Game jumping mid race?

  • Thread starter Jays182
Thanks jrbabbitt, that makes sense. Do you have any idea why not every ps4 user is experiencing this?
These issues are seen when in the multiplayer lobbies and in the sport mode daily races, I'm guessing that not everybody is doing online racing...
These issues are seen when in the multiplayer lobbies and in the sport mode daily races, I'm guessing that not everybody is doing online racing...
I have had them everywhere, even music rally when downloading rest of game. Difference is that with ‘offline’ incidents every car on track will pause while online only my car is affected…

I was racing in lobby last night with at least 3 other ps4 users and I was the only one experiencing these freeze issues. My ps4 is the original version, maybe that is the difference?
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I have had them everywhere, even music rally when downloading rest of game. Difference is that with ‘offline’ incidents every car on track will pause while online only my car is affected…

I was racing in lobby last night with at least 3 other ps4 users and I was the only one experiencing these freeze issues. My ps4 is the original version, maybe that is the difference?
I'm on PS4 Pro and also have this. I've been in a lobby with several other PS4 players and many times I have been the only one with this problem. So it seems to be completely random as of now.

Maybe we can isolate this issue to some specific configurations, if all the people reading this thread share their setup like so:
Console, video output, controller.

For me that would be:
PS4 Pro, 4K + HDR, Fanatec CSW2.5 with Drivehub.
It is a PS4 issue, believed that the game software is having trouble with the slower clock rate of the PS4 when it is more comfortable with the higher speed of the PS5
Sounds reasonable, but doesn't explain why it started after the next to last update. Never had any freezing issues before that.
PS4, Fanatec CSL with load cell brake.
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Happening on this week's Race C at Suzuka too - had a couple of races where people suddenly disappeared from in front of me, and then appeared a couple of seconds behind me. It's definitely not the usual lag glitch either, a new recent bug.

Don't know whether it's connected, but I also had a couple of races where the hill up to the esses after turn 2 seemed to be covered in ice on lap 1 - cars going off all over the place, including me!
I think PD have had a go at fixing jitter but created this issue instead. I mean how many people who get this problem used to get jitter? For me the jitter has gone, but now I get the freezing issue.
Maybe we can isolate this issue to some specific configurations, if all the people reading this thread share their setup like so:
Console, video output, controller.
PS4 slim, 6 yrs old Panasonic flatscreen, PS4 controllers, digital copy of GT7, PS4 system software is current, and internal HDD is 66% full.
(Will edit with specific numbers)

Quote: think PD have had a go at fixing jitter but created this issue instead. I mean how many people who get this problem used to get jitter? For me the jitter has gone, but now I get the freezing issue.

Had the jitters prior to 1.25/6 and only really noticed them when you got close to a PS5 player in a turn, and they would see me jittering also, now jitter is gone but the spectre of the "random time loss/ jump" is there, you know it can happen just you don't know if/ when.
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Happening on this week's Race C at Suzuka too - had a couple of races where people suddenly disappeared from in front of me, and then appeared a couple of seconds behind me. It's definitely not the usual lag glitch either, a new recent bug.

Don't know whether it's connected, but I also had a couple of races where the hill up to the esses after turn 2 seemed to be covered in ice on lap 1 - cars going off all over the place, including me!
That is a shame it is still happening after the 1.27 update.

If this is just happening to PS4 players, I can't see them making it a priority to fix now.
I didn't have the jitter (if you mean this constant lagging that caused you to lose a bit of time every second), but I've seen (and overtaken) other players with this jitter problem. None of those players are experiencing this freezing issue AFAIK.
Hey everyone, for me at least in the last few days it has been horrible with this freezing issue.
In some races this happend 3 times in the same lap...
Hey everyone, for me at least in the last few days it has been horrible with this freezing issue.
In some races this happend 3 times in the same lap...
I noticed an increase in occurrences also. Maybe due to the amount of players accessing the servers as the holiday season is upon us?
the new drivers have been released by fanatec, can someone try to see if by chance they have solved the problem?
It is not a wheel problem , I have a PS4 slim and only a controller and I get the jump/ skip issues.
As some of you said this is related to Fantatec wheels, I am sure it is not exclusive this brand. I've had a Logitech G29 up to a few weeks ago, and now I have a Thrustmaster wheel, this isssue was hapenning in both scenarios.

If I am to have a guess, it has to be something related to memory usage in the PS4, but it is just what I think...

I am hopeful that this gets fixed, becasue when testing if it was related to a fault in the PS4 console itself, I went back to GT Sport, played for some hours in lobbies and Sport mode races, with zero issues, and also in other demanding games like Bloodborne and God of War, they showed no issues as well...

Back in the day when the daily races had 20 cars in GT7, it was much worse than it is now
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All done, will report back later if issue still exists
Sadly issue is there still. Last race was the worst yet, 6 times in daily race c which lost me at least 12-15 secs total race time and I think 3 positions.
What else is good racing wise on ps4?
Sadly issue is there still. Last race was the worst yet, 6 times in daily race c which lost me at least 12-15 secs total race time and I think 3 positions.
What else is good racing wise on ps4?
Dirt Rally 2.0
I think PD have had a go at fixing jitter but created this issue instead. I mean how many people who get this problem used to get jitter? For me the jitter has gone, but now I get the freezing issue.

the new drivers have been released by fanatec, can someone try to see if by chance they have solved the problem?

