Funny things RICErs say (radically immature car enthusiasts)

Around my university, there is a "Cambergang" and "Stancesociety" group on one corner of the parking lot. These guys have bashed on me before because I was in the college's Formula SAE team before.

They have a tendency to bash and hate on people who have a brand-new car (new or used, if they see someone with a temporary plate, they WILL bash on it).

A few days ago my GF got a 2010(?) Lexus GS460 for ~$10k (not a bad deal, I'd say) and parked right alongside me, and I unfortunately was parked 3-4 cars away from this group.

When we left to go to our cars at night, oh boy. They were right in front of our cars, waiting for us.

One of the guys (drives a lowered civic with a massive as 🤬 wing spoiler) immediately berates my GF and started calling her a "spoiled 🤬 who doesn't know how to drive."

The crap, dude? It's one thing to tell someone they are spoiled by looking at the car, but it's another thing if you just say they flat out suck at driving by looking at the car.

And he then started berating me for a slow driver (I drive at the speed limit around the area because every corner and straightaway is a speed trap).

"Yo man, for a racer, you is slow! How 'bout you take you and yo girl outta here, you have no place in this lot!"

"Uh, what?"

And later on, another member stepped up and said:
"Ay, you know what, why don't you two prove to us that you belong here by drifting, ay?"

Like these guys know about drifting.

So I decided to step up the plate and flat out say:

"Like you guys know how to drift."

One dude automatically ran out, went in his completely ruined S14 240SX and just shouted out,


And went full speed around the corner, annnnnd.....

.... Crashed straight into a tree.

The whole "crew" panicked and ran to check on the dude, and as for my GF and I, we just drove home.
On the way out of the street, several cops, a fire truck, and an ambulance came past by us.

I'm not gonna park there again.

I salute your sir 👍

Hey, so uh, I'm at the hospital, typing on my phone. Dunno for how long I'm staying here, but, yeah. Ouch.

Guys, remember my earlier post of the dude with a Civic that had a gang that keyed up my family's cars? Yeah. :grumpy:

My brother got a 2015 Toyota Corolla S Plus for his early graduation present.

Yes, yes, I know. It's a Toyota Corolla :grumpy:. But in all honesty, it's nice, and I like it :D (judge me), and he likes it (judge him).

But lately he has been wanting to drive my other brother's RX-7 to school, and has been rather persistent about it.

So I asked him about it.

Turns out, ever since he got the car, the wannabe drifters driving mostly Hondas and Ford Focuses started attacking him for having a Corolla. The following day, told me about it happening again and I agreed to stop by his school to check out what's going on. He wanted me to drive the family car instead of the 6 (Pontiac G8 GT, Aussie V8 powah!), and I just went, "Okay, sure."

So I asked my dad if I could take a spin on the G8, and he handed me the keys. :drool:

Around the afternoon, I pulled around the corner and saw the guys harassing him, so I decided to shift to N momentarily and floored the gas, creating an "earth-shattering" roar that caught their attention.

I got out of the car and straight-up told them to "leave my brother alone."

The moment one of the guys turned around, I immediately recognized him.

Car-keyer Civic kid.

The dude saw me and straight-up went "Oh 🤬, you again?"

Yup, me again.
Moments later, the kid actually tried to start a fight with me, complete with his :dunce: friends going "OOOOOOH FIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHT"

Me, being a pacifist (mostly) turned down the fight, and told them to "Go home".

When I tried to approach to my brother to tell him to go home, the dude pulled me by my shirt, and, according to my brother, whacked me with something that looked like a spare tire iron. I apparently was knocked out, and his "crew" started stomping on me, WHILE I WAS KNOCKED OUT. :ouch:

My brother told me he got scared, drove off and called for help, and later, was taken into the hospital, which is where I am now.

The upside?
I'm alive! :)👍

The downside?
I'm here, and they almost jacked my family's G8. 👎:grumpy:
First of all, I want to say that I don't care if it's a Toyota Corolla, your brother is lucky for getting a new car for a birthday present. I would freak out if my parents ever got me a new car as a present.

2nd of all, seriously; that moron again decided to pick a fight with you? Ah man, I'm sorry that happened and what idiots. If I were you, I would tell the police about that if nothing has been done about those guys already.
Hey, so uh, I'm at the hospital, typing on my phone. Dunno for how long I'm staying here, but, yeah. Ouch.

