Fully Automatic A-Spec Grinding - *Video and picture*

  • Thread starter Sincx
where the numeric keypad is, on the far right of your USB keyboard ($10 one will do fine), you have an Enter button. This needs to remain held down after the race starts. Stick a nickel or a quarter coin, wedge it between the enter and the KB Chassis.

BTW A-Grinding I think, is dead, but as you say, perhaps I need to migrate to Dreamcar grind instead. Last few grinds, I come home to see my car doing a smoke show against the wall for 8 hours without end.

Cheers, thats cleared that one up. Btw, ordered a logitech deluxe 250 from amazon so hopefully this'll do the trick.
Doing the 'Like the Wind' Indy race semi-auto (i.e: using the taped up/rubber banded/ controller (having to press x manually till keyboard arrives!!) method and its still working like a dream!! Collecting 70,000 credits every 3.40ish mins!!!! (doing this particular race as i'm gunning for credit atm, rather than exp).
P.s: As i mentioned earlier, have yet to upgrade to 1.10.
OMG, i've just found out the morons have patched a-Spec AutoGrinding! You now stick more to the wall as to the ground. Every patch has it positive & negative aspect. :drool:

Dreamcar (86.000 Cr / 10 rounds) is still possible, but Like The Wind (70.000 Cr / 5 rounds) you can now forget.
Well i for one will be delaying my update for now as for the sake of a few different outfits, which i won't see unless watching replays!, i'd rather have the money thanks PD !!!
Auto Grinding is now really completely useless , energy wise, efficiency wise, with the current Seasonal Payouts, unless you really really can only play like 1 hour every two weeks or something. Next update. guaranteed to nerf this further.
Auto Grinding is now really completely useless , energy wise, efficiency wise, with the current Seasonal Payouts, unless you really really can only play like 1 hour every two weeks or something. Next update. guaranteed to nerf this further.

The problem on the thing is, the current Seasonal Payouts are only for a limited time. 👎:dopey:
Auto grinding still works ok if you're just farming tickets and credits...takes a little longer is all. Considering you're not at your machine whilst grinding, i'll live with it. Your win stat won't be going up though :(

Real petty move by PD to do this. i'm betting Kaz will really step up the pettiness in the next update and we'll be done for good.

EDIT: And while i'm on about Kaz being a petty little bugger... how about you come up with REAL damage modeling dude, instead of just being a prick. You want us to play the game your way, make it worth doing so. rant. sorry fellow members. feel a little better now.
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I just wonder: why reach lvl 40 just to say "ive completed it"? This doesnt make any sense to me, because u dont have any advantages! Everybody who gamed GT since the first day knows that GT never was a game to complete in 2 weeks or so. It was always ment to be a game that lasts verly long. Also it takes usually 4 years until the next GT is out, so, instead of playing 50 games at the same time, game a couple right and then GO OUT!
I just wonder: why reach lvl 40 just to say "ive completed it"? This doesnt make any sense to me, because u dont have any advantages! Everybody who gamed GT since the first day knows that GT never was a game to complete in 2 weeks or so. It was always ment to be a game that lasts verly long. Also it takes usually 4 years until the next GT is out, so, instead of playing 50 games at the same time, game a couple right and then GO OUT!

I've raced with a few 'level 40' people. Usually crap, but if someone is level 32-35, that is where the quality racers live.

Ahh... and someone was 37.
Auto Grinding is now really completely useless , energy wise, efficiency wise, with the current Seasonal Payouts, unless you really really can only play like 1 hour every two weeks or something. Next update. guaranteed to nerf this further.

……………if your sat IN FRONT of the tv with the controller/wheel in your hand!!!!

Also, i aint auto-grinding for the level up, although i do wanna do the Nürb 24hr (i think!?!?)

