Funny things RICErs say (radically immature car enthusiasts)

'Harvey is in the helicopter right now, "What do you see Harv?"'

'I don't know-a... the suspect seems to be.... uh.. "What is he doing?" Hold on a second he seems to have stopped and is-uh.... An officer has exited the squad car and is walking towards the driver's door. Op, he's on the move again! I'll tell ya, hehe, I've never seen a sight like this.'

*clutch screetches*

'There goes third gear!'
A gem from my friend with the Corsa who I mentioned ages ago on here. He's not a ricer per se, just... well, you'll see.

For context: my car is 9 years older, was five times cheaper than his and has double the mileage. Until I'd bought it, it'd seen no mechanical attention in the slightest (no service, fluid changes, etc.) yet had no recorded breakdowns in its history and has never needed anything fixing since I acquired it. My friend's Corsa has gone for repairs five times as of now.

Friend: My car's going in again on Tuesday.
Me: Why not just buy a reliable car instead of a money pit?
Friend: But it is reliable.
Me: Yet you've already spent £3,000 keeping it going up until this point?
Friend: Yeah, and?
Me: That's not reliable then.
Friend: Well it is, since everything major is being replaced with brand new stuff. That means I've got another solid 5 years of use out of it.
Me: Didn't he replace all of that last week when it was being fixed though?
Friend: Yeah.

My brain felt fuzzy after listening to that. And even after he got it back from the shop, it still sounds terrible, still has a broken centre console and still goes through fuel way too much.
New update:

They got the civic kid.

There are still others that are still loose, but I am kinda relieved that he's out.
Now we wait for Justice (DNVO four capital let- ill stop now...) to be done.

I have another school related story.

This time involving a guy one year older than me.

Guy: "My dad flipped his shop at me today"
Me: "Why?"
Guy: "I was in town last weekend, with my girlfriend and I was cruising at 75, saw a speed camera and I braked. Lost control and smacked into the barrier."
Me: "Right. You did 75 on a heavily policed road...? Smart."
Guy: "Yeah but it was midnight and I wasn't hurting anyone..."
Me: "You crashed."
Guy: "Fudge you. Anyway my dad said he wasn't paying for repairs or the fine for it."
Me: "Why should he to be fair?"
Guy: "Because he paid for the car!"

At this point I decided I needed IQ points for future activities so ended the conversation before I banged my head on a desk...

His dad isn't paying for repairs as he said

But is buying him a new car...

Money wasted? Lots.
Lessons learned? None.
The white one looks a little better than I had imagined, but it sounds like he made up for our with the interior
I also actually like the looks of that green civic, though it could be a bit more off the ground and not have that stupid sticker on it.