Funny Pic Thread. (Episode VI: Return of the Laugh)

  • Thread starter bergauk
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That guy is totally lying to him. You can request that they build you one. They will just laugh at you and tell you no, but you could still ask.

@Public'sTwin: Shouldn't it be the dad, It wasn't the kids fault he did what his dad told him.

DMC will build you a brand new Delorean for around 40K US. They have all the left over parts from when they shut down and are now building and restoring them:tup:
Of course, that's a company that isn't currently building cars and most likely has the old molds and such still available to them.
No molds, just left over panels and all. Delorean was drawing a new car when he died, his first was way ahead of its time, too bad we didn't get to see the new one.
Engrished engrish? Isn't that going to like, open up a rip in the space-tim continuum, or something? Or is it just like a photocopy of a photocopy?
Engrished engrish? Isn't that going to like, open up a rip in the space-tim continuum, or something? Or is it just like a photocopy of a photocopy?

10 goto 30
20 renum
30 goto 20
OK, so I assume COBOL would handle resequencing the targets as well as the line numbers, so that would make the last 2 lines recursive, but why the jump in the first line? It seems that would only be used once. If RENUM doesn't change the targets as well when it resets the line numbers then it would pass once through the loop and then error.
Wow... the period one really made me laugh out loud... too bad I'm at work

The problem with these answerfail ones are that they are only funny if you assume that the questions are genuine. There's absolutely no reason most of those couldn't be posted by people pretending to be stupid, just like a lot of the supposed threads that make the rounds of the car boards. The guy who wanted 100% exhaust recirculation springs to mind - that was clearly an attempt to make people think he was an idiot when the real intent was to laugh at them for thinking someone was really that stupid.

Sorry to suck the funny out of it.
The problem with these answerfail ones are that they are only funny if you assume that the questions are genuine. There's absolutely no reason most of those couldn't be posted by people pretending to be stupid, just like a lot of the supposed threads that make the rounds of the car boards. The guy who wanted 100% exhaust recirculation springs to mind - that was clearly an attempt to make people think he was an idiot when the real intent was to laugh at them for thinking someone was really that stupid.

Sorry to suck the funny out of it.

Basically, this is how I view these people, if just because I hope people are smarter than this...

A little word humor (for those who don't know, wash is pronounced warsh by a few accents in the US.)
I know someone who says warsh instead of wash, I hate it so bad. Almost as bad as I hate the word yonder, or is it spelled yawnder? Who knows, either way its irritating.
The problem with these answerfail ones are that they are only funny if you assume that the questions are genuine. There's absolutely no reason most of those couldn't be posted by people pretending to be stupid, just like a lot of the supposed threads that make the rounds of the car boards.


The guy who wanted 100% exhaust recirculation springs to mind - that was clearly an attempt to make people think he was an idiot when the real intent was to laugh at them for thinking someone was really that stupid.

Or, as I see it, make people laugh. ;)
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