I aint intetested in completing the game platinum or even 100%, all-gold, etc. No, the reason for me is very limited time playing GT. The cars i really wanna drive, cars like the ferrari p4, ford mark IV, chapperal 2d, group-C cars cost lots!!!! And at the rate i earn, gt6 & gt7 would of come and gone before i had the credits to get them!!!!!! I got a lot of mileage out of gt4 and always enjoyed a blast round the 'ring or a lap of la Sarthe, and i dare say i'll do the same with gt5. Its about enjoying the driving for me, always has been. I aint interested in collecting all the cars but the ones i wanna drive require wedge. I haven't even driven the X2010 once manually!!! It just doesn't appeal to me!! Think its coz its not a genuine race car.
……………if your sat IN FRONT of the tv with the controller/wheel in your hand!!!!

Also, i aint auto-grinding for the level up, although i do wanna do the Nürb 24hr (i think!?!?)
B-spec or A-spec, Aspec Takes ages with PS3 on pause.
But with the rain were having lately. Not like theres much to do out side. At least it gets the students of the streets. lol.

Are your friends not putting those Group C cars online for you to borrow.
B-spec or A-spec, Aspec Takes ages with PS3 on pause.
But with the rain were having lately. Not like theres much to do out side. At least it gets the students of the streets. lol.

Are your friends not putting those Group C cars online for you to borrow.

A-spec isn't on pause, this is thread discussing A-Spec auto grinding.

Left ps3 on from 12.00am - 8.00am ish, credits went from 4,000,000 to just over 12,000,000!!!

Unfortunately, not on-line , sad, i know !!!! :(:(:(
A-spec ring 24hrs takes ages with PS3 on pause for long periods of time You missed that point of my post.
As for not being online. If BT is your only choice Dont blame you, Yep your better off with out their rubbish traffic shaped service...
Auto grinding still works ok if you're just farming tickets and credits...takes a little longer is all. Considering you're not at your machine whilst grinding, i'll live with it. Your win stat won't be going up though :(

Real petty move by PD to do this. i'm betting Kaz will really step up the pettiness in the next update and we'll be done for good.

EDIT: And while i'm on about Kaz being a petty little bugger... how about you come up with REAL damage modeling dude, instead of just being a prick. You want us to play the game your way, make it worth doing so. rant. sorry fellow members. feel a little better now.

Yeah, Kaz made grinding walls more REAListic just so YOU have a harder time earning money?! :grumpy:

He tries to improve his game for people who play the way that was intended all the time. I doubt he's sorry thats caused you a little headache.

K cup race, 3 minutes driving = 305,000 credits. 1 hour = over 6,000,000 credits!!

Stop moaning and do a little driving!

Also, blatant disregard for GTP AUP... Not cool.
OMG, i've just found out the morons have patched a-Spec AutoGrinding! You now stick more to the wall as to the ground. Every patch has it positive & negative aspect. :drool:

Dreamcar (86.000 Cr / 10 rounds) is still possible, but Like The Wind (70.000 Cr / 5 rounds) you can now forget.

I have to be honest because im begining to think most of you guys are playing a completely different version to me!!!
I have found that 'Like the Wind' is the race that runs almost faultlessly, and the 'Dream Car' race is almost hopeless!!!
The problem i find doing the Dream Car, is that your car, being SO much faster, inevitably laps the others and if it encounters 2 cars dicing, then the car on the outside is very close to the wall and your X2010 hits it, veers to the inside, hits the car next to it, veers even more towards the infield, hits the grass, then the wall and steers back across the track, where it hits the wall and stays there!!!!!! Over & over again. Sometimes after just a couple of races, sometimes after just a couple of hours. But it always happens!!!!
Conversely, this scenario never materializes on Like the Wind, because once you hit the front, you have a clear run to the finish as the opposition are fast enough not to get lapped.
Maybe this is a scenario thats only come about because of the updates.
Like the Wind - works
Dream Car Championship - doesn't.
would there be any possible way to make a controller race by itself but without rubber bands maybe like a programmable controller? ive seen this being done in b spec on youtube and it would be the ultimate aspec grinding tool :)

B-spec has AI to drive.
Those won't work. You need left Analogue stick with right pressure applied
Those only duplicate USB keyboards.
If you don't have rubber bands try sticky tape and a USB keyboard
Or a peace of card board cut to the shape and the Positions of the anologue sticks.

