Cheers G25 and Camikaze:tup: 👍
The whole thing was completely custom built by myself over two whole weekends, considering this was my first attempt at something like this i was surprised at how well it came out with so few errors.
Id already sourced all the equipment, like the 32inch HD lcds, the new seat and wheel and the new sound system,so it was just a case of measuring everything, and drawing out a basic design that would fit the space available.
Once i had base shell installed it was time to Temporarily fit everything up to fine tune the optimal position for everything.
I got adjustable runners with the seat, so i can slide it forward and back, it also has reclining adjustments, I set the seat on a mount which puts it at a height where my line of vision is central to the screens for the best immersion. Im not a fan of the Screens you refer to (Fresno??) that bend the image, and to be honest when you set everything up correctly, the image flows from one screen to another in a way which your mind virtually blends them all together, its just like driving and looking round an A pillar.
The pedals are affixed to my old Gameracer frame, which is fixed to the cockpit, this also allows the pedal distance to be varied, and supports them at a nice angle, the frame also features the mount which holds the G25 shifter mechanism.
The wheel mount is fixed in its position except for the tilt angle which can be varied, to accomadate different needs.
On the whole its pretty flexible for most all my needs.
Once everything was lined up, i fiited all the components, and routed and installed the substantial cabling (i wasnt impressed when 2 days after installing, the new logitech Sound sytem packed up and i had to strip that out again), I then created the shelving for all the equipment andsome storage overall it took me another 2 weeks to get it to the point i was really happy with, now im just enjoying it
My PC is in need of a bit of an upgrade to fully utilise, the three screen combo, all i need now is for PD to incorporate a 3 screen view for GT on PS3 and i'll bein Sim Heaven for quite some time!!!
Through all this I have to give huge thanks to My girlfriend for all her support and help and assistance in making this come to fruition!