Funny/Strange News Stories

To go buzz killington on this, fecal transplants are rather common and has been the go to cure for a couple of conditions for a while now. Researchers (I work in close proximity to some) are looking at different ways to administer the poop transplant though (and for treatment of different things). Aside from swallowing the capsule, your other options are via a feeding tube or by enema. You pick...
Sounds like they should've secured it better and included clearer warnings if it was that important. Was the cleaner security vetted?
Sounds like they should've secured it better and included clearer warnings if it was that important. Was the cleaner security vetted?
It is hard to protect against the stupidity of a cleaner shutting off equipment at the power source. There is a decent chance the freezer itself was locked to secure the stuff in it.
It is hard to protect against the stupidity of a cleaner shutting off equipment at the power source. There is a decent chance the freezer itself was locked to secure the stuff in it.
If the cleaner was so stupid it should've been easy to outwit him and protect the valuable experiment against an accident like this.

The freezer shouldn't have been routed via the main circuit breaker block but had a separate and uninterrupted power supply instead. It sounds like a power outage would've achieved the same result. They should've treated it like a computer server which alerts someone qualified when the power is removed.
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If the cleaner was so stupid it should've been easy to outwit him and protect the valuable experiment against an accident like this.

The freezer shouldn't have been routed via the main circuit breaker block but had a separate and uninterrupted power supply instead. It sounds like a power outage would've achieved the same result. They should've treated it like a computer server which alerts someone qualified when the power is removed.
Stuff the janitor in the freezer. That'll show him!
Stuff the janitor in the freezer. That'll show him!
Modern Problems Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
If the cleaner was so stupid it should've been easy to outwit him and protect the valuable experiment against an accident like this.

The freezer shouldn't have been routed via the main circuit breaker block but had a separate and uninterrupted power supply instead. It sounds like a power outage would've achieved the same result. They should've treated it like a computer server which alerts someone qualified when the power is removed.
I've never worked in a facility where there are protections against pulling the plug - these freezers are almost always on a higher rated circuit with a different shaped socket, so unplugging to use the socket isn't a concern. But reading the article, they had protected against that.
Absolutely the freezer should be on a UPS, but I don't know how far up the power chain the cleaner interrupted. As for the alerts, it would seem they were disabled until the repairs could be made since it sounds like it was in a permanent state of alarm despite being at the right temp.

Here is a passage from a different article that includes more info
K.V. Lakshmi, a professor and director of the school’s Baruch ’60 Center for Biochemical Solar Energy Research who oversaw the research, noticed the freezer alert went off on or around September 14, 2020, because its temperature had risen to -78 degrees, according to the suit.

Despite the alarm, Lakshmi and her team determined that the cell samples would be safe until emergency repairs could be done, the suit said. While Lakshmi waited for the freezer’s manufacturer to come perform repairs, her team added a safety lock box around the freezer’s outlet and socket. A warning was posted on the freezer, according to the court filing.

I've never worked in a facility where there are protections against pulling the plug - these freezers are almost always on a higher rated circuit with a different shaped socket, so unplugging to use the socket isn't a concern. But reading the article, they had protected against that.
Absolutely the freezer should be on a UPS, but I don't know how far up the power chain the cleaner interrupted. As for the alerts, it would seem they were disabled until the repairs could be made since it sounds like it was in a permanent state of alarm despite being at the right temp.

Here is a passage from a different article that includes more info
It'll be interesting to find out what the court decides.

From the info above it sounds like all the cleaner could've been reasonably expected to know was that there was a faulty freezer which kept beeping, not that it contained vitally important experimental results and shouldn't be switched off under any circumstances. Ideally he should have been warned about the beeping and told to ignore it or call a supervisor, rather than left to act upon his own initiative.

If the facility provided these specific warnings to the cleaning firm and they neglected to brief their staff then it sounds like the firm are at fault.
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Tomb Raider III.
My literal only experience of any Tomb Raider game was me and my sister trying for a good hour to trap him inside there when I was about six. Judging by other people's recollection online, we weren't the only ones. Good times.
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Mormons gonna Mormon.

They probably weren't even having sex, they were probably just "soaking" or something.
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This one is a couple of months old but I only just heard about it.

Seems like an "orca"-ward situation might be developing as a recent spike in aggressive behaviour among pods of killer whales has resulted in the sinking of three boats in the Strait of Gibraltar.
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This one is a couple of months old but I only just heard about it.

Seems like an "orca"-ward situation might be developing as a recent spike in aggressive behaviour among pods of killer whales has resulted in the sinking of three boats in the Strait of Gibraltar.
They’re having a whale of a time. However local fishermen have got a sinking feeling about the developments. A spokesmen for the local fishing boats was quoted stating “we believe something fishy is going on”