G25 Cockpits Lets See them!!

  • Thread starter MoAK
Here is the new version of my cockpit, It feels really comfy. Have be playing GTR2 on PC mostly, coz the Frex Meter will not work with PS2/PS3 which is a bummer, whish i could install the drivers into PS2 :S
The MOMO wheel came with no holes in it so i was able to drill the holes in the correct place to bolt it straight to the G25, just gota find some mini button for it now.


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Thats a nice subwoofer you got there G25... May I ask where you got it/how much is it? Also does it come with speakers? I am looking for a new speaker setup for my computer...
Hey djblackmon, yes u can ask, the sub is part of a 5.1 kit from Logitech its a Logitech® Z-5500 Digital. It hooks up via Coax, optical or 3 phono style plugs, but the coax is the best coz its digital output.
It works good for me, sounds nice,
It has 3 Different inputs,
I use the Coax to connect to the PC
Optical to connect to the PS2
Phono style plugs connect to the Pay TV.
See more details at http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/AU/EN,CRID=2177,CONTENTID=9486
I payed $500 AUS at Harvey Norman
Yes it does have 3 headphone style plugs in the back and 1 headphone style plug in the side. If you have a computer that allows 5.1 output u can use all 3 in the back, but if u just use 1 in the back, it will just be in stereo mode. some older PC did have options to adjust the output on the back of the pc, for example, if u go into the properties of your sounds device, u may be able to change the mic input to a output for surround sound. Hope this was some help.
:) Hey AMG
Sorry for late reply havn't been near the computer for week's because of work
It's only a 19 inch yes it is close to the wheel but it realy make you think you are in the car that close
Heres the cockpit ive built to house all my racing gaming.
Currently setup for Forza 2, the G25 is stored behind the pedals, There is a PC with triple head to go, PS3 and PS2 as well as the 360, My new Sparco seat is so comfy, (memory foam good!).
This is the first rough build, that im tweaking as i go.
In the Autumn im going to refit the lounge, so will remove this whole setup, to trim to a better fit, then add the paint.


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@ G25: I totally agree with you there. :)👍

@ GTXLR: Looking good for a work in progress. Do you have any sort of blueprint for this design of yours? Did you make the cockpit to fit most any seat and/or controller? I'm looking forward to what your finished design will be like. :D

💡 Also, I think Frex has a special lens that you can put in front of the three screens that you have to give it a seamless view for when you play your games.
Cheers G25 and Camikaze:tup: 👍
The whole thing was completely custom built by myself over two whole weekends, considering this was my first attempt at something like this i was surprised at how well it came out with so few errors.:crazy:
Id already sourced all the equipment, like the 32inch HD lcds, the new seat and wheel and the new sound system,so it was just a case of measuring everything, and drawing out a basic design that would fit the space available.
Once i had base shell installed it was time to Temporarily fit everything up to fine tune the optimal position for everything.
I got adjustable runners with the seat, so i can slide it forward and back, it also has reclining adjustments, I set the seat on a mount which puts it at a height where my line of vision is central to the screens for the best immersion. Im not a fan of the Screens you refer to (Fresno??) that bend the image, and to be honest when you set everything up correctly, the image flows from one screen to another in a way which your mind virtually blends them all together, its just like driving and looking round an A pillar.
The pedals are affixed to my old Gameracer frame, which is fixed to the cockpit, this also allows the pedal distance to be varied, and supports them at a nice angle, the frame also features the mount which holds the G25 shifter mechanism.
The wheel mount is fixed in its position except for the tilt angle which can be varied, to accomadate different needs.
On the whole its pretty flexible for most all my needs.
Once everything was lined up, i fiited all the components, and routed and installed the substantial cabling (i wasnt impressed when 2 days after installing, the new logitech Sound sytem packed up and i had to strip that out again), I then created the shelving for all the equipment andsome storage overall it took me another 2 weeks to get it to the point i was really happy with, now im just enjoying it:sly:
My PC is in need of a bit of an upgrade to fully utilise, the three screen combo, all i need now is for PD to incorporate a 3 screen view for GT on PS3 and i'll bein Sim Heaven for quite some time!!!
Through all this I have to give huge thanks to My girlfriend for all her support and help and assistance in making this come to fruition!
The G25 looks bad a$$. I think I'll wait though to get one until it's confirmed if the clutch and gated shifting is compatible with GT5. I have my DFP for now.
Well do you guys mind if i showed my cockpit?Well i finally got one (not really as you can tell) but i think its worth something to look at....
(well sorry if my room looks messy :guilty: )



