FP Motorsports

NOOOOO!!!!! That sucks man. Sorry to hear that. Hope you can fix it quick.
It's all part of my evil plan, give all of the fast members the RROD so I can win, BUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

For real though, that is one thing I do not want to happen to me. I do have one of the later generation Elites but I am always wary. Hope you get it fixed Forcone sooner than later.
And I got the ol' friend RROD once again!! :P Have to see when I can be bothered to fix it.. Should really buy a new Xbox, but I will not.

Oh no! :mad: I hope the next Xbox is more reliable than the 360...everyone I know that owns one has had the RROD at least once.
Good idea on the clean out of the club garage. I also think we should remove the loaner's after the respective club race is up, to ensure maximum space.

Network is looking good. Seems like AT&T likes to do there updates on Saturday's. May go Karting this weekend though, so if I'm not online on the weekends, that's likely where I'll be...
Last night we discussed the Issues of too much bumping..

and I enjoyed some racing this evening with a few of you, however on more than a few occasions I wondered if some of those racing had just 2 much of that Barge mentality, or is it just a lack of skill, or some other issue.

I feel that Racing online as a club requires that we all try and better our selves as racers/drivers, so we share setups, cars and experiences etc. it should be a privilege to be in this club.

So no names, no packdrill!!

I save most of my online races and where I've made contact with someone that's cost us both time, i replay it and watch with a view to what could I have done differently. why did the contact take place.

So I started with this clip.. came out the turn and went for a low pass, I was ahead at the start finish line, and then it happened..

What do you think?

Who was right and Who was wrong?

Another View

So the race is over for me...

I pull off the racing line and park!

The next lap this happens..

a driver comes off the line look where the rubber is!to collide with me! ( I know I must be paranoid) but I'm well of the racing line and that drivers in second place! and a level 58 driver..

Now I go and look at the rest of race to discover how did that driver get into second positions.. and I find this.. this might be a network glitch, but it doesn't explain the off line route in my mind.

So I go and look at another collision in another race I wasn't happy with (I'm in the red BMW leeding into turn one) watch the white car! I had to brake early tires were not up to temp. I turned in late and thought I'd left just enough room for the green car without making it an easy pass up the inside for him. then I got hit... by the green car I thought, when I look at the replay i think I was right, I left just enough room, but he was hit from behind by the white level58 driver again. The driver in third place failed to slow down (it's a corner), and once the collision took place.. no further braking was evident the throttle was floored and he just kept pushing.. or so it seamed..

The same drivers involved in all of these incidents...
Perhaps it's Lewis Hamilton :guilty: Who knows.

but in the end I just got fed up with this type of incident in every race and left the session..

I don't mind getting hit, crap happens and we all make mistakes, but lets try and keep it clean.. ohh and did anyone today manage a clean lap in an online race?

thanks :banghead:

"this was a public gripe service brought to you by the looney channel... ";)
That NSX was me. Sorry. Most of those races everyone was lagging badly. Id be driving getting ready to make a pass then that car would just teleport way in front of me. Again sorry.
Looney, I can't watch those clips right now because I'm at work. I think I know the driver who you are talking about...I apologize if I caused any of the accidents, but I don't think I did. I did bump you once but it was incidental contact and I gave you your position back. edit: nvm, it seems lag was the problem.
Some accidents are caused by lag which looks like it could have been the case in those R1 races you had (definitely one of them). Sometimes people just get out of shape when racing in close quarters like similar to what happened with me and Carlos on the first lap of the race yesterday. Also sometimes when you turn into a corner and you think nobody is below you and then... oops. It happens it's part of racing online with a bunch of good competitive drivers. Got to take it with a grain of salt and move on. If it's happening on a regular basis by the same driver then that's a different case.

If anyone starts to find a specific member that consistently is hitting other drivers by using over aggressive driving then please send me the videos via PM with a detailed description and I will get with our other club leaders to see if there needs to be any disciplinary actions taken.
@wiggs No issues with other small bumps etc, sometimes there 50/50 or we just loose control on the edge or with a bad car setup..I can understand that.

