Had an ok-lap in qualifying, but wasn't sure it would be enough, so I went for another run, but that was made impossible by the rain. After the start of the race
@Yeratel84 was really close during the first lap and it felt like he had a better transmission setup at some places around the track, but then, like he said, he must have made some mistake and dropped back a bit. I managed 3 laps around the 9:20 mark, and Yera then came in after lap 4 when it was starting to drizzle. I was past the pits by that point, of course, but also thought it was better to stay out in case it stopped again. It wouldn't get wet that fast. Or so I thought. Yera apparently had the better weather scouts as the wetness was increasing rapidly and the GTO lost grip the first time around Bergwerk at 8% water on track, and by the time I reached Hohe Acht (the top of the mountain), it was pretty much 100% and the car was extremely difficult to keep on track. I went off once and touched the barrier not that hard, but gained a little damage, but at the speed I had to go, it didn't make much difference.
Yera came past as I left the pits, and for the first lap I found it extremely hard to find any grip. For the laps that followed and into the night, I was basically trying not to risk too much as the distance between me and Yera was yoyo-ing between nothing at all to about 10 seconds depending on who had a slight moment when.
@chrisjohnson93 and his Jag were suddenly at my back, which was a bit surprising, but good to see the car that far up. It's a good-natured ride though, and that apparently was a good recipe in the pouring rain.
I was completely taken by surprise when the rain stopped and it must have dried to 0% in seconds. Me & Yera just had started a new lap, so we had to take our cars around on wets for another lap. The tyres proved to be surprisingly durable though, but a little unpredictable at their limits, I found. I think Yera pulled away a little, but then lost the car at Schwalbenschwanz and I managed to squeeze by his stationary car on the track.
Back on dry tyres, I spun at the chicane on the GP-course (someone must have hidden the 150m-board, so I braked too late and went through the gravel), but managed to get the car going again ahead of Yera. I figured I should take it easy then as Yera didn't seem close enough to make up the time in the dry, if I didn't have an off, and that's how it ended.
The whole race was extremely close with Yera, and it basically came down to some luck that he spun when I didn't. Considering these were my first laps in the wet with the GTO, I've got to be very happy with the result, although I found the GTO not to be an easy car to handle. Its great strength is how early you can go on the throttle, and that didn't work at all in the rain. You had to wait until it was pointed completely in a straight line and only then you could accelerate out of the corner. If it's better than the GT, like Yera said, I don't even want to know how that handles in the rain. Also great race from Chris. One stop more and not far behind - looks like the cat's out of the bag (pardon the pun).