Funny/Strange News Stories

You'd think that since ice cream got him into this mess that he'd never want to see the stuff again, but there it is, right at the end of both meals.

If there's one thing to take away from this story, it's that the guy really really really likes ice cream.
Sounds like he is from this statement.

Why plea for a break from jail food for one time? Half the food they listed, he wouldn't have wanted to eat on the same day anyways.

After Wednesday's sentencing, Durham was to get the rest of the deal -- calzones, lasagna, pizza and ice cream, his defense attorney confirmed. They will pay the tab.

So he's getting KFC stuff first, then after Wednesday's sentencing he'll get the rest. I'll agree that the part you quoted gives the impression he's going to get food for life, but would that really save them money in the end? To pay for his breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday for his entire sentence doesn't seem like it would work out better for the courts.
According to the news it was recorded. It said the girl miming wasn't even aware at the time that it wasn't her voice playing.
I wonder what else is going to be faked now. The other day Yahoo! had an article about some of the fireworks shown on tv were fake.
It was the Giant Footsteps thing - again, it was plainly obvious that it was not "live"... it was cut together to make it look like it was live, but to consider that as "fakery" is a bit silly. The effect was pretty cool, nevertheless. It's a bit like someone coming out of Return Of The King and accusing Peter Jackson of "faking" the battle scene at the end...

Anyway, I think it's hilarious that the little girl didn't even realise she was miming. Perhaps Milli Vanilli should have used that as their defense? I just wouldn't like to have been the person who has/had to tell the wee girl that she is infact a rubbish singer, and they were only using her because her teeth were aligned properly...

edit: And you can't make this stuff up...

A giant inflatable dog turd created by the American artist Paul McCarthy was blown from its moorings at a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a window before landing in the grounds of a children's home.

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Here's part of the article:

WASHINGTON — The Air Force on Tuesday confirmed a report that in 1994 a military researcher requested $7.5 million to develop a non-lethal "love bomb" that would chemically alter the state of mind of enemy troops and make them want to have sex with each other rather than fight.

Air Force spokeswoman Lt. Col. Cathy Reardon said the idea was proposed by an Air Force researcher at a lab at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas, but it was rejected by the Defense Department. Officials noted that the Air Force constantly is considering funding proposals.

No money was spent, Reardon said, and no such weapons are being considered. The goal was to create a non-lethal weapon to be used against enemy troops.


Good thing American tax dollars weren't actually spent on it.
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Just think of all the places that you've been that had more then 600 people.

By ANTONIO GONZALEZ, Associated Press Writer
Sep 3, 5:16 pm EDT

Before the game even began, the Florida Marlins were guessing.

How many fans would show to watch two teams far out of first place on a weekday afternoon game with sweltering humidity and the heat topping 90 degrees?

“I was way off,” Marlins reliever Joe Nelson joked. “I had predicted 418.”

Only missed by a couple hundred.

Hanley Ramirez homered and doubled to lead the Marlins past the Atlanta Braves 5-3 Wednesday in front of an incredibly sparse crowd of just 600 fans at the first pitch.

Dolphin Stadium’s bright orange and aqua seats were more visible than normal, leaving most fans to reflect the afternoon sun. While the official attendance, based on tickets sold, was 11,211, the ballpark was so quiet that home-plate chatter could be heard.

“I got enough worries about 30 guys on the field,” Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez said. “It doesn’t seem to bother our guys. They go out and play hard.”

The Marlins, still trying to finalize plans for a retractable-roof stadium near downtown, said they can understand why few fans showed on a hot day but still hoped for a better turnout.

“The fans that did come out that’s who we play for,” Nelson said. “I know a lot of people watch us at home, and I do understand, it’s hot out here. It’s a difficult situation to sit for nine innings.”

Braves manager Bobby Cox extended his major league ejection record to 143, getting tossed in the fifth inning for arguing balls and strikes. It was the eighth time this season he was ejected.

“We’ve lost a lot of games this year,” Atlanta catcher Brian McCann said. “You get to the point where you are repeating yourself. We were in the game the whole time. Bottom line is they outscored us.”

Florida began the day eight games back of the New York Mets for first place in the NL East. The Marlins avoided falling to .500 for the first time since April 6, when they were 3-3, but would still need a historic September to catch the Mets.

The Marlins believe they still have a chance, although their fans appear to have already conceded.

Florida is used to a lack of support, but even Wednesday’s game was a stretch for the Marlins, who are by far the majors worst in attendance with an average between 16,000 and 17,000 fans.

“We like to see a lot more here,” Nelson said. “I think we have to run off 10 or 15 in a row to see that. Winning cures everything.”
Yeah, South Floridians love the bandwagon. When the Marlins won the world series, all 3 counties were all over them. The next year... back to obscurity. Same thing with the Heat. They were beloved and then disowned. :lol: My only team in baseball is the Marlins, but even I don't think I would've went to the game yesterday. It was brutal outside.

