Fuji 2005 is the worst EVER!!!

  • Thread starter normteke
Fuji 05' isn't one of my favorites at this point in the game (about 28%) but I can say that Opera Reverse is a bi*** to drive!

Opera (In any direction) is best handled with lower-powered cars and not your LMP's...IMHO that is...I wish they (PD) could have kept Rome....I would love to have seen that track re-done, just like PD re-did Grand Valley!

OMG Paris Opera is one of the easiest tracks either way.. but I rather prefer it on Reverse I dont know I just love it.. :sly:
Fuji 2005 seems like it will be fun when I get more time there and stop using the run off area so much. It has a totally different character than the other incarnations of Fuji which is good IMO.

My favorite new track is George V Paris. I love it. It's like a whole track setup to be like the first 7 turns of the old SSR11, which I miss dearly. Challenging corners that come quickly one after another and you have to setup correctly for. Not a second to rest. It's brilliant.

I like Opera Paris too, reminds me of Rome, but gets a little dull after a few laps.
I like all the tracks but generally i prefer race tracks over the street tracks. They tend to have more advanced racing lines
Does anyone else think this track (in both forms) is just horrible, terrible, awful, and the absolute worst track(s) in GT4? To anyone who has had the misfortune of racing it, I think you will now understand why F1 fans absolutely abhor any track designed by Herman Tilke. The course just feels completely awful, and those low speed turns, :yuck: .

Whoever said aerodynamics have ruined racing may or may not be right, but they sure have ruined racing tracks. If courses have to be designed like this to make sure high-downforce cars are safe, then I hope Max Moseley comes out tomorrow in a press conference and declares "Wings are for airplanes!" and just axes them altogether.

Anyway, I'm just trying to gauge opinion on these monstrosities to motorsport. :ill:

Maybe you just dont know drive on this track but all the Fuji's are great :)
Does anyone else think this track (in both forms) is just horrible, terrible, awful, and the absolute worst track(s) in GT4? To anyone who has had the misfortune of racing it, I think you will now understand why F1 fans absolutely abhor any track designed by Herman Tilke. The course just feels completely awful, and those low speed turns, :yuck: .

Whoever said aerodynamics have ruined racing may or may not be right, but they sure have ruined racing tracks. If courses have to be designed like this to make sure high-downforce cars are safe, then I hope Max Moseley comes out tomorrow in a press conference and declares "Wings are for airplanes!" and just axes them altogether.

Anyway, I'm just trying to gauge opinion on these monstrosities to motorsport. :ill:
I like them all. It takes a little getting used to but once you take a couple of laps it cool.
Is Fuji 2005 the same as the Fuji in Prolougue? Because that was great! REALLY good track, one of my faves, scary as hell in a really fast car. That awesome test with the Maclaren F1 supercar was super cool. 1 day before GT4grrrrr!
The latest version of Fuji sucks, but what else did you all expect from Tilke??? I don't like the Opera track or Souel either. But I do like what they did with Grand Valley and it's good to have El Capitan...I guess we take to good with the bad, just like all the crap cars they seem to like to give me.
leo stotch
The latest version of Fuji sucks, but what else did you all expect from Tilke??? I don't like the Opera track or Souel either. But I do like what they did with Grand Valley and it's good to have El Capitan...I guess we take to good with the bad, just like all the crap cars they seem to like to give me.
Dude Opera is like the best track in the game (well next to monaco) how could you not like that track.
El Capitan is a road track, but there's two rally courses set in the same location, so it's kind of both...

I find that all the tracks have their own merits, and I like them all in different ways. Except Ice Arena. Ice Arena is just stupid. But besides that, I'll happily drive on any track they throw at me. Sure, some I like more than others, but I don't really hate any of them (except Ice Arena). And as a matter of fact, I find Fuji '05 F to be particularly amusing. The b-turn after the downhill right sweeper is a fun maneuver, and the last section is so startlingly difficult to get right (probably because you can't see the apex for the last turn until you're already there...I need to learn to use the side-look function more), I love it. I'ma have fun mastering that for the OLRs. The only thing I don't like about it is the 3rd gear turn near the beginning is basically invisible, so it's a blind turn that shouldn't be blind...