As some of you said this is related to Fantatec wheels, I am sure it is not exclusive this brand. I've had a Logitech G29 up to a few weeks ago, and now I have a Thrustmaster wheel, this isssue was hapenning in both scenarios.

Sadly issue is there still. Last race was the worst yet, 6 times in daily race c which lost me at least 12-15 secs total race time and I think 3 positions.
What else is good racing wise on ps4?
Does anyone READ my post above? I clearly stated this is not a "wheel" related issue, I am on a PS4 slim with controller and I get these skip/jumps. It is believed to be a RAM issue or a PS4/ PS5 incompatibility issue in lobbies. Overall this is affecting PS4 players not the PS5.
I'm on PS4 Pro and also have this. I've been in a lobby with several other PS4 players and many times I have been the only one with this problem. So it seems to be completely random as of now.

Maybe we can isolate this issue to some specific configurations, if all the people reading this thread share their setup like so:
Console, video output, controller.

For me that would be:
PS4 Pro, 4K + HDR, Fanatec CSW2.5 with Drivehub.
From what I reading, it look like it's a Fanatec and PS4 problem
Unfortunately, I can confirm it's also happening in the online time trial at Nurburgring. Had 2 freezes in a 3-lap run, sort of defeating the purpose of a time trial. :(
Does anyone READ my post above? I clearly stated this is not a "wheel" related issue, I am on a PS4 slim with controller and I get these skip/jumps. It is believed to be a RAM issue or a PS4/ PS5 incompatibility issue in lobbies. Overall this is affecting PS4 players not the PS5.

Has anyone with fanatec wheels having this issue, tried unplugging tge wheel and using a controller... annoying as that may be. Not sure how frequently this occurs for you.

If the issue doesn't re-emerge, can you roll back fanatec firmware on your wheel? May need hard reset then don't install latest firmware again.
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Has anyone with fanatec wheels having this issue, tried unplugging tge wheel and using a controller... annoying as that may be. Not sure how frequently this occurs for you.

If the issue doesn't re-emerge, can you roll back fanatec firmware on your wheel? May need hard reset then don't install latest firmware again.

I wouldn't mess with the firmware just to try and fix this issue. No telling what else this might do to your wheel. Eventually/hopefully the issue will be fixed anyway, then you'd have to mess around getting the wheel back to standard.
I’m using a PS4 pro and like all here, I have struggled with this issue in the dailies. It’s obvious that it is a PS4 problem and not related to controller or monitor, as has been mentioned. No one that I am aware of has reported this while on the PS5, and since it is unknown when or if this will be corrected, there are only two avenues; wait and carry on or find a PS5. As luck would have it, PS5s are now available through PlayStation direct (I think that is its proper title); I ordered one. No more slow lobby load times and control issues, and no more ruined races.👍🏻
I'm on ps4 pro with fanatec csl elite, but I can unplug my wheel and use the controller and still get the freezing. went to a friends house with a ps5 and he has the exact same problem. SO IT'S NOT FANATEC, IT'S NOT PS4, AND IT'S NOT ONLY ONLINE.

It's just typical BS from PD, they have never really had a polished game in all the GT games and the newer they are the worse the problems are. They also are in no hurry to fix things since people just keep buying them and then get online and bitch about how bad the game is. I confess, I keep buying them also, have had every game and every time I say that's enough, but when it comes out, I buy it. I realize it's just an arcade game, but that's one of it's draws, You can play online with friends who don't want to put in the time or expense to use a real sim.
I'm on ps4 pro with fanatec csl elite, but I can unplug my wheel and use the controller and still get the freezing. went to a friends house with a ps5 and he has the exact same problem. SO IT'S NOT FANATEC, IT'S NOT PS4, AND IT'S NOT ONLY ONLINE.
This is the first time someone has claimed that it also exists on the PS5.
Can your friend maybe share a replay from an online race where this problem can be seen?
This is the first time someone has claimed that it also exists on the PS5.
Can your friend maybe share a replay from an online race where this problem can be seen?
Yes, I was about to say same thing, first time a PS5 user says they have the "freeze".
On the other side, I have given my stats (ps4 slim, controller, ethernet connection) and as of tonight it had been 10 days since ANY freeze/ skip, possible that PD has been fixing this quietly? I do not even get the PS4/ PS5 jitters in the multiplayer lobby with known PS5 friends...
I had over 10 in my 18 lap race in GTWS tonight, so for me at least, it's getting worse. Perhaps the severity is linked to GTWS races having both PS4 and PS5 users? Dunno. But I give up for now, no sense trying to compete like this.
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I did three daily B races last night - first race, I had the freeze twice in one race. Probably lost 6-8 seconds in total. Other two races, no issues.

I'm PS4 Pro with Fanatec CSL Elite wheel.