Funny/Strange News Stories

Tasteless, just like their food.
It used to be pretty decent. Back when Sheila and I were in college, I'd fill a sub club card getting the cheap veggie sandwich (the produce was good enough that I didn't particularly care about getting meat) and she'd hand it in for a free crab sandwich. Mind you this was in the '90s...well before Jared.
They’re having a whale of a time. However local fishermen have got a sinking feeling about the developments. A spokesmen for the local fishing boats was quoted stating “we believe something fishy is going on”
Scientists think the occurrences just might be a couple of flukes.
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He's called in all the players for a training kampf.
This one is a couple of months old but I only just heard about it.

Seems like an "orca"-ward situation might be developing as a recent spike in aggressive behaviour among pods of killer whales has resulted in the sinking of three boats in the Strait of Gibraltar.
They tried to find the offending whales, but unfortunately they had no fin to go on.

Imagine being a fugitive and thinking it's a good idea to steal an inflatable palm tree
Wow, he really blew it!
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They tried to find the offending whales, but unfortunately they had no fin to go on.
Too bad there wasn't anyone around to record footage on their mobies. Perhaps if they had, the authorities would have been able to locate the culprits so they could give them a cetacean. 🐳
Wow, he really blew it!
I'm sure it wasn't long before his excuses started to wear thin.
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Citing concerns that "news" sites are using AI to scrape Reddit to generate leads for subsequently AI-written articles, World of Warcraft sub-Reddit users make up a story about an upcoming addition to the game they call "Glorbo", hoping it'll get picked up by sites that use AI bots to create articles.

With entirely unsurprising results.

The entire thing consists of the gibberish proper nouns made up by the Redditors. However the best bit in the article by far is:

Reddit user kaefer_kriegerin expresses their excitement, stating, ‘Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy! I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this.’ This sentiment is echoed by many other players in the comments

Subsequently, the Redditors rejoice and simultaneously bemoan the fact that this is a thing that happens. And guess what? The very same site writes an article about that as well!
Another user, JordanTH, humorously anticipated an AI scraping the thread itself to write an article about AI scraping threads.

Both pieces have been subsequently deleted, but a single pair of human eyes even slightly familiar with the topic (capable of operating a search engine) looking at any of this output would have prevented "Z League The Portal" from looking like an absolute clown car...

AI is not a replacement for writers.
Citing concerns that "news" sites are using AI to scrape Reddit to generate leads for subsequently AI-written articles, World of Warcraft sub-Reddit users make up a story about an upcoming addition to the game they call "Glorbo", hoping it'll get picked up by sites that use AI bots to create articles.

With entirely unsurprising results.

The entire thing consists of the gibberish proper nouns made up by the Redditors. However the best bit in the article by far is:

Subsequently, the Redditors rejoice and simultaneously bemoan the fact that this is a thing that happens. And guess what? The very same site writes an article about that as well!


Both pieces have been subsequently deleted, but a single pair of human eyes even slightly familiar with the topic (capable of operating a search engine) looking at any of this output would have prevented "Z League The Portal" from looking like an absolute clown car...

AI is not a replacement for writers.
How long until we get bots on reddit automatically making posts about the bot-created articles, and we get stuck in an infinite loop?
Reddit user kaefer_kriegerin expresses their excitement, stating, ‘Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy! I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this.’ This sentiment is echoed by many other players in the comments
I misread sentiment as sentient.
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They're just sun bears, which are well known for how they stand on their hind legs


"Authorities now hope to determine whether the 74-year-old man was killed by one wheel of cheese or multiple."

That's an interesting/odd thing to emphasize for this article.

"Authorities now hope to determine whether the 74-year-old man was killed by one wheel of cheese or multiple."

That's an interesting/odd thing to emphasize for this article.
Sounds horrible. If he'd just been trapped by them, he could have eaten his way out.

This is the reason why I don't have a door mat.

My neighbours all have door mats, but our block is cleaned every week by private contractors who remove door mats before vacuuming the hallways, but they never replace them properly. Instead of putting them back as they were, they roll them up and stand them next to the door.

It may be totally innocuous to the untrained eye, but to me it was sure-fire indicator (and it turns out a super-accurate one) that the owners of the flat are not there - as a result, it would make sense as a burglar to target those flats, and not one (like mine) with no mat.
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