Funny things RICErs say (radically immature car enthusiasts)

So a typical muscle car fan boy?

There's a difference between diehard muscle and diehard Ford. Muscle fanboys are just as likely to give endless praise to any American V8 coupe produced before 1980 (yes I know that's probably not the exact definition) whereas the latter is just brand dedication.
Lol my dad is a european fanboy but appreciates japanese cars too though he doesn't like Imprezas and Evos. I'd say he's close to a Mercedes fan but likes Porsche Panamera. He despise american cars, well i guess that's fine, he's not very into cars but still knows stuff so it's fun discussing cars with him.
My father adores American cars and European cars. He hates Japanese cars because of a couple of bad experiences with the Nissan XTrail and 2002 Corolla.

He only makes an exception for certain Japanese products. The Toyota Prado GX, Toyota Landcruiser 70 series, Mazda RX8. Just a couple of cars I can think of right now.

He is a diehard Mercedes fan, although we did get into a fight on what exactly AMG makes.

We always get into fights on cars from the '70s, '80s, '90s. Apparently just because he's lived through them I'm ignorant because I read some info online.

I know exactly what AMG makes. This time around we got into a fight about whether or not AMG makes C-class cars. Apparently my dad was arguing about a fake C63 and I was stating the fact that AMG does in fact make C-class vehicles.

It.wasn't my fault. I saw a fake "C63" at Costco and said, oh look, a C63 AMG, sarcastically.

"Come on son, AMG doesn't make C-class vehicles."


So yeah. Our most recent fight was whether or not AMG ever made a BMW engine. My dad seems to think that they do in fact customise BMW's.

At this point he is definitely messing with me. Then we got into a fight on what exactly Alpina did.

Then we got into a fight on the proper name of the 2002 Turbo.

"Don't speak nonsense! That car WAS NOT MADE IN 2002"



From what I can tell, my father just has mostly a preferrence torwards american performance machines, though he has shown to have a bit of interest in foreign vehicles. He doesn't care for the small japanese sports cars such as the Toyota MR2 though, that's for sure.

I also knew a guy back in high school that's just a complete GM fanboy and he'll basically mess with me anytime I bring up a GM subject on Facebook and he's even been known to throw typical Ford stereotypes at me when I don't even talk about the manufacture.
Me on the bus today on the way home from school. These aren't really "ricers" per se, but they aren't at all car enthusiasts.

Guy A: "Wow, look at that Ferrari!"
Guy B: "It's black on black! It looks so cool!"
Guy A: "I know, right?"
Me: "Uh, that's a Porsche 911..." (996)
Me in my mind: "PFFFFFFFFF IDIOTS"
Guy A: :scared:
Guy B: :lol:
Me: :nervous:
There's a difference between diehard muscle and diehard Ford. Muscle fanboys are just as likely to give endless praise to any American V8 coupe produced before 1980 (yes I know that's probably not the exact definition) whereas the latter is just brand dedication.
I' more of a muscle car guy but my dedication goes to Ford first.
The cars somehow got impounded.

Anyway, hearing from a friend, a local group of ricers who are friends of civic kid are attempting to do some sort of thing similar to how people around the US did the whole "Free Weezy" shenanigans.

I don't even know what's going on :confused:

What's a Free Weezy? I googled it and it came up with a man who wasn't wearing a shirt.
Any updates on the situation? How are you feeling, by the way?
The situation? I'm feeling fine, thank you 👍

From what I've last heard, Civic kid's family has been trying to get him out for some time now, as well as his friends (which are kind of petitioning the wrong way, hence my reference to the "Free Weezy" ordeal.

My brother did get a death threat a month ago :scared: but the crisis was averted, and he's doing fine.

Overall, all is well, I guess.
The situation? I'm feeling fine, thank you 👍

From what I've last heard, Civic kid's family has been trying to get him out for some time now, as well as his friends (which are kind of petitioning the wrong way, hence my reference to the "Free Weezy" ordeal.

My brother did get a death threat a month ago :scared: but the crisis was averted, and he's doing fine.

Overall, all is well, I guess.
Have you taken my knife advice? :sly:
Yeah but you're not going to be walking around with a knife everyday of your life (rhymes :dopey:)

Use your car keys for self defense or house keys. Trust me, you do not want to be walking around with a knife.
Yeah but you're not going to be walking around with a knife.

Use your car keys for self defense or house keys. Trust me, you do not want to be walking around with a knife.
Can keys really be as lethal as a knife? What if the guy is (considering the weather over here is 30-40 degrees outside) wearing a thick jacket?
Aim for the neck.

It's morbid, I know. In a life threatening situation, you do this.

That's how you use car keys. You don't attempt to stab the guy in the chest.


Even if he is wearing a jacket it's like punching someone with a brass knuckle, only the brass is in one area.
Aim for the neck.

It's morbid, I know. In a life threatening situation, you do this.

That's how you use car keys. You don't attempt to stab the guy in the chest.


Even if he is wearing a jacket it's like punching someone with a brass knuckle, only the brass is in one area.
The neck? I'd aim for the eyes, assuming the other guy was trying to kill me. It'd be a lot easier to hurt someone that way than by jamming keys in their troat.
Not very funny, just down right stupid and shameful:

I'm sitting in history class the other day, and I overhear some kid use his "knowledge" to flirt with a girl. He claimed that he had a "1916 Shelby 500 Cobra" which was one of "only five ever made" and that it had a "900 horsepower" engine. He also included other outlandish and bullcrap numbers. And what made it worse is that the girl, who already had a boyfriend by the way, was taking the ricer seriously, even flirting back. And when the two were corrected by someone else, they came back with a "🤬 off, you know nothing you stupid 🤬" attitude.
"Hey that was fun last night, should have came" a friend said

To what..? I replied

"Had a peugeot 207 meet. Guy was there with a white one with white wheels and pink peugeot badges."

Sounds horrible.

"It wasnt, I'll show you it"

[showed me his personal photo]

"Didn't you see it in my photography group?"

I don't follow it.

"Oh. Well nice, no?"


"You have bad taste..."

Says him who still thinks Megan Fox is the hottest woman alive, and that the Ferrari F12 is the most beautiful car ever...

He isn't talking to me now.