Yeah,i even did my own handbrake for cheap (but i was scared to dismantle my controller.Yes,my handbrake still sucks!Trying to fix/improve it as i go along)


Yes,i even did my own stitching on the hand brake lever.(and looks terrible as well)
Nice seat you have there BreakerOhio.:)👍 I take it you got that seat from the website that's listed on the apparatus?
Did you know that when using the G25 wheel that after the race is over you can use the third from left "red" button to quick exit the replay feature. Did you know that when you win a race with big prize money you can use this button to add moneys quicker instead of watching that cup spin around and around.
Did you know that when using the G25 wheel that after the race is over you can use the third from left "red" button to quick exit the replay feature. Did you know that when you win a race with big prize money you can use this button to add moneys quicker instead of watching that cup spin around and around.

Well did you know it was exactly the same "start" button on a DS controller? I mean i noticed it from the very first moment i used it on my PS2. And the one next to it (the second from left) is the select button on a DS controller..... :rolleyes:
This is not a cockpit, just a G25 setup. :D


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Heres the cockpit ive built to house all my racing gaming.
Currently setup for Forza 2, the G25 is stored behind the pedals, There is a PC with triple head to go, PS3 and PS2 as well as the 360, My new Sparco seat is so comfy, (memory foam good!).
This is the first rough build, that im tweaking as i go.
In the Autumn im going to refit the lounge, so will remove this whole setup, to trim to a better fit, then add the paint.

Wow! Very nice GTXLR 👍 Looks like you are using three screens - is that right?

EDIT: aaahhh, I'm reading further along that you are indeed using three screens - very sweet 👍

Wow! Very nice GTXLR 👍 Looks like you are using three screens - is that right?

EDIT: aaahhh, I'm reading further along that you are indeed using three screens - very sweet 👍


Sweet indeed! im loving it a lot, the immersion in FM2 is eating my spare time.
My new Sparco seat is now fully worn in and moulds comfortably to me.

Just have to hope now that GT5 will support 3 screen lan set up (as with gt4): MMMMMMMMmm!
I need a reason to connect up my G25 again and my current PC set up just doesnt cut it at the moment.

Edit:I was most unimpressed when my second logitech sound system packed up, and had to be stripped out again, it lasted 6 weeks this time! since replaced that with a rather neat Pioneer Xbox 360 5.1 system, far better quality than the Logitech with more inputs.
Just have to hope now that GT5 will support 3 screen lan set up (as with gt4): MMMMMMMMmm!
I think it will be. GT5P and GT5 is going to have online racing. So there will be a LAN setting. + You can already look left and right in HD GT concept 2.0. You need these views and LAN to be able to use a 3 screen setup.

Very nice setup. 👍
Nice seat you have there BreakerOhio.:)👍 I take it you got that seat from the website that's listed on the apparatus?

You are somewhat correct on the seat. I didn't get it from the website, just went there for information and specs before buying it from ebay. :)

You should race without the race info like the map and position.
It'll look much more real without all of that in view.

Seeing all those big lcd's makes me want one.
I have a 24" monitor in mind, but it costs €800.
I'm going to ask that, if i order it, i can test it in the store to see if it has any dead/stuck pixels.
Not going to spend that much on a flawed screen (it's the Viewsonic vx2435wm btw)
If they say that's not possible, i can order it from the netherlands, and it'll cost me €50 less.

You're going to buy an extra 2 ps3s if it has that network option?
I would be happy with only 1 :) (and a 32" screen)
You should race without the race info like the map and position.
It'll look much more real without all of that in view.

Seeing all those big lcd's makes me want one.
I have a 24" monitor in mind, but it costs €800.
I'm going to ask that, if i order it, i can test it in the store to see if it has any dead/stuck pixels.
Not going to spend that much on a flawed screen (it's the Viewsonic vx2435wm btw)
If they say that's not possible, i can order it from the netherlands, and it'll cost me €50 less.

You're going to buy an extra 2 ps3s if it has that network option?
I would be happy with only 1 :) (and a 32" screen)

Already have 2 PS3's so would only need 1 more:)
hi, nice setups everyone. got mine ready for gt5. just hope the shifter and clutch will work in gt5 prologue. its on youtube check it out..