You'd be surprised. I suspect there's a lot more potential hiding in that engine. Exhaust is probably the major bottleneck, as well as the reason it runs out of power by 5300 RPM. A single pipe setup full of crush bends, with an early-1990's catalytic converter that by law can't be replaced with a better one until it fails, can't do much good for output.
The point wasn't to see what it's potential was, since clearly we are talking about stock vehicles...
The point being a different factory I4 from GM practically outpowers your V6....but that clearly doesn't matter to you.
Anyways, this literally just happened maybe 15 minutes ago (it's 9:30pm EST). Not really a ricer story but more of a few radically immature car enthusiasts (if you can call them that). @
Bopop4 watched this all happen too lol
My ex-girlfriend is getting a brand new car for Christmas from here dad and was so excited about the gas mileage it is rated. I told her basically not to be disappointed if you don't get those figures because most of the time they rate them after testing them in extremely controlled environment, and knowing how she drives, the gas mileage is going to drop at least by 18%, according to several websites that have done research like this.
What do you know, literally everyone that's friends with her jumps down my throat, saying I don't know what the hell I'm talking about because they supposedly own this car, and it gets oh so great gas mileage. Now I will give a couple of them a bit of credit since they know how to perform basic maintenance, but other than that, not really much. What really angers me is they think they know everything because they know how to change the brakes or jiggle a battery terminal to get a car to start. This came out later one when they basically told me they could take a car apart and put it all back together, and it would run. Dude, I do this stuff everyday. I know what I'm talking about.
It got to the point I was comparing my grandfathers 2011 Ram 1500 V8 to their car. That truck is "rated" 25mpg on average, according to the brochure they gave him when he bought it. He gets 12 on average. One of them shot back with "Lol to bad u clearly don't know what ur talking about cause my dad's gf car is better on gas then thy though it would be so uhm awkward again. Boom!"
Then this:
"yah but the ram can be a hemi and hemis dont git 🤬 for mileage".
I fired back with:
"I don't know what I'm talking about? I do this stuff for a living

. And hemi? LOL Dodge hasn't made a true hemi since the '70s.
Then out of nowhere, the one girl goes "ha my little brother knows more than you"
Wait, what? How does that have any relevance to anything?
At that point I basically said I was done and wasn't going to continue to argue since they didn't have a clue what the hell they were even talking about.
Then this came out.
"yah but a hemi is a hemi so there all american muscle lol"
At that point, I decided it was time to get technical since they really didn't have a clue.
"N0, a hemi is a designated name for hemispherical combustion chambers on the engine's heads. HEMI is just a brand name now they, don't make them like that anymore, and haven't for 40+ years."
Following that, I was told that this kid could build a car out of scrap because he knew what he was talking about. He didn't even know what he was talking about, so how is that even possible?
After that, the kid coming after me with that Hemi ordeal repeatedly started to tell me to shut up. Quite a few times actually. And I even asked why? Because I knew what I was talking about?
Then, what really angered me was that I apparently "need to get off my high horse and step into reality."
BITCH PLEASE. You need to know what you are talking about first. Don't talk about something you know nothing of.
All of this over a comment I made warning my ex over some gas mileage so she would at least know.