kylehnatHow about a virtual "racing wife?" She'd nag you every single day to mow the lawn, and would continuously complain about how you spend too much time with your cars and not enough with her. The "marriage counseling" feature allows her to cool off, but be careful: too much counseling will cause her to divorce you. If that happens, large sums of your hard-earned cash will start randomly disappearing, and that car you need to win the GT World Championship will be given to her by the court. Soon, she'll have a bastard child with one of your rivals, and will hit YOU up for child support. This miserable cycle will cause you to hit the bottle, losing more money, and causing some of your races to be blurred. In a drunken stupor, you get a prostitute pregnant, who demands financial support as well. You're making millions each year, all of which is taken directly from your pockets. Down to your last little bit, you decide to go out in a blaze of glory. You rip the top off of your Cerbera Speed 12, slap N1 tires on it, and head for the 'Ring. You get there, only to discover that you can't afford the $5 track fee.
Now that is a game!![]()
No, I believe thats called hell.