Guys, remember my earlier post of the dude with a Civic that had a gang that keyed up my family's cars? Yeah. :grumpy:

My brother got a 2015 Toyota Corolla S Plus for his early graduation present.

Yes, yes, I know. It's a Toyota Corolla :grumpy:. But in all honesty, it's nice, and I like it :D (judge me), and he likes it (judge him).

But lately he has been wanting to drive my other brother's RX-7 to school, and has been rather persistent about it.

So I asked him about it.

Turns out, ever since he got the car, the wannabe drifters driving mostly Hondas and Ford Focuses started attacking him for having a Corolla. The following day, told me about it happening again and I agreed to stop by his school to check out what's going on. He wanted me to drive the family car instead of the 6 (Pontiac G8 GT, Aussie V8 powah!), and I just went, "Okay, sure."

So I asked my dad if I could take a spin on the G8, and he handed me the keys. :drool:

Around the afternoon, I pulled around the corner and saw the guys harassing him, so I decided to shift to N momentarily and floored the gas, creating an "earth-shattering" roar that caught their attention.

I got out of the car and straight-up told them to "leave my brother alone."

The moment one of the guys turned around, I immediately recognized him.

Car-keyer Civic kid.

The dude saw me and straight-up went "Oh 🤬, you again?"

Yup, me again.
Moments later, the kid actually tried to start a fight with me, complete with his :dunce: friends going "OOOOOOH FIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHT"

Me, being a pacifist (mostly) turned down the fight, and told them to "Go home".

When I tried to approach to my brother to tell him to go home, the dude pulled me by my shirt, and, according to my brother, whacked me with something that looked like a spare tire iron. I apparently was knocked out, and his "crew" started stomping on me, WHILE I WAS KNOCKED OUT. :ouch:

My brother told me he got scared, drove off and called for help, and later, was taken into the hospital, which is where I am now.

The upside?
I'm alive! :)👍

The downside?
I'm here, and they almost jacked my family's G8. 👎:grumpy:

Legal action, behind bars and owing you severe compensation.
The hell?

I knew guys who drive around clapped out civics don't have the highest mental capacity but this guy is borderline psychopath. Didn't even have the balls to fight you straight up, he hit you with a piece of metal, while you were turned away, with all his friends behind him.... what a piece of 🤬

Hope you get better man, that guy needs to get locked up.
Print off your original post back when they keyed your car with the date shown and use that as evidence. Do the same with the new post. I think you have pictures of the keying (not sure) and they could trace the paint to his key. I doubt he's smart enough to get rid of the tire iron.
No matter what, your brother will have to testify as a witness, as will the other dip****s that did to you.
Christ, glad to hear you and your brother are still breathing considering how royally screwed it could've gotten. :nervous:

All this over them not liking your cars ( and one schmuck keying it )?

I'll echo what's already been said, gather evidence, give a police report, pursue legal action.

To me, these guys aren't car enthusiasts, they're scumbags who just happen to drive ( I'm guessing badly ) modified cars.

If was me, I would have them lose their cars to help pay towards your bills as well as criminal charges to all of them.
Hey guys, thanks for all of your concerns (if that even makes sense :lol:), it means alot.

So far, nothing has been done so far, but right now the police are questioning my little brother about the guys (what they look like, if they are in the same school, what they drive, etc.), and so far, they (hopefully) are having a lead on where they might be in the future.

I'll add in further details once they are given.
His family lives in my neighborhood, so kinda.

So you know where his family lives? Police need to get this guy in custody ASAP.

Also, don't think it's been mentioned but props for being able take a tire iron to the face, gang beaten while unconscious and still be able to coherently post online using your phone the same day.

Proper BADASS 👍
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Providing you got a copy of the video in your possession, I.D'ing and arresting these tools hopefully will come quickly and harshly.

I still can't wrap my head round why people insist on uploading incriminating stuff on to a social media website and THEN wonder how they got nicked in the first place? :rolleyes:

I know people can be utterly stupid sometimes, but you think by now we would take the hint and stop it. :ouch:

Having said that, the odds are now way in your favour so now I'd say get some rest and come out swinging later. ;)
@Vic Reign93 you'd be surprised at the level of incompetence.

A guy in the states recorded a video of himself going +120MPH in between cars on a packed highway in Texas and titled it 'Catch me if you can".

Not only did he upload it to Facebook, but he uploaded it to the FACEBOOK PAGE OF THE LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT.


They could catch his IP in a heartbeat :lol:

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