Funny/Strange News Stories

Maybe they all just nodded in unison.
Jack Nicholson Yes GIF
Snoop Dogg Yes GIF

Sesame Street Nod GIF
Not a funny story, but a somewhat ridiculous comment from the police...

Police told local media the accident is a good example of the importance of observing the Georgia's Move Over Law. This law requires drivers in the lane next to the shoulder to change lanes when emergency or utility vehicles stop on the side of the highway.
Are You Serious I Know GIF by Mashed
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Meanwhile, in Orpington...

Judging by the apparent state of our public highway network, it'd appear this once great country is on the road from recovery.

When I saw the ducks I thought James Veitch was going viral again.
Not a funny story, but a somewhat ridiculous comment from the police...

We're there yellow lights on while the wrecker was blocking the lane? Hard to tell from these short clips, but there's also no police presence on that side of the road. While there's plenty of lights on the other direction, it would be tough to tell at 65 mph if anything was stopped in the actual lane of traffic.
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I didn't read the PDF. Does this mean Campbell vs. Acuff is dust in the wind now or did they trot out the marijuana gummies excuse to pretend this is causing harm?
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I didn't read the PDF. Does this mean Campbell vs. Acuff is dust in the wind now or did they trot out the marijuana gummies excuse to pretend this is causing harm?
The decision is applied narrowly, only to vacating and remanding of the lower court's ruling, so no implications with regard to precedent, and no culture war pandering as there's no concurrence from Alito or Thomas.
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Let's go with "strange" - not for the story itself, but for this real, whole-ass Tweet.


High School Reaction GIF by Film Society of Lincoln Center
Sanctions order for attorney who presented a legal brief written in part by ChatGPT, including citations with opinions from fictitious cases.


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