And Gupster 74
P.s: As i mentioned earlier, have yet to upgrade to 1.10.
so yes you still likely are.
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B-spec has AI to drive.
Those won't work. You need left Analogue stick with right pressure applied
Those only duplicate USB keyboards.
If you don't have rubber bands try sticky tape and a USB keyboard
Or a peace of card board cut to the shape and the Positions of the anologue sticks.

yeah i know what you mean. im just trying to find a way to do like the wind again because its now impossible
Dont think it will be AI and Wall resistance no longer allow it.
O and was not joking about card board.

I reconfig controller so its acceleration is on the weakest side of right analogue stick.
Dont think it will be AI and Wall resistance no longer allow it.
O and was not joking about card board.

I reconfig controller so its acceleration is on the weakest side of right analogue stick.

what do u mean weakest side and do u do like the wind or the dream car championship
DS3s wear out. The resistance of the spring loads reduces over time on the analogue sticks
Left and right are used more than up and down.

Click pic to play SD video.​
And Gupster 74

so yes you still likely are.

So are you saying that since the last update there is a higher penalty for hitting the wall and improved AI ???
Surely this applies for D-C Champ too, which would make that also impossible as the AI lapping side-by-side already made this so?
Or are you telling me, they've made 'Wind' harder and 'Dream' easier ????
Surely not !!!!
And yes, i kno all the intricacies with the angle of the turning stick being exactly right!!
Or are you telling me, they've made 'Wind' harder and 'Dream' easier ????
Surely not !!!!
Yep The increased slow down caused buy the change in wall physics in version 1.10 has made....
"Like the wind" Virtualy impossible currently to grind over long time, as the random car selection means, cars are too fast on Version 1.10 to grind to first place every time..

The side effect of the wall slowing the car down more, does mean you no longer go so fast on "Dream car" grind.
A bi product of slower wall riding this is you are no longer hitting the Laped cars hard enough to spin out when grinding on the wall.. Hence in the video above were you no longer hit he AI and spin out, instead you hit them and slide slowly and gently of the rear bumper back on to the wall.

Version 1.10 auto grinding
"Like the wing" Bad
"Dreamcar" GOOD
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Yep The increased slow down caused buy the change in wall physics in version 1.10 has made....
"Like the wind" Virtualy impossible currently to grind over long time, as the random car selection means, cars are too fast on Version 1.10 to grind to first place every time..

The side effect of the wall slowing the car down more, does mean you no longer go so fast on "Dream car" grind.
A bi product of slower wall riding this is you are no longer hitting the Laped cars hard enough to spin out when grinding on the wall.. Hence in the video above were you no longer hit he AI and spin out, instead you hit them and slide slowly and gently of the rear bumper back on to the wall.

Gotcha!! 👍
i still dont understand what u mean with the cardboard?
If the pictures not updating delete your browser cache, there should be red text

edit = strange photobucket was not allowing the edit to show. fixed.
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maddd good find guys so the way to grind now is to do the Dream Car Championship but not full throttle :)

The thing is... DC is twice as long. If you're grinding for credits or XP the DC will be your best bet by a slight margin. If you're after ''1000'' tickets, LTW (even though you lose every race) is a much better deal.

LTW = about 8hrs for 1 ticket.
DC = about 16hrs! for 1 ticket

If you want your ''win'' stat (in your profile) to increase then you have to grind DC.

Anyone comes up with a reliable way to win LTW please post!!!!
LTW = about 8hrs for 1 ticket with lower cash and lower Exp pay out and you have to reset the race every few hours
DC = about 16hrs! for 1 ticket with MAX 1st place Cash and EXP per race.
( this an extra to using a secondary GT5 profile to store the 1000 ticket so you can gift a ticket every day. due to duplication save exploit. )

Anyone comes up with a reliable way to win LTW please post!!!!
Some extra info added.