Funny Pic Thread VII - No swearing. No sex. No complaining. (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Max Powers
How the hell do you go about asking for that operation after an accident that bad with such calm demeanor? :odd:
In certain circumstances your brain can block pain.

IIRC endorphins are a chemical released that does the blocking. I know a person that had a large tumor on her spinal cord and put her in immense pain, but eventually her body took over and released the chemical and they took her off the pain killers.

The body can only withstand so much pain.
I had a Color a long time ago. I SHOULD OF KEPT IT!

I had 2 Advances, one clear pink/red and the other clear gray. I had 2 Advance SP's as well, one black and one blue. Still have the blue one. Don't know what happened to the gray one.

He forgot his arm the first time, so he had to return. Arriving at the hospital, he entered the ambulance gate, needed to back off and calmly parked his car then in the visitors parking and even took a ticket

True Story. Happend in poland I think...
I know someone personally that did that.

The day she'd gotten it back from the body shop for a previous accident!

But that doesn't mean I understand the how any better......
That 12-12-12 can is from Oskar Blues. They have all kinds of funny messages all over their cans.
^The first person to be run over and killed by a car was by one doing 5mph IIRC. They just stood in the middle of the road.