Consistent barging I cannot, still in this instance, It looks like it was just a lag Issue (paranoid mode off :) ), I had no Issues with other incidents, well apart from whoever wiped me out on the le mans straight, as they rejoined following there spin, and then took off leaving me to recover.. thought they'd have at least let me retake the place, I did get it back in the end though :)

I suppose these are casual races and not the club league.

but I think we should strive for better 👍

let me apologies if I clipped or held any of ya up :embarrassed:

What do you think?

Who was right and Who was wrong?

Another View

Looking at this purely objective, I'd personally say the car on the left was "wrong" - sort of. The clips are quite short to see the full picture though.

The car on the right seems to be doing some unnecessary twitching, if it's lag or something I don't know, which is part of the reason why the crash happens. The main reason in my mind is that the car on the left, the one overtaking misjudges the distance and tries to dive back in line in front of the other car when he clearly hasn't gone past him yet. What he should have done in my mind, is to keep the inner line and leave the other one eating his dust in the corner. ;)

I might be wrong though, but that's the way I see it! That's why I also think we should discuss these to see if we have different opinions about the racing etiquette! Personally, I don't really know anything about it, I sort of try to use common sense. Which fails me occasionally as the adrenaline takes over... :D

PS. Damn I need to fix the Xbox this night to rejoin the action!!
Looking at this purely objective, I'd personally say the car on the left was "wrong" - sort of. The clips are quite short to see the full picture though.

The car on the right seems to be doing some unnecessary twitching, if it's lag or something I don't know, which is part of the reason why the crash happens. The main reason in my mind is that the car on the left, the one overtaking misjudges the distance and tries to dive back in line in front of the other car when he clearly hasn't gone past him yet. What he should have done in my mind, is to keep the inner line and leave the other one eating his dust in the corner. ;)

I might be wrong though, but that's the way I see it! That's why I also think we should discuss these to see if we have different opinions about the racing etiquette! Personally, I don't really know anything about it, I sort of try to use common sense. Which fails me occasionally as the adrenaline takes over... :D

PS. Damn I need to fix the Xbox this night to rejoin the action!!

That's why I thought it was good to discuss this, and share.. I'm just trying to figure out collectively what we consider to be right, and learn from each other. Good luck with that X box hope you get it sorted.
I hate it :yuck: It's bloody fast on the straights but cornering is more of a problem..👎

I agree..without some handling upgrades and a good tune it's not that great imo...but the same can be said of all the hypercars.
I know I've not been to active as of late with regards racing you fellas but I'm going to throw my hand in this week.

The previous two races I attempted earlier on we're troubled with lag and that just spoils it for everyone. If lag rears its ugly head again I'll graciously bow out again.

Looking forward to it. 2pm est = 7pm UK am I correct on that fellas?
I think I found myself a fast qualification car :D

How much more do you think you can get out of that thing?

I know I've not been to active as of late with regards racing you fellas but I'm going to throw my hand in this week.

The previous two races I attempted earlier on we're troubled with lag and that just spoils it for everyone. If lag rears its ugly head again I'll graciously bow out again.

Looking forward to it. 2pm est = 7pm UK am I correct on that fellas?

Just make sure you take out everyone except me. :D
How many on average are we getting week to week? Enough for two lobbies?

No not even close on most weeks. We had the best turnout in a while on Monday. We had 10 for our official race and got up to 11 or 12 afterwards. We still have never had above 12.
Oh no you didn't! Too tired to try now, I'll give it try later! :d

I guess this means I should try to get that gap a little bigger. I'm holding on by a thread. It sure is nice being at the top for an entire day though. :D
I screwed up during qualifying today! I got my time down in the 1:12s and moved up to 6th place, but I still had TCS on from a previous R1 race! :banghead: I'm sure I can do 1:11s with all aids off...I'll have to give it another go tomorrow when I have more time.
Damn, good start for me. ******* Xbox. Not sure if I'll be able to get it sorted this week. Work's consuming too much time... :P

edit: Alright, did a quick fix and got it running just before going to work. Have to see how long it lasts!