So, multiple people just added some statistics of theirs to the signatures now that TOCA's all done with. I'd probably do the same, but I have no goddamn clue about my stats, and I can't really be bothered to look them up.
Instead, I decided to do something different. The 'different' basically means a post dedicated to reminiscing all my wins in the series, because those I remember clear as day. Sure, there were "only" 6 of them, but in my honest opinion, you grow to appreciate winning much more when you don't get them every weekend. (cough
@Spurgy 777)
So, we shall begin.
#1: S2 Indy R4: Right off the bat, this race shouldn't actually have happened, but due to some weird issues that I never really understood, the previous round at Tsukuba was reduced to 2 races and Indy got one extra as a result. Works for me, as I'm terrible at Tsukuba, most of the time at least, and the Honda wasn't too great either so I switched to a Mazda for the rest of the season.
So anyway, after enduring 3 races of getting punted around and still having a season-best finish of a meager 5th, things changed in that 4th race. I started fifth, had a great start (probably not that unusual due to the Mazda's great acceleration though) and was at front already after the first turn. Never relinquished the lead since - it was a pretty clear victory overall, with the only threat coming from
@DK a few seconds back. I think he said afterwards that it was a close battle of laptimes all race long.
#2: S2 Nürb GP/D R1: After a terrible Laguna Seca, my sights were set on Nürb, generally one of my stronger tracks as people may remember from the BST V8 Challenge for example. The race wasn't actually too different from my previous win. I had pole, but started second for some reason (GT5 at the time was known for shuffling the grid randomly). It didn't take too long to claim the lead and gradually pull away from the field, though, with 3 guys fighting it out for second place. I think Vtec, the "forever runner-up" better known for his immaturity, got second place. Sadly @Akmuq, who quickly became a main rival of mine due to our disagreements about the Mazda's superiority over the Honda, wasn't there to witness either of these epic domination shows.
#3: S5 Tsukuba R2: Did I say I was terrible at Tsukuba? I did, but the Mazda, with an awesome setup for S5, worked on every one of the tracks, to the point where I never had a podiumless weekend all season. Now, for a person like me, who doesn't really have the intimate knowledge of overtaking, getting a win at Tsukuba in a reverse grid race isn't exactly a cakewalk even in a great car. However, for some reason I was able to punt, shove and push my way through the people (not to be taken literally) until I was in second, right on the tail of my teammate, R35 (who was replacing the lazy
@neljack who didn't have the courtesy to show up). Since I was going faster, I decided to flash my beams - and sure enough, he let me pass.
From there, it was another win with a large gap for TOCA standards. R35 obviously gained notoriety for wrecking Spurgy and Dax on the final laps when they were charging from behind. And it may have resulted in a DQ or two afterwards, and all. But still, it was a huge moment for me, to win in only my second race on my return trip (note: there were a lot of them later as I've been a bit of an on-off driver, hehe).
#4: S5 Laguna Seca R1: Despite what that earlier Nürb race description says, Laguna Seca isn't a terrible track for me, in fact it's probably my strongest in GT. It was definitely proven in this one, where I qualified second to Spurgy and was the only one to keep up with him throughout the early laps. Never really had the opportunity to make a move, but just hung there, you know? Well, until the moment where I thought I'd lost it, when Axman (thanks
@raceorama123432 for inviting him, BTW

) got
lapped about midway through the race, and I went and slammed right at the back of him as he drove far slower than most drivers in that corner before Corkscrew.
But not so fast, ladies and gentlemen! Less than a few corners later, one atom of Spurgy's right rear tire touched the sand on the outside of the fast left-hander after Corkscrew, which sent him careening across the track in a huge spin. And with that, I had my second win of the season, even though he closed the gap pretty frighteningly quickly on those last laps.
#5: S9 Grand Valley East Reverse R2: Season 9 was my second return trip after an absence of nearly three seasons. It was also easily my most controversial season in the series, but let's focus on the good sides. I was in a Mazda again, but not up to speed in the same way as before, just scraped by with about 1 top 5 finish per weekend in the early season when the fields were the strongest. At race 1 of this event, I got wrecked, thus starting pretty high up on the grid.
The race was epic - apart from a certain Dj_Repetition acting like a stupid kid, but he fortunately later fell off while the big boys did the racin' for the win, hehe. Unlike all my previous wins, I wasn't even leading at the start of the last lap. Pikey_Mikey was, but I was quick to slipstream past him for the lead at turn 1, then he made a mistake that cost him further positions. Unfortunately, from there on out, the car right behind me was the black Mazda (ironically the paint scheme I had in S5, though I don't remember if there were red tires) of
@Yeratel84, who had just creeped forward from the back of the pack. Luckily, the last turns didn't really offer him much of a passing opportunity, and I took the win in a Mazda 1-2 run, with the closest gap yet. Sure, it doesn't feel that glorified to beat him when I needed to start that far ahead to have a chance, but the way I see it, a win's a win, even in a reverse grid series.
#6: S13 Suzuka R3: Me, back in GT6 after a year's break? Anything can happen. And what's that, I actually drove for FAS (albeit as a reserve)? Double anything can happen! And sadly, DC's happened in races 1 and 2, so naturally I was anxious about whether something would fail yet again in the third race.
Well, I was on pole, there was no false start check so I blasted right off into the lead in my Citroen. I don't know what was going on back there, but Yera got up to third on the first lap already, though
@BRRT_Angel held him back for a lap or so while my lead grew to 4 seconds. Yera got to second later and caught up some, but then faded back again. I thought I was safe.
THINK AGAIN! The slow noob
@Ninners worked his way past Keke about midway through. And suddenly, the gap was shrinking fast again! Those stupid Audi's are at their strongest near the end, with their better tire wear. And boy, Nin kept coming closer and closer. It got so close that I panicked and nearly spun off after touching some grass at the Spoon curve (I think it's the Spoon?) on the final lap, cutting the gap to nearly nothing. Thank god to his ballast, or he'd probably have passed on that back stretch. He still got horribly close, but I was able to take the defensive line to the last chicane and cruised to victory there. It was my only win in a non-Mazda, and only the second win of the season for a non-Audi.
Also, it started a trend of three consecutive R3's where I edged out Nin with just a tiny gap. Seriously, what are the odds that we later pretty much arrived to the finish side by side in both Nürb and Silverstone? The positions kept getting worse though. From 1st and 2nd to 3rd and 4th to 7th and 8th. Looks like we skipped two positions entirely.
Granted, I'm blabbering now. It's just so fun to reminiscence! Especially recent events that are still much better ingrained to my brain than those ancient old races from 2011, back when we couldn't even fast forward the replays!
Well, that's my story. Maybe others will have something to tell too?