Funny/Strange News Stories

Jackie Lambie, the Original Bogan Senator, has decided to form her own political party, to be known as the Jackie Lambie Network, or JLN. To my mind, "JLN" sounds like the initials of a terrorist group, which is ironic because Lambie is a vehement critic of Islamic extremism, particularly sharia law. In fact, she's so opposed to it that she wants to amend the Constitution to say that Australia rejects it ... even though she has no idea what it is.
In what way is that as bad as you make it sound like?
Jackie Lambie, the Original Bogan Senator, has decided to form her own political party, to be known as the Jackie Lambie Network, or JLN. To my mind, "JLN" sounds like the initials of a terrorist group, which is ironic because Lambie is a vehement critic of Islamic extremism, particularly sharia law. In fact, she's so opposed to it that she wants to amend the Constitution to say that Australia rejects it ... even though she has no idea what it is.
Seeing as how the US has a news network known as HLN (CNN Headline News, aka the Hysterical Ladies Network), JLN sounds exactly like a TV network to me.
The Anchorage Police Department announced Friday that it will target drivers high on marijuana through the weekend and Monday in anticipation of the unofficial stoners’ holiday “420."

“With the recent legalization of recreational use of marijuana in the state of Alaska, police anticipate a possible increase of impaired drivers that may be celebrating the ‘420 holiday’ this year,” said APD communications director Jennifer Castro in a news release.
In what way is that as bad as you make it sound like?
Because she has absolutely no idea what it is, but she wants to include a pledge opposed to it in our Constitution - a document that outlines the way that the nation is governed. Constitutional change is not undertaken lightly, because introducing it has all sorts of consequences for the way the country is run. That's why Lambie would be so hilarious if she wasn't so frightening - she literally has no idea what she is talking about, but wants to introduce wide-ranging change to our Constitution. She has even put forward a proposed wording to this pledge on Twitter, but it was taken down after legal minds pointed out that it would effectively make it unconstitutional to be a Muslim.
Just when you thought he couldn't get any worse than destroying Al Pacino's career by seducing him with a pair of fake boobs, or destroy Susan Sarandon's with two hours of jokes about statutory rape, Adam Sandler has finally managed to hit a new low with The Ridiculous Six, a "parody" (read: fart jokes) or The Magnificent Seven - and they haven't even started filming yet.
Where's the funny in that? :odd:
The fact that Sandler's films are so terrible that people refuse to be a part of them? The way he's trying to do a parody of The Magnificent Seven decades after its release, so the parody will be lost on his usual demographic? Or the way he seems to think that calling a Sioux character "No Bra" passes for parody?
The Chinese government has recently banned strippers from performing at funerals:
British Man Brings Attention to Potholes with Penis Drawings

A British man has taken matters into his own hands, drawing penises around potholes in an effort to get them fixed -- and it's working. He goes by the name Wanksy.

"I wanted to attract attention to the pothole and make it memorable. Nothing seemed to do this better than a giant comedy phallus," the man, whose nom de guerre is a nod to street artist Banksy, told the Manchester Evening News.
