So, my continuing issues with getting to, and staying asleep.. and a less than motivated morning in the office, lead me to come up with this basic drive-train concept...
16 Litre - 8 banks of 2.0 litre, 5 cylinder radial engines, 4 at the front, 4 at the back, mounted at 90° so the engine spins in direction of axle rotation, with the gearboxes being mounted in parrellel with the radial banks, driving the wheels directly. With the engines mounted so close to, and behind, the wheels - the resultant force of the engine rotation helps force the tyres down on to the road! Each bank is rotated around it's axis slightly to give the smoothest balance along each banks common crankshaft. Cooling required is much less than V/Inline engines as each cylinder is inherantley air-cooled also.
Quad Electrically Driven Turbo - No Hybrid drive here, the large electric motors drive the large turbos, from batteries that are kept permanently charge by an on demand 3 cylinder engine mounted in the navigators position. One intercooler per Turbo, feeding 2 radials each. Maximum boost is available the instant the drivers toe touches the throttle.
222hp per 2.0 litre radial = 888hp per bank, 2 banks = 1776hp.
View attachment 200142 View attachment 200143
A: Radial 1, 2.0 5 cylinder
B: Radial 2, 2.0 5 cylinder
C: Radial 3, 2.0 5 cylinder
D: Radial 4, 2.0 5 cylinder
E: e-Turbo 1, feeds Radial 1 and 2
F: e-Turbo 2, feeds Radial 3 and 4
G: electric motor 1, drives Turbo 1 and 2
H: Intercooler 1
I: Intercooler 2
J: Front bank gearbox
K: Frontal radiator bank
L: Battery pack 1
M: Battery pack 2
N: 1.5l 3 cylinder engine/generator
O: Radial 5, 2.0 5 cylinder
P: Radial 6, 2.0 5 cylinder
Q: Radial 7, 2.0 5 cylinder
R: Radial 8, 2.0 5 cylinder
S: e-Turbo 3, feeds Radial 5 and 6
T: e-Turbo 4, feeds Radial 7 and 8
U: electric motor 2, drives Turbo 3 and 4
V: Intercooler 3
W: Intercooler 4
X: Rear bank gearbox
Y: Radiator for Radial 5 and 6
Z: Radiator for Radial 7 and 8
I mocked it up in sketch-up, I'll maybe print it off and trace a body design over it since I can't draw curves in SU for toffee

(same reason why there's no piping or ducting! - and no, I didn't do the wheels myself!)