FP Motorsports

I'm going to try the Pinto when I get home, see what it's like. Your Lotus really got me up though. I tried using the Dodge Dart time as a reference on how to break into the 5's, but the difference between the Dart and Lotus is large. It seems like a given to win with the Dart, which is why I'm staying away.

Speaking of connection, who's can be worse than mine?

At least it's a plus right? :lol:
I'm going to try the Pinto when I get home, see what it's like. Your Lotus really got me up though. I tried using the Dodge Dart time as a reference on how to break into the 5's, but the difference between the Dart and Lotus is large. It seems like a given to win with the Dart, which is why I'm staying away.

Speaking of connection, who's can be worse than mine?

At least it's a plus right? :lol:

I went to bed 8th and woke up 9th....was able to get 7th by passing you a few minutes ago. ;) I won't use the Dart because it would be too easy and I can get in the 1:05's with a less than perfect lap with my Pinto, so I'm gonna take a break and try again later....btw is that considered high speed internet? :P ***Edit- I'm at 1:05.688 now....about .2 off the lead. ;)
I'm going to try the Pinto when I get home, see what it's like. Your Lotus really got me up though. I tried using the Dodge Dart time as a reference on how to break into the 5's, but the difference between the Dart and Lotus is large. It seems like a given to win with the Dart, which is why I'm staying away.

Speaking of connection, who's can be worse than mine?

At least it's a plus right? :lol:
I think i have the exact same ISP as you haha. I got those exact stats as well, coming from my crap SBC. We supposedly upgraded, but it got slower? it doesnt make sense. haha
Thanks for sharing the Lotus, Forcone. I would be much much slower if I didn't use it.

No problem, glad it helped you find more speed! 👍 Do you race with a wheel? I set it up pretty neutral (for a wheel), easy to drive. It could be a tiny bit faster with more extreme setup, but I couldn't be bothered. :) Have to see whether I need to give the Pinto a try before the day is over...!
No problem, glad it helped you find more speed! 👍 Do you race with a wheel? I set it up pretty neutral (for a wheel), easy to drive. It could be a tiny bit faster with more extreme setup, but I couldn't be bothered. :) Have to see whether I need to give the Pinto a try before the day is over...!

No, but I'm going to buy a CSR soon.
Tried for another hour this morning and still no dice after being ahead going into the final corner 3 times. I'm going to just have to settle for 2nd this week. Got to hand it to you this week Forcone. Great lap!
I think I'm done. That .23 Forcone has on me may as well be 2 minutes....I just can't go any faster. I'll settle for 4th...hopefully my time holds up until midnight. :nervous: ****Edit- Well, looks like Marmite is gonna take the pole with a Dart...I'm now 5th.**** :(
As Eric Cartman would put it: "LAME!" :D Nah, rules are rules. But hey, great fight guys! Chris was soooooo close, and others put great times in as well!! :cheers:

Agreed on all counts.

Qualifying results

1 MarmiteEngineer Dart HEMI Super Stock 0:01:04.457 7
2 Forcone Elan Sprint 0:01:05.455 9
3 zr1chris Pinto 0:01:05.467 8
4 AVVSOM3 Dart HEMI Super Stock 0:01:05.530 4
5 Teewiggs Pinto 0:01:05.6 6
6 DeadlyDC Elan Sprint 0:01:05.696 5
7 Fezz ST Elan Sprint 0:01:05.891 4
8 A Man Hamster Elan Sprint 0:01:05.900 3
9 DomasRC Fairlady Z 432 0:01:06.154 2
10 crispychicken49 Elan Sprint 0:01:06.183 1
11 SilentDrifterGT Spark 0:01:06.271
12 FBI Specialist Elan Sprint 0:01:06.897
ADSL up and running now, but my supplier tells me they need to do more work over the next 3 weeks to get performance back to where it should be.. it became impossible to do any qualifying work as I could never see the servers or stay online!.. on a good note.. I now have a replacement Elite from fanatec. Good luck in the race.
:lol: not much here...



So I had to make sure it was cobalt blue. Then just so everyone knows, my GF(PinkRangerAsh) does not actually have a Cobalt SS nor is hers even a 2dr BUT she does have a cobalt and insisted that I add the apple and Kirby to the sides.

Also the vents were done by YO def, thanks again. Though I think adding the blue to it helped create dimension.

Great, my connection is acting up! Don't be surprised if I drop out during the race :(

I don't even want to play Forza anymore! I worked hard to get a good qualifying time and built a good Cobalt, just for the stupid game to freeze during the race! :banghead: I'm all alone in 2nd place when it happens! I tried to re-join the races and the same thing happens in every race! I'm thoroughly pissed! :grumpy:
I don't even want to play Forza anymore! I worked hard to get a good qualifying time and built a good Cobalt, just for the stupid game to freeze during the race! :banghead: I'm all alone in 2nd place when it happens! I tried to re-join the races and the same thing happens in every race! I'm thoroughly pissed! :grumpy:

I noticed!! That sucks so hard :( Too bad...

Maybe T10 has added a bit of "extra realism" to the game: since we don't have the "normal" sudden mechanical failures you can have in real life they gave us the full lock-full throttle-syndrome etc. :P

But honestly, I know how it feels to lose a good race because a bug or a freeze. And it sucks.
I noticed!! That sucks so hard :( Too bad...

Maybe T10 has added a bit of "extra realism" to the game: since we don't have the "normal" sudden mechanical failures you can have in real life they gave us the full lock-full throttle-syndrome etc. :P

I really need to take a break from this game....I don't know when I'll play again I'm so mad! :grumpy: There's no way I would have caught you, but I had 2nd place wrapped up!
I got my times mixed up and missed the race :( when I did join I was lagging like mad so cut my loses and turned the Xbox off :(

Race results are in

1. Forcone (5) 20p
2. SatansRevrence (10) 16p
3. CarlosSultana (6) 14p
4. AManHamster (4) 13p
5. Avvsom3 (2) 12p
6. zr1chris (7) 11p
7. FBI Specialist (1) 10p
8. MarmiteEngineer (8) 9p
9. ChillDomination (9) 8p
10. TheEpicDriver (11) 7p
11. Teewiggs (3) 6p

I'll post the pictures later.
Before with at&t...

after with Comcast...

Car soccer was a lot of fun.

Yeah definitely. That was my first time playing. We will definitely be doing more of that after our races. That was a blast. Felt bad for the blue team getting shutout like that. ChillDomination was our MVP!