P.S. I hate what they did to Grand Valley. The fast left-right-left got closed in and slowed down, and the section after the 2nd hairpin got destroyed. I so much preferred doing that part with the two constant radius turns....
Does anyone else think this track (in both forms) is just horrible, terrible, awful, and the absolute worst track(s) in GT4? To anyone who has had the misfortune of racing it, I think you will now understand why F1 fans absolutely abhor any track designed by Herman Tilke. The course just feels completely awful, and those low speed turns, :yuck: .

Whoever said aerodynamics have ruined racing may or may not be right, but they sure have ruined racing tracks. If courses have to be designed like this to make sure high-downforce cars are safe, then I hope Max Moseley comes out tomorrow in a press conference and declares "Wings are for airplanes!" and just axes them altogether.

Anyway, I'm just trying to gauge opinion on these monstrosities to motorsport. :ill:

I gotta agree here. Fuji in it's 2005 spec is a cluster#@&k. It is an insane mess. Fuji was an OK circuit in it's 90s spec. Ok in it's 80s spec. But this rediesgn by Toyota to get F1 there is a mess. An absolute mess. I don't know who designed the redesign but that person needs to be fired.

The 2005 circuit has NO flow. NO balance. Just a PITA to drive. I can't ever see F1 actually going there. It is an absolute mess.

In reverse the circuit is better but still not very good. At least it has a little flow to it....

Fuji 2005 is a study on how to take an OK circuit and destroy it.

EDIT: Tilke redesigneed Fuji to it's 2005 spec? Is that true? I didn't know, nor does it look like his work.
Absolutely agree that 2005 Fuji is the worst track. Particularly when you compare it to the brilliant 90's version of Fuji. What happened?! They paved over all the grass in the second loop. It's like driving on an airport runway. Also just LOVE :rolleyes: the revised turn after the straightaway.

I agree. Besides the layout, I hate how everything is paved over, it just looks awful IMO. I like the 80's and 90's versions but 2005 is just bleh :yuck: .
I don't understand all these comments about your skill level determining if you like a track or not. The harder the track, the more fun it is to drive in my mind. I don't see anyone complaining about the ring, and it is much more difficult than Fuji 2005.

I don't like Fuji 2005 because it is ugly (they really have to do something about the excess pavement), boring, and it losses the character of the earlier versions. It feels like it was made in a simple track editor where they just plugged some pre-made corners together that have nothing to do with each other. Plus it is already difficult to pass in Formula 1, so I don't understand why all the new tracks being built make it even harder.
Fuji 2005 is a very good track. Yeah you have that very slow chicane just before the straight, but that can make some extremely interesting (and very close) races, especially with everyone having hot and slippery tires.

The 'Ring is an absolute blast to drive.

I give give both KY and PD a big thumbs up for the tracks in this game. 👍
I had in mind to have a go at the Ring when I got GT4, and so far I'm unimpressed by my first run, I think it was because I screwed up REAL BAD:indiff:

Edit: Never mind this, I've become addicted to the Ring:D
But this rediesgn by Toyota to get F1 there is a mess. An absolute mess. I don't know who designed the redesign but that person needs to be fired.

What? i highly doubt F1 leaving Suzuka its to good of a course. I wish sombody would step up and build a nice F1 for here in the U.S. there is talk of Leguna with there new pit lane maybe taking on the job. Infieon was told no by the FIA they said somthing to do with all the elevation changes and bumps.
But this rediesgn by Toyota to get F1 there is a mess. An absolute mess. I don't know who designed the redesign but that person needs to be fired.

What? i highly doubt F1 leaving Suzuka its to good of a course. I wish sombody would step up and build a nice F1 for here in the U.S. there is talk of Leguna with there new pit lane maybe taking on the job. Infieon was told no by the FIA they said somthing to do with all the elevation changes and bumps.