Can't wait for that new stadium with the air conditioning. :D
Oddly, I don't find this one as funny as it should be. Maybe because I'd be pissed in that situation.

"He offered some to the camouflaged guards, thinking that if it was pure cocaine..."

This is funny though.

"The 68-year-old concoction for the colonel's Original Recipe fried chicken is regarded as KFC's crown jewel."

Transporting it that is and what is being done to properly over-protect the Kentucky chicken goodness.
I fail to see the funny, but maybe that is because I am from Kentucky, have eaten at the original KFC, and occasionally enjoy a good Sunday brunch at Claudia Sanders (the restaurant the colonel and his wife opened after he sold the chain). I also have family that works for KFC.

So, maybe I just understand the importance of the security behind this. I mean, we are talking a multi-million dollar trade secret.
Do you Americans get lucky enough to have Mechanically Reclaimed Chicken in your KFC? What wonderful stuff...
Do you Americans get lucky enough to have Mechanically Reclaimed Chicken in your KFC? What wonderful stuff...
Depends on how we are defining it. Like in the way a chicken nugget is made? Then no. But if using bits of meat from the same piece of chicken to create something like say a boneless wing counts then probably.

I just went through their menu for all their non-identifiable pieces and they all say 100% white meat or 100% breast meat.
That doesn't really define anything. MRM is 100% meat, it's just vile.

The last episode of Jamie Oliver’s School Dinners put off some kids off chicken nuggets. How? Shock tactics! Jamie demonstrated what actually went into the much beloved chicken nuggets - shaped into anything a child’s heart desires. Ground up chicken carcasses, excess chicken skin, and a bunch of coloring, flavor enhancers, and binders. Yum yum.

I'd rather buy some real meat and do my own version of KFC, with Banana fritters as a side.
When I lived in London, my local takeaway joint was called Perfect Fried Chicken...
the first and only example of a triple misnomer I ever heard.
That doesn't really define anything. MRM is 100% meat, it's just vile.
By definition MRM is just bits of whatever thrown together and shaped into a lump of whatever. However popcorn chicken is chunks of breast, not reconstituted. Chicken tenders are strips of breast meat, you can buy them raw in a store. As far as I know boneless wings are the only thing KFC serves that is reconstituted, but it is all from the same piece of chicken, no added skin and fat. KFC has even made their chicken sandwiches with chicken breasts instead of reconstituted patties.

And why is MRM vile? You are basically taking bits of excess meat and skin and reconstituting it into a formed lump of meat. I mean, I eat the same thing if I have a breast and leg without getting it skinless.

And I have no clue why KFC gets a bad wrap on this when delis have been doing it forever. You think turkey and ham comes in nice round lumps? And I won't even start on hot dogs, brats, and bologna. Mmmm, brats. But basically, if meat hasn't been professionally deboned or you aren't pulling it off the bone there is a good chance it is some form of MRM.

I'd rather buy some real meat and do my own version of KFC, with Banana fritters as a side.
You are missing 11 herbs and spices.
Maybe MRM is different in America then. I've quoted above what we get in our MRM, it might be tighter as to what they can put in MRM in America, quality wise. As for Turkey and Ham? Well, you've assumed that, I mentioned nothing about those products. I get them from the butchers, home cooked. I don't do re-formed meat. It's just not nice, I want to know that my meat tastes nice because it is truly fresh meat. Not flavour enhanced bits of cut-off.
Maybe MRM is different in America then. I've quoted above what we get in our MRM, it might be tighter as to what they can put in MRM in America, quality wise.
General rule of thumb is that you cannot say something like 100% breast or 100% white meat if it has anything else in it. And in general you can tell by the shape of something if it is reconstituted or not.

Doens't matter to me as on the odd occasion I get KFC I get pieces of chicken with the bones in them. I love legs and thighs. Thrown in ssome mashed potatoes and a biscuit. Yummy!

As for Turkey and Ham? Well, you've assumed that, I mentioned nothing about those products. I get them from the butchers, home cooked. I don't do re-formed meat. It's just not nice, I want to know that my meat tastes nice because it is truly fresh meat. Not flavour enhanced bits of cut-off.
I wasn't saying you did that. It is just that in general KFC gets bad wraps for things like this from various groups and never once mention deli meats, which are much more prominent.

I don't know why KFC gets harrassed so much at all. Everyone acts like they are tricking us into buying it. It is called Kentucky Fried Chicken. It describes itself in the name. It is fried chicken, thus not healthy.

I prefer fresh meat too. I buy ham on the bone, and turkey is rare, but I will do cornish hens. I also get fresh venison from my stepfather's hunting. I currently have an order for butterfly cut pork chops to the Kentucky Pork Producers. Those are the tenderest, largest pork chop sandwiches you can ever get. And they only sell them to local fairs in the state, but I have connections.

Anyway, off-topic now.