to full auto.

Not really an option because of how the mechanisms work, at least from what I recall.

Also, would be like asking to make it harder to make fertilizer bombs, etc. The people that want to do it will do it regardless.