I doubt you'll see F1 leave Suzuka. If anything there would be two Japanese GPs at Suzuka and Fuji. Of course it all depends on Toyota and how well they do this season and if they actually decide to stay in F1. If they do expect to see Fuji on the GP schedule after 2007.

I've read about Laguna and F1. I doubt it will happen. It would need ALOT of work to get it to F1 spec. Not to mention the corkscrew would most likely have to be reprofiled and I doubt they would do that. Sure F1 cars can make the current corkscrew but to race on it it would have to change.

Infineon/Sears point. That second turn on the crest of the hill would be a killer for F1. Can you imagine 20 F1 cars all going into that corner? I (and the FIA obviously) can't. Not only that but the Infineon would require alot of work and money to get it to F1 spec. Less then Laguna, but still alot.

I can't think of any other road course in the USA that F1 could/would race on. Road Atlanta could be interesting but like msot road courses in the USA that come to mind it would require alot of money to get to F1 spec.

Like it or not. Indy is the perfect place for F1 in the USA. The course might be borning to some (I enjoy it) but I've always loved watching the USGP, even better being there watching the cars all come down the main stright into turn 1. It is amazing if you have ever seen it in person!
Indy is just to flat for my tastest i though i do love watchign go down the front strech. Watkins Glen eeeh to bland really even the sports car edition. I also agree with the Road Alanta but same as watkins to bland long straights with little turns save for the first turn after the straight.Daytona has a road course but its just like indy, the only name sake road courses i know would mid-ohio and its to little of a crowd attraction. I would like to see laguna remapped its lost most of its glorie over the years. Like used to turn one was a long flat out left hander after the straight. add that back widen up the corckscrew throw in a few more right handers who knows. BUT like u said that would cost alot of money. I think most of the reason they went back to indy is the fact that the Indy 500 used to be part of the F1 schedule.
Fuji 2005 looks like an unfinished track. The problem I have with it is there's no markers. The place is confusing to find breaking points and turn in points. Other than that the layout is fine by me.

I kinda like how if you overshoot the last corner (like I seem to often) you can just keep on it and rip up that unfinished segment of track. :dopey:
I enjoy Fuji in all its forms. It's not my fav. track but its up there, especially the 2005 version because i LOVE technical tracks with all sorts of really weird corners thrown at you. I also absolutly love Suzuka (long version) as well as Infineon, New York, Nurburg, El Capitan, etc. Bottom line = anything that is not somewhat challenging both at high and low speed does not fly with me!
Yeah, what he said. You're just used to the others :)

Besides, Seoul has got to win honors for the worst track simply because it's boring and pointless. The first thing I thought was "Wow, Korea must have paid Sony a TON to put this in as a tourist thing..."

But I digress. Yes, all of Tilke's track designs are really pretty lifeless in terms of character, and those giant new tarmac runoffs are a little wierd looking, but keep running it. You might get to like it...

I was slightly disappointed with the Seoul track too. It's great to see Namdaemun in the game (the big gate in the lower part of the game for those who don't know Seoul) but the track layout is too damn boring. They could have gone east to Jongro or north to gyeongbokgung or South to Seoul station and made the track a bit more challenging. They also missed my wife's church, which is a stone's throw from that long wall besides the track... It would be nice to have the church there, as it is one of the odlest western style buildings in Seoul. She was all excited about the Seoul track until she saw her church wasn't there... oh well.
Fuji 2005 looks like an unfinished track. The problem I have with it is there's no markers. The place is confusing to find breaking points and turn in points. Other than that the layout is fine by me.

I agree. Someone also mentioned it was like driving on an airport runway--I totally agree with that, too. The surface they use is totally different than the other tracks. I use the tread marks to help me find the right line to follow. That Fuji 2005 doesn't show anything :ill:.

Once I got more practice on NY, George, and Opera, I found that I really liked them. Well, except for Opera Reverse. It's totally different in reverse and I hate it (because I keep crashing into the walls :yuck: ). But the thrill of finding the fastest line through the tight corners is hard to beat 👍.